From Barter to Currency Barter systems-Commodity money system-fiat money system
Now that we have a good understanding of what money technically is and what it does, Chapter One is complete. Pop Quiz!
(3 questions pop quiz found here, have fun!)
In Chapters 2 and 3, we'll dive into the evolution of money and how it has shaped our present-day economy.
We'll begin with the simple act of trading (the barter system), then explore the "commodity money system" and the Gold Standard era, where concepts such as "intrinsic value" and "convertibility" were key. Next, we'll examine our current "fiat money" system, discussing fundamental issues such as "inflation," "debasement," and "loss of purchasing power" stemming from centralized control.
It's crucial to note that excessive centralization of financial authority often leads to compromises in individual rights due to conflicts of interest. As Ayn Rand astutely observed, "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."
This groundwork will prepare us for Chapters 4 and 5, where we'll explore the Bitcoin Network and its underlying principles, emphasizing decentralization, transparency, and security, and gaining an understanding of its operations.
What is Bartering? - .
in a barter economy, goods and services are exchanged directly without a common medium of exchange like money. For a successful barter transaction to occur, both parties involved must have exactly what the other wants. This is the "double coincidence of wants," meaning:
Party A must have a good or service that Party B wants.
Party B must simultaneously have a good or service that Party A wants.
Imagine a farmer who produces wheat and a shoemaker who makes shoes:
The farmer needs shoes.
The shoemaker needs wheat
For them to trade, the farmer must want the shoes at the same time the shoemaker wants the wheat. If either party doesn't desire what the other has, or if the quantities needed don't match, or timing is off- the trade cannot happen.
SO again, what was the solution
-Localized Currency was the solution to these problems but
Over time, as communities grew larger and nations were built,
the need for a standardized and widely accepted form of currency led to the introduction of metal coins with fixed weights, simplifying transactions. As trade grew more complex, Mesopotamians developed ledger systems to track transactions. Forming one of the earliest financial systems that utilized Tokens and Ledgers.
However, metal coins themselves posed challenges. They were heavy and susceptible to counterfeiting, leading to inflation and a loss of purchasing power and overall trust. To address these issues, communities turned to paper receipts.
These receipts were backed by and easily converted into gold kept in vaults in all major societies. They provided a portable and easily transferable form of currency while maintaining the value and security of Gold.
During this time period, known as the Gold Standard Era, paper receipts served as evidence of ownership, or claims, to a certain amount of gold held in vaults or banks. When individuals deposited their gold into these institutions, they received paper receipts in return. If they wanted to convert their paper receipts back into physical gold, they could do so by presenting their claims to the vault or bank.
In summary, the use of paper receipts backed by gold allowed for a portable and easily transferable form of currency while maintaining the value and security of the underlying assets. The conversion process involved transferring ownership rights to the gold, with vaults or banks managing the accounting and balancing of reserves(Gold) and paper claims.
Next post will be the transition from sound money to unsound money or in other words, from the Gold standard era to our current fiat system