1.? Worthy Audience modern biotechnology today includes the tools of genetic engineering & reconstruction of chromosome, its grafting /repair algorithm nano tech mobility (Genetic engineering is the name for the methods that scientists use to introduce new traits or characteristics to an organism. Bio-Technology is an research oriented science) It is a combination of Biology and Technology This process results in genetically modified organisms, or GMO. Folks yesterday we offered you an Article for professional users of the multi-Dimensional Printers.Today we intend giving you additional awareness Folks Brief History of 3D & 4D Printers is very interesting. This journey towards 4D & 4D bio printing began with the inception of 3D printing technology in the 1980s, which laid the groundwork for creating physical objects from digital models. As the technology evolved, researchers began exploring its applications in the field of biotechnology and medicine. The early 2000s saw the development of 3D bio printers capable of creating simple tissue structures. 4D Technology Corporation was founded in January of 2002 and soon after acquired 4D Vision Technology to commercialize vibration-insensitive interferometry. Since then 4D has grown to over 40 employees, with an installed base of hundreds of systems worldwide and a constantly growing portfolio of products and capabilities to respond to 4D printing?aims to incorporate a product’s blueprint into a flexible, intelligent material using a standard 3D printer. By the 2010s, advancements in materials and biological science led to the creation of more complex tissue models and organs. The concept of a fourth dimension dynamic change over time was introduced in the late 2010s, paving the way for 4D bio printing. This development allowed for the creation of structures that could adapt and grow, much like natural biological systems. The fore-father of this emerging technology is computer scientist?Skylar Tibbits, founder and co-director of the Self-Assembly Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Folks I am not authorized to comment /speak on Title Image of this Article. It may be any scientific marvel like human genomes Alteration or this is a child born after genetic changes are made to in vitro early-stage embryos, gametes (eggs and sperm), or germ cells that are the precursors of gametes; genetically modified embryos are then transferred to a uterus ( may not be actual mother initiate a pregnancy that results in the birth of a child with a modified genome. If I utter anything more it would be violation of ethical codes & my life would be threatened by fundamentalist/extremists ?????

2. Printers Market /Business Progression. Worthy audience, the global 4D printing market size was estimated at?USD 156.8 million in 2023?and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. Famous 4D Printing Top Companies are as follows:-

  • Autodesk Inc.
  • Autodesk Inc.
  • Stratasys Ltd.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company.
  • CT CoreTechnologie Group.
  • Envision TEC, Inc.

3.???? Worthy audience amazingly such naval Printers are in use in Pakistan for the last 13 years. 3D Printing in Pakistan is being practiced but on a small scale. It was introduced when?Robotics Lab?was launched in 2011 in Karachi founded by two?Silicon Valley?colleagues. They bought a?3D printer for the lab?as a tool to help children learn science. Moreover, a?low cost 3D printer?was designed by an individual in Karachi that is used in prosthetic limbs production. Technical setups have been established lately contributing to other dimensions of 3D printing and limited prosthetic products. Listed below are a few organizations in Pakistan that are providing 3D services in this field:

  • The?Marks, Lahore deals in 3D Printing, 3D Designing/Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing Workshops/Trainings, 3D Printing Consultancy/After-Sales/Repairing, 3D Printers, 3D Printer Filament and3D Printer Parts.
  • Print3D?Pakistan, Karachi: 3D Printing Services, 3D Printers, Filaments, CAD designing & related accessories in Pakistan.
  • Grit3D, Karachi: Wrist Actuated Hand (enabling disabled community).
  • Other setups include 3D printing of letters, posters and a few like Cinepax and The Arena provide 3D graphic support motion pictures.
  • In the academic sector, some universities like NUST, FAST NU and IIUI have played their part by assigning students final year projects pertaining to 3D Bio printing. A few prototypes were also funded by Ignite (Formerly National ICT R&D Fund) under its program National ICT Grassroots Research Initiative. Some of them are mentioned as follows:
  • 3D Printer, Hajveri University Lahore (2015-16).
  • A hand bild 3D Scanner Using Leap Motion Device, DHA Suffa University Karachi (2015-16).
  • PORTABLE 3D PRINTNER, International Islamic University (2014-15).
  • Stereo Vision based 3D Reconstruction, FAST NU Peshawar (2014-15).
  • 3D laser Surface Mapping, MCS NUST Rawalpindi (2014-15).
  • 3D Virtual MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) for Distance Learning, University of Agriculture Peshawar, (2013-14).
  • 3D CNC based PCB Drilling Machine, University of Punjab (2012-13).
  • 3D Human Body Pose Recovery for Performance Analysis in Sports & Physiotherapy, Air University Islamabad, (2012-13).

