From Concept to Reality: SIB SHInE program and the Future of Make in India Medical Devices | Prof. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, IIT Kanpur
??New Video Alert!??
??Excited to announce the latest episode of Bharat Startup Talks by Biopatrika featuring Prof. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay from IIT Kanpur?? ??
??Hosted by Charu Gupta, this interview talks about the SIB SHInE program, "From Concept to Reality: SIB SHInE program and the Future of Make in India Medical Devices"??
??Learn about the School of International Biodesign-Synergising Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIB SHInE)?? ??
??Discover how this program is unique and how IIT Kanpur is leading the front in Medtech innovation in India????
??SIB SHInE is a year-long full-time dedicated residential fellowship program jointly led by IIT Kanpur and KGMU Lucknow and sponsored by the DBT, Govt. of India??
??Biopatrika is the social media partner with SIB SHInE this year. Stay tuned for more updates!
#BharatStartupTalks #Biopatrika #SIBSHInE #MedtechInnovation #MakeInIndia #DBT #IITKanpur #KGMULucknow #HealthcareInnovation #Entrepreneurship #India #Kanpur #Lucknow
Learn more about program here: