Friends with all the answers...
Wouldn’t it be nice if we – or at least someone we knew – had the answers to everything?
You know, like why squirrels are determined to overcome your bird-feeders, or why your computer just doesn’t want to pick up that wi-fi signal, or why so-and-so behaves like thus-and-such for no apparent reason?
Certainly we all have people in our lives who just seem to know stuff, and the Internet has certainly made us all a bit brighter with regard to finding answers questions. You can Google anything and will likely find what you’re looking for in some way, shape or form though, hopefully, you’re wise enough to separate fact from fiction.
But some folks just have an innate talent when it comes to problem-solving, and if you look hard enough you’ll likely discover at least one such individual in your cadre of friends.
And you need to hold onto that friend with all your might, because you may not be all that adept when it comes to stuff like Net-surfing to find an antidote for some ailment you’ve got, right?
Life is chock-full of questions for which there are no ready answers. It’s simply a fact of existence.
Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are, Oscar Wilde said.
In other words, that thought boiling around inside your head, once out, may inspire an answer you don’t necessarily want to hear.
Truth hurts sometimes. And once it’s out there, you’ve pretty much got to live with it.
The thing is, if you accept what you’re told at face value, it may or may not be fact, so the wise thing to do is maybe ask a few others before you draw your own conclusions.
You are the arbiter of what you see, feel, are told or otherwise process in that noggin of yours, and we all have our own personal standards by which to measure what we do or don’t believe.
That concept is the basis for so much in life.
Like, if a film critic tells you that Asteroid City is the most fun movie on the big screen right now, despite the fact that the premise of the film is pretty ridiculous, it’s you who’s got to decide whether to go see it.
Getting back to the point, if you know someone who just seems to have all the right-sounding answers to your questions, whether you rely on that person for his or her knowledge is an exercise in faith as much as whether they’re right.
And faith is one of the main reasons you establish most of the friendships in your life.
There’s simply nothing like a true friend, is there? And if they’ve got some answers to your questions, you’re all the better for it.
Hold onto them, no matter what.