4.?? Possible way forward for bio-printing development in Pakistan.Thinking and planning for a healthy future is an activity that is continuous and medical science is progressively moving towards achieving that goal. Bio-printing is gaining popularity and soon will get the attention of people all over. ?In Pakistan, the challenge is to find regenerative medicine experts of who understand the pros and cons of bio-printing. Efforts are required by concerned stakeholders to raise their voice in favor of the best possible utilization of bio-printing and technologies allied to it. The lack of progress could be due to security issues within the country and this has halted progress of any branch in 3D printing. Startups have to acquire an NOC from the Ministry of Interior to import such equipment due to security reasons.

  • Taking this idea into consideration and discussion of available subject specialists will hopefully attract the attention of potential people to come and participate in the cause of spreading awareness about bio-printing through productive forums.
  • Initially, this can be done at micro-level through social media, focus groups and online communities’ interaction that will help in identifying researchers & professionals of 3D printing, medical doctors and in social activists of the field Critical input from medical experts will play a significant part in maturing the ideology of bio-printing in Pakistan.
  • Once an idea bank is formed, it can be expanded to national level surveys and studies that should analyze the demand of bio-printing, its acceptance by the public and business prospects.This will eventually lead to suitable regulatory changes through respective forums of the Government and possibly the formation of a suitable, secure and comfortable policy for importing 3D equipment.
  • 4D printing techniques. Platforms for 4D printing, a recently developed additive manufacturing technology, are based on a narrow, core set of 3D printing approaches. These approaches have developed into a wide range of fabrication processes that include extrusion-based techniques like direct ink writing (DIW) as well as fused deposition modeling (FDM) and light-assisted types such as selective laser sintering (SLS), digital light processing (DLP) and two-photon polymerization (TPP)
  • Recent advances in 4D printing. Recently, a significant effort has been made to create compelling 4D printing platforms. As a significant improvement over 3D printing technology, 4D printing is the next manufacturing innovation. Focusing on 4D printed structures' ability to alter shape, it has been found that such a mechanism can be implemented in three different methods.: utilizing multiple materials and stimuli-responsive materials layout artificially caused internal stresses, or approach is stimuli-responsive

5.? Future perspectives of Developing 5D & 6 D Printers. Folks the Sci-fi world is aiming at 5D printing, which is different from 4D printing and 3D printing. 5D printing is more referring to 5-axis printing. As you may know, 3D printing is using three linear axes: X, Y, and Z. But 5D printing, with its 5 axes, allows for rotation in the X and Y axes so that curved layers can be made. 5D printing is?a hybrid technology that combines both additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques. It enables the production of incredibly intricate and curved structures through the use of three movement axes (X, Y, and Z) and two rotational axes. 6D printing is?an advanced additive manufacturing technique that builds upon the foundations of traditional 3D printing. While 3D printing involves the layer-by-layer deposition of material to create physical objects, 6D printing takes this a step further by incorporating smart materials and additional dimensions.

4D printing works with a 4th dimension, time, making the object change its shape as a reaction. The technology known as 4D printing, which is relatively new, can be utilized in various research domains. On the other hand, 3D printing has several limitations and difficulties, including its applications in extreme external circumstances or environments and its limited use in industries. 4D technology is a promising and viable substitute to address these constraints and obstacles. The worldwide the manufacturing & proto designing industry is increasingly adopting 4D technology to meet various needs. The global 4D printing market size was estimated at?USD 156.8 million in 2023?and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. All the potential applications seem very inspiring and promising for the future indeed! All the research conducted so far around 3D printed material properties has a lot to offer to the additive manufacturing industry and certainly contributes to its growth.

  • Even if we are at the very beginning of the technology of 4D Printing, we can’t wait to see how it will influence the future of Additive Manufacturing, just like 3D printing revolutionized traditional manufacturing.
  • 4D printing still requires more research and development and it’s not available for everyone. 3D printing, however, is right in your computer! With an?online 3D printing service?you can get your 3D models produced at the finest quality in no time. Learn more about our?materials?and choose the best one for your project!

6? .3D Printing Software. Applications & brief References are as follows:-

  • Tinkercad?– Free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. It’s used by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything!
  • OnShape?-The cross platform 3d modeling software for real word design and engineering solutions. (Compatible with Chromebook)
  • Fusion 360?– A Mac or PC 3d modeling software similar to above but with a deeper toolset for fabrication and CAM
  • Project Inspiration
  • The Secret Lives of Objects?– Use a smartphone or iPad and your creative storytelling skills to document the secret lives of regular objects that you have in your home!
  •– 3D printed replacement parts for broken toys
  • MakerBot Student Virtual Prototyping Design Challenge?– A fun design challenge with prizes for teachers and students from MakerBot
  • Extraordinaires Cards?Creative thinking game for problem solvers aged between 8 and 108
  • e-NABLE 3D Printed Prosthetics?– A global community of makers who are using 3D printing to make free 3D printed hands and arms for those in need of assistive devices and prosthetics
  •– Accurate CAD drawings and sometimes 3d models of the most exquisitely random yet useful things!

