Be friends with yourself it's important
Self Acceptance is Important

Be friends with yourself it's important

Do you find yourself not always happy with who you are and you don't think you are good enough? For me I struggled over the years and still do with self acceptance. We never really appreciate how unique we are and how hard we can be on ourselves. You are the one who gets yourself out of bed in the morning, eats your food, showers yourself, drives yourself to work and the list goes on. It is always important to reflect on your own achievements and to know just how awesome you really are no matter what the world may think.

The real friend that sticks closer to a brother is Jesus but don't we all have God in us when you think about it? The Bible says

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Isn't this enough to inspire you and make you think that you are awesome in God's sight? Often we allow the world to beat us up and knock us around but isn't it important that we follow our own hearts and listen to ourselves. People need to cling to Jesus and not to each other I feel. Allow Jesus to work in our lives and guide us in our paths. Putting Bible verses aside though we have a friend in ourselves and it is important I feel that we know this. Even Jesus when he was tested by God was on His own when He drank the cup of Gethsemane

Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.

We all have to face life's tests individually and knowing Jesus is always important. He is a friend that does stick closer to a friend and a brother. It seems that people always wrestle with the flesh. The flesh to me tries to drag me away from God but I know that by sticking to Jesus and the Cross that this gets me through. What about you? You are just as good enough to know that you too are loved by God in Christ Jesus. You may struggle to believe this but if we put Jesus first then we can share His friendship with ourselves and others but it is important to always firmly fix our eyes on Jesus.

Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

So remember you are important and you can be friends with you. I talk to myself a lot when I know and feel that God listens to me when I pray to Him always. It is important though to get support from a Psychologist and Counsellor to help guide me through the world of humanity. This is why I want to learn more about Psychology so I am not always on the outer with people. I may not be perfect none of us are for the world sure isn't perfect to tell you the truth. Only God is perfect but He sent Jesus into the world because God loves us and He wants to save us. If we learn from Jesus and know Him to be our true and best friend then when looking to Him and knowing His ways we can improve ourselves and guide others to look to Him also. I hope you have an awesome day and please take care to see how important you really are for God is love. You may want to check out the Jesus Revolution in cinemas now as well?


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