In The Friendly Town of Looterville, Everything Is Free
Dan Harkey
Educator and Private Money Real Estate Lending Consultant | 30,000 + connections
The major political parties are responsible for today's ideological, cultural, and violent chaos on the streets of major cities and all over America. ?They blame each other, profess to know right from wrong, remain on the moral high ground (protect democracy), and pretend to make the best decisions for the people. “When they go low, we go high is the mantra.”
When backroom deals were consummated, as confirmed for 100 years, the major political parties became the Uni-party, closed their oppositional gaps, and made their deals. The status quo must be preserved for them to remain in power.
The Uni-party (government) uses controlled chaos, creating perpetual distractions to maintain power and represent mega-corporations and industry donors rather than give power to the people they purportedly represent.
Mainstream media puppets who think they control the narrative carry out continuous propaganda wars with deception, diversion, division, discouragement, and spin to keep the public ignorant about what is going on. Narratives (propaganda or otherwise) have a shelf life. “False narratives” continue to collapse.
As stories disintegrate and truth peaks through the fog of reality or becomes disinteresting to the public, new narratives must be manufactured. Political and economic powers are grounded in made-up narratives (stories) that must be continuously modified and adjusted to reflect a new divergence and to continue maintaining control.
The people (taxpayers) work to support the unelected 4th branch of U.S. governance, including 435 plus agencies, ?(24 agencies) (FBI, CIA, NASA, FCC, DHS, DOJ, EPA, etc..) and thousands of nongovernmental organizations, institutions, Federal Reserve, etc.. and significant profit-driven corporations, mainstream media, and Hollywood, none of which truly represent the best interest of the people.
??????????????????? The Administrative State Is Destroying Our Country | ZeroHedge
Those who attempt to control the narrative include Think Tanks, Universities, Wall Street, World Organizations, and Big Tech. These agencies, institutions, partners, and NGOs are enforcers in the cancel culture mechanism and surveillance state for the Uni-party and the administrative state of unelected bureaucrats. They primarily represent their own economic, power, and influence agendas.
Corrupt nihilists have infiltrated the uni-party with institutionalized criminal cartels (three-lettered agencies) in charge of maintaining power and authority at the top by regulating everyone, everything, every action and reaction, creating an economic caste system. Money begets money and can purchase a submission ticket into the secret cartel club, giving access to the elite powers.
“My complaint about what’s happening in the White House is that it’s become the sock puppet for these large industries, the big hedge funds, BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, who give equally to the Republican and Democratic Party, and now are just comfortable calling the shots.”
By Robert Kennedy Jr.
American elites and the entire political establishment, with all its factions, sub-factions, corporatists, and media establishment, prefer a sock puppet president who is preoccupied or void of power and intrusive actions. This weak leader will likely make little effort to rein them in or infringe on their self-interests subversions. A weak president is viewed as a benefit within the entire governing apparatus.
“All mainstream and semi-mainstream political factions are owned and operated by the powerful, and propaganda is used to get the public subscribing to them to advance the interests of the powerful.”
“It's easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled,” said an American writer and humorist, Mark Twain.
Fast forward to California’s densely populated cities, whose leadership purposefully engages in cultural insanity, collectivism, and chaos, where the strangest of strange geopolitics dwell that would make George Orwell and Mark Twain blush. ?A total breakdown of California society in urban settings is upon us because chaos is wrecking the economic engine to sustain family incomes, living standards, safety, and operational costs.
Deficit spending, higher taxes, laws, regulations, and welfare which is the state’s chosen solutions. Redistribution from the productive to the non-productive is always the answer. Productive people have elected to move, leaving the insanity behind. The current leadership is “all in,” fanning the flames of chaos to grow the size of the California State Government and its intrusions.
California has become a collectivist state, with the government as the second largest employer, with 240,000 employees. ?The federal government has 152,366 employees (total of 392,000), making federal and state the largest employers in the state. Wells Fargo is the largest private for-profit company, with 258,700 employees. ??
Quotes from the Wall Street Journal:
·????? “One of the fastest growing businesses is crime.”
·????? “Please do not leave valuables in your car.”
·????? “Despite taking repeated steps to create safer conditions, our customers and associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies,”
·????? “When they see a cop parked here, they won’t come,” said Castillo, 42, nodding toward an Oakland police cruiser parked nearby. “But when the cop leaves, they come.”
Two primary subsets by total numbers are the productive vs. the non-productive:
·????? The first subset of the population is the “morally structured, hard-working, self-sufficient, family-oriented, and honest folks who willingly pay taxes.” The first subset earns a living and understands the American dream. They want to live their lives and pursue their dreams.
·????? The second subset includes those who are “valueless, parasitic, conscienceless, sociopathic, and entitled.” The second subset has little reason to earn a living because of the extremely high compensation the California welfare state brings and the propensity not to prosecute crime. They don’t pay significant taxes or earn income from productive work but benefit from the redistribution of money and effort in the first subset above.