7.?? .How is 3D Printing Used in Education? Broadly speaking, there are four main use cases for 3D printing in educational settings, which are:

  • Teaching students about 3D printing, how 3D printing technology works, and its applications in real-world scenarios (e.g. streamlining industrial processes)
  • Informing educators about 3D printing so it can be incorporated appropriately into learning curriculums
  • Improving student creativity and design skills
  • Printing artifacts that aid students’ understanding of important concepts (e.g. 3D-printed anatomical artifacts)

8? .Education of 3D Printing in Schools. Educators can include 3D printing at all school levels, from primary through to secondary (high school). 3D printing technologies enable educators to provide students with accurate physical prototypes, which provides practical, hands-on knowledge useful for understanding scientific concepts. Find out about applying 3D printing to STEM learning in the dedicated STEM learning section of this page.

  • Using 3D-printed objects during oral presentations and demonstrations can improve students’ public-speaking abilities. Public speaking skills become crucial when students enter the workforce. Educators can also use 3D-printed visualizations to improve spatial education. A?study in China?from 2014 found that 3D printing significantly improved spatial learning.
  • Overall, much of the research on 3D printing in education highlights how 3D-printed artifacts provide learning benefits that are not achievable with screen- or paper-based learning. Improved understanding comes through touching and physically observing 3D-printed objects. 3D printing promotes learning through exploration instead of outdated methods that only focus on learning from textbooks.
  • It is crucial to get a 3D printer that is suitable for how you want to use this technology to educate students. Schools need robust printers built for the demands of daily classroom use while also being affordable and user-friendly. Our expert team can advise you on a suitable 3D printer for your school.

9.? .3D Printing in Universities. At the third level of education, there is greater scope to teach students how 3D printing technology works. Many third-level universities and technical colleges now incorporate 3D printing modules and projects into engineering, applied sciences, and other courses.

  • The need for explicit knowledge of 3D printing is reflected in how dedicated modules have been included in computer graphics courses, industrial engineering, and CAD.
  • MIT?has its own graduate and advanced undergraduate course teaching the fundamentals of 3D printing. The University of Texas and Virginia Tech have followed suit with their own courses and certificates covering 3D printing and design principles for additive manufacturing.
  • 3D printing also provides many opportunities to aid visual and practical learning across the sciences. 3D-printed components are often used as test models for scientific experiments across different disciplines, including mechanical engineering, aerospace, and robotics.
  • Universities have similar requirements to schools for 3D printers. Third-level educators need fast and reliable printers with an added emphasis on functionality. Get the advice you need on 3D printers suitable for use in universities and technical colleges by contacting us.

10?? .Teacher Training.3D printing can not be successfully used in education without educators who understand the design principles of additive manufacturing and how to use 3D printers and filaments. Teacher training, ongoing professional development, and 3D printing workshops can ensure students get the most from 3D printing being used in education.

11? .3D Printing in Libraries.Libraries in the digital era are not just about books—the nature of libraries is changing to reflect how people learn about subjects using new technologies. Libraries provide an easy way to introduce 3D printing ideas and technologies to a large variety of potential users.

  • Having 3D printers in public libraries improves collaboration and knowledge exchange between people interested in learning about it while removing barriers to entry. Many libraries now have dedicated makerspaces with 3D printers available for use by all library members.
  • University libraries are one of the few cross-disciplinary areas on college campuses. Having 3D printers in a university library makes the technology available to all students rather than restricting its use to engineering or science departments.
  • The best 3D printer for a library is typically going to be similar to what we would recommend for classroom use. You need a printer that is affordable, durable, and fast, and we can point you in the right direction.

12? .What is STEM Education? STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to educating children from an early age with knowledge and skills in the four key disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These four core disciplines drive much of the economic development and innovation in the modern world.

  • People employed in STEM fields change the world through their daily work, whether by coming up with novel medical treatments for illnesses, researching cures for life-threatening illnesses, or creating new technologies.
  • By enabling learners to engage with STEM concepts from a young age, STEM education aims to adopt a new learning approach that goes beyond the ability to remember facts and procedures. STEM encourages people to use their creativity, critical thinking, knowledge, and skills in real-world situations.
  • STEAM education builds on the foundations of STEM education and embeds the arts into its educational philosophy. The idea behind STEAM is that it applies the arts to these four disciplines to create new ways of solving problems, innovating through creativity, and presenting information in new ways.

13?? .Get Started with 3D Printers in STEM Education Today .Folks 3D printers are more affordable than ever and easier to use. By investing in a 3D printer, your classrooms provide the foundation for future generations to continue innovating and solving problems. In addition to investing in a suitable 3D printer, you will need materials such as filament for printing. It is important to get a printer that fits your school’s budget and needs, and that’s where we come in with expert advice. Project Ideas For 3D Printing in a Remote Learning Environment. Given below you will find an overview of the ideas the derived from the aforementioned ideas:-

  • Create a class collaborative or individual diorama:?Have the students design pieces for a group diorama project or characters and backgrounds for their own. The teacher could 3D print the designs and deliver them to the students in a shoe-box to assemble at home, paint and let their imaginations run wild.
  • Use Makercase to create a class marble run:?Have each student design a component and level for an epic 3D printed marble run and then have a viewing party to watch the marbles make their way through the design!?
  • Have your students design prosthetics for animals or replacement parts for broken toys:?Teach 3D modeling and empathy to your students by providing them with small toy plastic animals with various limbs, fins or horns missing and have them design a replacement or prosthetic that can be printed out, painted and glued back onto their animal. Encourage them to find broken toys or games with missing pieces around their own homes and design replacements for them that can be 3D printed or laser cut! 3D Design tools (CAD)
  • Collaborative or individual stop motion animations using 3D prints as components:?The students are assigned a component to design for (background, characters, buildings etc) and the teacher can hit “Go” on the 3D printer to produce the needed components to create the project.
  • Create Distance Learning Space organizational tools or artwork:?Each student has their own space at home where they are sitting to do their learning and zoom meetings. Challenge them to design something that would help them either organize or decorate their learning space at home to make it easier to participate or more personal. Expand that to ask them to interview a family member in another home to find out what they could design for their space to help them too. Encourage the class to upload their completed designs to the open-source community to help others!
  • Have students build an “Engagement Box”:?Teachers could deliver a kit to students to assemble and modify at home. The kit would include a particle photon, micro controller, a few buttons, a slider, some default sensors and maybe an OLED screen to assemble.
  • Have the students create “Lego” or small object launchers:?Send each student a few legos or small bouncy balls and have them create a prototype from cardboard for a “Flinger,” Trebuchet or Catapult. Once they have prototyped from cardboard, they design their project for a 3D printer and once the components are completed, the teacher gets the parts to the students to assemble and test. Set a day where each child gets to show what they made, launch their item, measure the distance and see who makes the design that launches the furthest!
  • Design 3D models for the visually impaired:?Join the?e-NBLE Community?in creating open-source designs for tactile learning tools for visually impaired students. How does a visually impaired child know what a specific constellation “look like?” How can they “See” the shape of a giraffe??Visit their blog?from a previous design challenge for inspiration!
  • Bridge Building Contests:?Challenge the students to design a bridge with 3D printed parts. The bridge has to span a certain amount of distance and the design has to hold weight. You could give the students an opportunity to not just design the bridge, but learn the slicing side of the process. By limiting how many grams of material each bridge can use, students will need to decide how much infill they want to use and what wall thickness they think they might need. The teacher 3D prints the student designs and then tests them during a bridge weight test event.

14 .Conclusion. This Article provides a comprehensive review of various aspects related to 4D printing. These aspects include the historical background of 4D printing, the regulatory laws governing its use, the materials used in the process, and the technique employed for 4D printing. 4D printing, the fourth dimension, has generated significant interest since its inception. It is primarily based on 3D printing and is considered an additive manufacturing branch. Unlike static objects produced by traditional 3D. 4D printing uses 3D printers to create live three-dimensional objects without wires or circuits. It does so by using intelligent materials, which can be programmed to change shape, color or size when they receive an external stimulus. Such is the case with hydrogel resins, active polymers or even live tissues. The UK led the first scientific revolution; now, it can shape this century’s biotech revolution. Glaring points are:-

  • The world faces a pivotal juncture both the ways are open i.e. technological revolution or devastation in wars . Folks innovations in biotechnology and AI have the potential to reshape critical sectors like health care and agriculture, transforming lives and powering national prosperity but with great opportunity comes great responsibility.These technologies also carry risks if not developed prudently.
  • By spearheading breakthroughs and pioneering safeguards, we can drive improvements in the lives of people in subcontinent and worldwide while mitigating catastrophic outcomes. But realising this future compels a reimagined state to lead scaling research, enabling infrastructure and nurturing talent through strategic investments and public-private collaboration. This demands interdisciplinary thinking and foundational realignment of priorities across research, data, financing and more.
  • Equally, prudent governance necessitates oversight must be attuned to emerging risks. With foresight and vigilance, we can contain novel threats while unleashing innovation’s benefits. Building on our current & local National international leadership in AI safety initiatives is imperative , the world now has the chance to cement its role forging accountability in all domains specially biotechnology.





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