From Ad-Blocker to Ad-Broker
Nathan Schock
Co-Founder, Author, Speaker, Business Coach, Team Trainer, Growth Partner. Helping businesses grow with fewer growing pains.
Ad-blocking company Shine has rebranded as Rainbow and shifted their strategy from bocking ads to offering "a better ad experience for consumers".
According to the BBC:
Under the new system, ad agencies will send their adverts to the Rainbow platform to be verified. The service will be free to both publishers and consumers and it will not charge advertisers to validate its ads.
It expects to make money from an insights and analytics product based on the data produced that can be sold on to advertisers.
Will the new approach work? Will it stem the consumer tide of installing ad-blocking software? It's hard to tell, but it's another sign that the traditional approach to advertising is collapsing and fragmenting into lots of different approaches. And none of these new approaches are as effective as when the advertising is the content.