W. Austin Gardner
Speaker I Author I Mentor I Empowering Leaders I Inspiring Missions I Evangelizing the World in Our Generation I Cross Cultural Church Planter I Leader Trainer
FriendshipMy friends, as we journey through this gift of life, we encounter a myriad of human relationships, each carrying its own significance. The parent-child, husband-wife, and brother-sister relationships need no amplification on their importance—they are inherently sacred. However, there's one bond that often doesn't receive the emphasis it deserves—the friend relationship. Allow me to shed light on the profound value it holds. Unlike relationships predetermined by divine design—mother, father, brother, sister—we have the privilege of choosing our friends. This choice is what makes the friend relationship uniquely sacred. When I call you my friend, or you call me yours, it's a voluntary and mutual decision. We honor each other by selecting to share our lives in this special way. What a profound honor it is to choose friendship amidst the vast sea of humanity.We actively decide to be friends, bestowing upon one another a privilege that sets the friend relationship apart.Consider the sacredness of this bond, my friends. It's a connection built on choice, trust, and shared experiences. In a world where many relationships are thrust upon us, the friend relationship stands out as a testament to the beauty of intentional connection.May we treasure and magnify the importance of our friendships, recognizing the honor and sacredness we bestow upon each other in this chosen bond.