From Colors to Code: How Design Systems Bridge the Gap Between Design and Development
Blue is blue is blue, right?? To a web dev dude like myself, I used to think this way. Then I got into design.? I'm starting to realize that different shades of the same color, when used in UIs, make the UX unprofessional.? But, as a web dev dude, I need help understanding what colors are used for what purposes.? Enter design systems to the rescue!
A design system is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build any number of applications or products. It includes not only the components themselves, such as buttons, input fields, and typography styles, but also the principles, guidelines, and rules for using those components to create a consistent and cohesive user experience.
A design system especially helps with the hand-off process from SA&D (system analysis and design) stage to SI&I (system integration and implementation).?? Yeah, I have a waterfall background but I also have some SCRUM certs... Sorry, back to design systems.? There is usually insufficient communication and collaboration between the SA&D and SI&I teams that can result in misaligned expectations, knowledge gaps, and integration challenges.? A design system can help mitigate these risks.?
Some popular design systems out there are Google Material Design and Microsoft Fluent Design System.? By leveraging these design systems, project teams can benefit from the expertise and best practices of industry leaders. These design systems provide a solid foundation for creating high-quality, user-centered interfaces that deliver a consistent and delightful user experience across various applications and platforms.? Also, design systems are most than just UI kits.?
Many project teams will take one of these leading design systems and use it as a baseline to customize their own.? Why would they do this?? Below are some reasons why customization is necessary:?
Well, there you have it!? Design systems are definitely important and helps devs dudes like me get spun up on design quickly and develop himself as a professional designer.? I just need to keep working on the right side of my brain!? ;)
Embracing design diversity enriches innovation. Plato suggested wisdom begins in wonder - let's keep pushing creative boundaries together! ???? #DesignInspiration
Dafolle - Ton agence de design en illimité
10 个月hey there! what's your burning question about design systems or ui/ux? let's dive into it