Friends for Life Makes Sure No One is Alone and Without Food on Thanksgiving Day
On Thanksgiving morning there will be a hubbub of activity at Friends for Life. Thanksgiving Day Volunteers will begin arriving at 7 AM to get organized and start preparing food. Other volunteers arrive in time to form an assembly line to package the food for delivery. Still more come by 9 AM to pick up meals and a map for deliveries. By 10:30 AM all of our volunteers are on their way home to enjoy Thanksgiving with their families.
Last year Friends for Thanksgiving served up 500 hot meals of turkey and dressing, potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls and pie to seniors and adults with disabilities. This amazing undertaking is completely volunteer-driven. Volunteers cook the food, package and deliver to those who would be without. Many volunteers make this a family project. In 2016, one family took on delivery of 80 meals to residents of the William Booth Apartments. The mom told us that her family has been delivering Thanksgiving meals since her boys were young and they are now married with children of their own.
The parents and young people involved with the La Macia soccer team are always on hand ready to cut all the pies and package up all the rolls. It is so heartwarming to hear all these stories and to know how much this means not only to the persons receiving the hot meal on Thanksgiving but also to all the volunteers involved with the project.
How it Began
Friends for Thanksgiving is one of the largest projects in the Independent Living/Quality of Life Programs at Friends for Life. The project began approximately 18 years ago after learning that many of our senior clients were alone on Thanksgiving. So, Friends for Life got to work. A local church allowed us to use their kitchen and with donations from the community, volunteers and staff prepared and delivered 30 meals to home bound seniors that first year. Boy, has it grown since then!
Want to Spread Thanksgiving Joy?
Come between the hours of 7 AM and 9 AM, and we’ll put you to work. You’ll have fun – we guarantee it. But more than that it will give you joy to know you are providing food so appreciated and needed by those who cannot provide for themselves. If you are able, we’ll give you a list of people and a map for home deliveries. You’ll pull up to the home, take the food up to the door and you will be rewarded by a big smile and a hug. If you can, stay a little while and share in the joy. You might be the only one that special someone sees on Thanksgiving Day.
Need more information on Friends for Life? Want to volunteer? Call Donna Baugh at 254-772-7600 Extention 110.