From Consensus to Majority Rule: Navigating Decision-Making In Management

From Consensus to Majority Rule: Navigating Decision-Making In Management

From cross-functional projects to corporate boardrooms, if you want to drive more favorable outcomes and increase your influence, you must understand the most common decision rules, from majority rules, and chair-decides rules to consensus, and how to navigate each scenario.

In this video and blog, I share the best practices I have learned from my experience as the Communication Vice President and from advising nine global and regional presidents at Fortune 500 companies.

Chair Decides

1. Understanding the decision-maker’s interests.

In this scenario, you want to understand the decision-maker's interests. Start by asking your stakeholders a series of open-ended questions. For instance, "Can you share more about…? Help me understand… Why is this important to you?" or "How would it impact you if...?"

When you don't have direct access to the decision-makers, you can review past meeting notes, read or watch their communications to various stakeholders (from employees to shareholders), and analyze their statements on company press releases and quarterly earnings for clues about their priorities.

My favorite way is to talk with their trusted allies and direct reports to gain insights into their perspectives.

2. Identify the decision-maker’s trusted advisors.

Executives don't make decisions in isolation. To excel at influencing, you must identify the key individuals the decision-maker trusts and whose opinions they value.

For instance, in one of the organizations I used to work for, the President frequently asked for advice from the Chief Marketing Officer. When people asked, "What does the President think?" we all knew that the Chief Marketing Officer's opinion held significant weight.

If you do not have direct access to the decision-maker, get the perspectives of the decision-maker's inner circle and their most trusted team members. Depending on the organization's culture, if your culture is flat and has fewer layers, you can establish a connection between yourself and the decision-maker.

Make a compelling business case, practice getting to the point, and pay attention to the decision-making habits of stakeholders. Some decision-makers respond more to the last piece of advice they receive, while others prioritize the first impression. Once that first impression is formed, it can be challenging to change.

3. Don’t neglect other stakeholders.

Here is something you want to be careful about. While the chair may give you the impression that your job is accomplished, and you feel you have the support you need, neglecting other stakeholders can lead to resentment and negative perceptions. Some might view you as uncollaborative or even as a backstabber or someone who gets things done behind closed doors.

To avoid such risks, be inclusive in your approach. Create a positive and collaborative image of yourself. Engage with a wide range of stakeholders, listen to their input, and demonstrate your willingness to work together toward common goals. This not only enhances your chances of successful influence but also builds a favorable reputation within the organization.


Consensus requires the agreement of 100% of the deciding group, meaning that none of the stakeholders actively object. Coming from China to Sweden and Belgium, this was quite a shock for me, but this approach is quite common in many European countries, where collaborative decision-making and seeking the agreement of all involved parties is a common cultural practice.

1. Listen before you try to convince others.

Before you try to persuade someone, the best way to garner their support for your agenda is to make them feel heard. Start by giving them your full attention in a one-on-one conversation. Most of us carry around long to-do lists in our heads, and we tend to be very protective of our time. Many of us even leave our phones on the table while having a conversation. Instead, practice the discipline of focusing on the person in front of you, making them feel important. This is a significant aspect of workplace dynamics because people often feel unheard or disrespected.

Active listening to their objections and deeply understanding their concerns is essential. When doing so, demonstrate that you respect and value their input. This approach often turns opposing voices into valuable allies who can support your cause.

2. Give people what they want.

You can often increase your influence within your organization by genuinely framing your proposal as a benefit to the stakeholders you want on your side. Consider their needs, perspectives, and potential concerns.

Do your homework, and identify what they already know, and what needs to be addressed in their current perceptions of your proposal. Ensure you can put yourself in their shoes and answer the question, 'What's in it for me?' before entering the conversation.

Here's a pro tip: use the word 'we' instead of 'you' or 'me.' The 'we' approach makes you sound more inclusive and emphasizes teamwork. If your proposal is self-centered, people may not support you or want to see you succeed.

I've developed a worksheet with detailed steps; you can use it to prepare your communication. Go to

3. Change the rules of the game.

However, not everyone will be convinced. I have certainly had situations where the entire room has agreed to move on, except for one person. Consequently, the decision gets dragged out for weeks or even months because of a single opposing opinion. We then find ourselves engaged in further investigations and deep-dive activities from our team. This can be extremely frustrating when, after trying everything, it remains impossible to reach a consensus.

In such cases, consider using a different strategy. You can attempt to change the game or the players, recommend majority rule, or empower a designated chair to make decisions. Alternatively, you might assign the choice and decision-making process to a different group that is better positioned to reach an agreement and move things forward.

Majority Rule

Majority rules require more than half of the group members to approve a proposal. This decision-making method applies to many scenarios, from Supreme Court decisions to selecting company innovation award winners to games children play at school. In a majority rule scenario, consider these three key factors:

1. Map the interests of all the decision-makers.

The first step is to map the interests of all decision-makers. Think of the group not as a single person but as a collection of different stakeholders. Consider what each stakeholder cares about and why it's important to them. Identify those whose interests align with yours and establish communication with them. Remember that, in a majority rule scenario, it's not necessarily the loudest voice that dominates the room; the votes from the quieter ones carry the same weight.

2. Target influential fence-sitters.

Begin by engaging with those who may have influence but are uncertain. Their typical response might be 'maybe.' Identifying these individuals can be relatively easy, but they may not be fully invested in the decision you're trying to persuade them to make. In this situation, consider ways to broaden the scope of impact associated with the decision. Create opportunities that make the decision more relevant to them, addressing their related interests in exchange for their support.

3. Tailor your message to reach the people you want to reach.

Customize your message to connect with your stakeholders. Take the time to comprehend their viewpoints and interests. Communicate in a manner that aligns with their preferences and creates a business case that truly resonates with the stakeholders you aim to reach.

For instance, if you want to influence the Chief Communication Officer in a management team to vote for the project you believe should win the innovation award. However, this person may not be as enthusiastic about innovation as the Chief Technology Officer.

In this case, you can influence them by demonstrating how awarding the innovation project will provide the Communication Department with a compelling story to share with the media and its followers. This news can lead to media coverage, enhance our brand as an innovative organization, attract high-profile partnerships, generate broader media attention and social media impressions, and establish us as an authority in innovation within our industry.

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