Friends, books, path and thoughts should all match up

Friends, books, path and thoughts should all match up

The first rule about how to be successful, is that you don’t talk about how to be successful; because there is not a single way to achieve it reliably. Also success has a different meaning for each person; because making money and waste it in material things is not the objective that some consider as being successful. You can swim in gold and drive a Ferrari and be a total failure and be very wealthy but still feel like a failure deep down.

Most people will tell you all sort of things, but in the end it boil down to few common sense practices, like respect others, do your best and avoid to compare yourself to others; because you need to measure success and progress over yourself. If someone made it, that has nothing to do with you; if someone is able to do something, it does not mean that you can do it too. We are all different in how we approach problems, how we deal with issues on the road to happiness, so while you can look at others with admiration, keep in mind that you are not there, you are not in their shoes, you are not in the same conditions, so your results may vary. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Also the more you do, the more you fail, the more you learn. For people that have no luck to be in the right place at the right time, failures are a great way to improve and go above their limits. No school or program on the planet will prepare you for what life will put in front of you; as such, experience and learning from failures is what may be the weight that tilt the scale in your favor. Find out what you consider being successful, set realistic goals and forget the idea that you can do everything, because you can’t. You need the mentality that you can achieve your goals, and not set yourself for disappointment when you will fail, and then think that you are good for nothing. Be realistic, and take one step at time, and you will get to the best you can achieve.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm". ~Winston Churchill. First start with success before where is it. “What is Success?” This is the common question. But i think it is the wrong question as well. The right question would be, “What is your success?” Because success is defined by a person or a group of persons. One’s definition of success may not be considered as success by others. Everyone should accept what is their success first.

Someone take educational goal as success while another one take financial goal as success. There are no certain point says what is your success and when. It is depend on how you define your success. But there is a “Where” for your success. There is a place where your success lay and developed when you define your success. First of all lets’ look at few examples before going in to details. Imagine a regular boy with not any special talents or skills. He is just playing around with friends and loitering. One day he decide to join the Marines. After few years, when he become a marine, where is his success?

Imagine a regular boy just playing with friends that no any special sport skills. One day he decide to practice football, and he join to a club. When he become a good player after few year of practice, where is his success? When you chase your goals, it is not about achieving your goals. It is always how your are going to achieve your goals. “How you do it?” is the important part. What happen when you ride along your way of success? Will you be the same person after few years from starting point? No. I don’t think so. You will be a different person. You have to be.

Because you have to adapt in order to survive along the road you chose. If your adaptation correct, then you will survive. Failure to adapt and develop is the failure of the path and the success as well. This brings us the conclusion that success is how we develop along the road of achieving goals. This means you are the one who develop. Where is that development? It is with in you. Your internal self were developed along the way. So your success is inside you. It is internal. Not external. You can’t find your success from outer world.

In my view, the kind of success that is worth devoting your life to is one where you can enjoy every single day of your life and at the same time lead you to health, wealth, enriching relationships, and happy ending. This takes wisdom. However, you don’t have to learn by trial and error. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Gems of wisdom are in so many great self-improvement books. You can stand on the shoulders of giants. I suggest that you start with one book. Way will lead to way, and soon, you’ll be successful. In their book, Maximum Success, James Wal droop & Timothy Butler show how you can change 12 bad habits that keep you from getting ahead. These are the 12 career-stopping bad habits:

Never feeling god enough. Seeing the world in black and white. Doing too much, pushing too hard. Avoiding conflict at any cost. Running roughshod over the opposition.Rebel looking for a cause. Always swinging for the fence. When fear is in the driver’s seat. Emotionally tone-deaf. When no job is good enough. Lacking a sense of boundaries. Losing the path. Maximum Success will show how you can overcome these 12 bad habits. These 12 bad habits do not happen at random. They emanate from four unresolved issues:

Having a distorted self-image. Not taking other’s perspectives. Not coming to terms with authority. Or using power without finesse. Additionally, you won’t be able to advance your career until you also address these three additional career-stoppers: Focusing on the downside of any situation and obsessing over all the things that can go wrong. Cherishing the naive belief that merit alone is enough and that office politics, networking, and self-promotion don’t matter. Feeling that you aren’t “good enough” to deserve promotion - and unconsciously sabotaging yourself once you get it. I think above will steer you in the right direction toward your success. Cheers!

Rahul Arora

Telecom Leader | Driving Excellence in Infrastructure and Sales Strategy

3 年

so true sir



