Friendship between developers and QA
In fact, processes are a rather holivar topic.?Here you need to understand why everything is being done, what profit the company will receive from this.?Let's say we, as product owners, want to get a high quality product.?Ideally, it is measurable, so that we can understand where and how things are going for us, somewhere everything suits us, but somewhere we need a little more.?We come to the team and ask - what about the quality??Who will answer our question??QA or team lead of developers??As a rule, it turns out that the developers wrote some test cases, but they don’t know how to test and QA doesn’t know what they wanted to test at all.?If QA is responsible for quality, then why can't he set requirements for development?
?One solution to this situation is the Scrum approach.?Scrum does not have a separate QA entity.?There is a dev-team, a product owner, a scrum master and stakeholders (stakeholder).?And Scrum postulates that in the dev team everyone can do everything, there is no division into any specialties, i.e.?the dev team is entirely responsible for the quality, each of its members, this is the whole point.?If we have, for example, 3 backs and 1 QA, these are 4 members of the dev team.?And, to ensure quality, QA applies its expertise as much as possible within the team at all stages of development.
?Example: you need to make a form on the page that adds up two numbers, this is the goal of the sprint.
?At the planning stage, when we write the acceptance criteria, QA gets involved and with its expertise immediately paints which test cases at which level will be tested.?Those test cases that will be automated (units for addition, integration units for receiving a request from a form and e2e for a full form test) are written by developers, QA helps them and accepts test cases for code review.?Those test cases that will not be automated (it is better to minimize them) are tested by the QA engineer himself.
?In order to understand what has been tested in general, at what stage, test cases are entered into the TMS.?Manual by hand, automated - to choose from, for example, markup and parsing from code.?This greatly facilitates regression testing in the future.?And in this case, almost any team member will be able to show a piece of the test model that relates to this form.?Quality can already be measured.
?What does a QA engineer do the rest of the time??In addition to helping developers in planning, reviewing, manual testing, there is a lot of work for which there was not enough time before, for example, analysis of bugs, incidents, load testing, mutation testing, development of layout rules, and the like, the list is endless.
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