From Chaos to Control - Optimised lean services
Product / Service accountability
When the product service is what it is about, the CPO (Chief Product Officer) has a pivotal role. A CPO is more then than the COO (Chief Operations Officer) it is including innovation (Chief Innovation Officer), technology alignment, involving empowered people. An other important role is the CRO (Chief Risk Officer) accountable for what and how risks are managed .
Issues in this are:
Suppose these roles would be in place, what is additional missing?
Using this C-role newbies in a 3*3 plane is changing the Command & Control mindset. Presenting it by a visual is helpful in understanding accountabilities and the alignment in communications. The Fancy 3*3 plane:
Notes for interactions communications:
The Product / Service quantum
When the product / service covered by a vision mission of the organisation a quantum exist with many lines of several types. See the figure in the header.
The Product / Service flow, operational plane (horizontal):
There are several closed loops for different stakeholders doing a balancing act. This is applied analytics, intelligence with the goal of understanding the performance. The connection lines are in the analytical plane (vertical):
This would help a lot in simplification of where data, analytics intelligence are important so how you do the information provision is simplified by more clear understanding of the goals to achieve. This would be simple when all was just internal and there would be no external dependencies for a Product / Service. The reality is different multiple products / services are combined into what is the product / service for the (external) customer, consumer.
In a figure:
Lean, agile, optimizing
Everyone is wanting this, seeing the advantages but at the same time most attempts are failing dramatically. What is going on, why is this happening? When asking what lean is, agile is there a good generic applicable answer is not found. Trying to understand how to recognize lean, agile no good generic applicable answer is not found. There is a famous commercial example trying to be copied by similarities, it is the Toyota Production System (TPS). This famous example however was not the only one moving in that direction. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) 1984 was build on top of that. Looking from a far distance it is a natural evolutionair evolvement in the "Information Age".
Trying to understand lean agile and trying to categorize a complicated list of requirements with definitions, technical requirements, behaviour requirements resulted in something that could be helpful in recognizing lean agile. In a visualisation:
The areas in this 3*3 plane are not at random places, they positioned for:
The pillars are interesting in understanding lean and what has happened.
If we accept this as what has happend and accept the why it is happening at least there is way to recognize that big lean elephant. Not being lost anymore in details of the blind trying to understand the elephant.
Thinking about this all started with an idea to do better Software Engineering Intelligence better enterprise engineering intelligence, better support for products / services.