·????? Many of the second subset, ?but not all, engage in criminal behavior, which allows them to make a great living in the underground economy. They consume but do not support the country's economic engine and infrastructure. They occupy space as “takers” and “useless eaters.” But they serve as the primary catalyst for growing the size of government.
·????? The second subset consists of criminals and thieves who can roam the streets and steal/shoplift what they want without fearing an untimely death, arrest, or even prosecution.
·????? Subset number two only has one caveat: the value of the stolen goods per occurrence must be less than $950. Criminal gangs loot stores by the dozens in smash-and-grab and then market the stolen goods online for resale.
·????? Good racket for number two: no rules and regulations to comply with, no employees required, no capital outlay to operate a functioning business, and no liability for failure or property damage.
There are more than two subsets of the population. Some other subsets get a sweet government or corporate job requiring minimal competency and effort. Some quiet quitters show up to work and go through the motions but get little to nothing done as a form of hiding. Some workers can hide behind all-powerful labor unions, which constrict responsibilities and performance.
Government regulations and collective bargaining ensure the rights of the minimally productive and the unproductive. They may even play the race card as insurance to keep make-work jobs.?? Then, there are the millions of illegal invaders entering the country who expect to be taken care of through the Welfare state until and if they find a job. These additional subsets are different subjects for different days.
The struggle between these productive vs. non-productive subsets and their bifurcated value systems has intensified the accelerated degeneration of individualism/capitalism into submission to a collectivism/redistribution nightmare.
“Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies.? Only one will survive.? Sadly, the left is no longer liberal at all, for it has traded in individualism for collectivism, thus placing us into an oppression Olympics where victimhood is a virtue.”
E. Edward Griffin is an author and filmmaker.? He is the author of my favorite book, The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994).
Voters in California passed Proposition 47 on November 4, 2014. As usual, many propositions appear on the ballot with some touchy-feely title and professed benefits by the legislative spin doctors. Proposition 47 was sold as a form of “public safety.”? Advocates called this bill “Criminal Sentences, Misdemeanor, Penalties, Initiative Statute.” The bill was also referred to by its supporters as the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” The passage of Prop 47 was disguised as a method of increased funding for public schools.
What the passage did was reduce a bundle of so-called nonviolent offenses (crimes) to misdemeanors rather than felonies and raise money for the California State Government. The only tangible outcome is teaching young people that theft, violence, and mayhem are acceptable behaviors and are highly profitable.
Since misdemeanors are challenging to prosecute, retailers find themselves hamstrung and forced to “turn the other cheek.” They are forced to allow the thieves to steal the merchandise and leave without paying or without risk of arrest. This has encouraged both nonviolent and violent criminal offenders to engage in increased possession of drugs and property damage, such as breaking windows of a retailer, organized rioting, writing bad checks, forgeries, and shoplifting. All these theft actions have no negative consequences if the value of the stolen goods is less than $950. You see, in the friendly town of Looter-Ville, everything is free.
There are no limits as to how many of these occurrences or criminal acts can be pulled off daily, every day of the year. These criminals have been encouraged and trained to steal free stuff as a form of entitlement. ?If these brilliant and industrious criminals wanted to work for about one hour per day or per occurrence for 300 days a year, then good luck and more power are what the California legislature has decided. They need only to walk into a grocery store, upscale clothing store, liquor store, smoke shop, or cannabis dispensary and load up their baskets if the free-loaded merchandise stolen has a value of $950 or less for each separate occurrence.
When the clerk rings up the charges, the brilliant criminal merely hands the cashier a one-page summary of California Proposition 47. Retailers are required to stand down and watch their property looted for fear of being sued for discrimination. No conversation is needed or required. The criminals can walk out with a complimentary basket of stolen goodies compliments of a collectivist, socialist, redistributionist government.
The process is like a micro version of a great movie, “The Sting.” The public will pay higher prices since the retailer must consider “inventory shrinkage” or “customer theft.” ?Increased prices charged to the honest consumer public (number one) are essentially a form of hidden, redistributive taxation and possibly disguised reparations.? The California Legislature sold the public a rotten bill of goods.
Companies are closing shops and exiting criminal-based neighborhoods, as we are witnessing in almost every leftist city all around America. As the productive class leaves, neighborhoods become blighted, with boarded-up buildings, criminal gangs, and declining property values. Leadership blames others, requests bigger government and more bail-out money, but never confronts the underlying problems. Screaming about systemic racism is usually a driving component. There is big money in teaching about racism, reverse racism and anti-racism.
Many, but not all, politicians probably do not care whose pockets get picked if they remain in power. You see, in the friendly town of Looter-Ville, everything is free.
My cynical explanation of this perpetrated fraud by the California Legislature is that we are essentially allowing criminals and thieves to pick the pockets of law-abiding citizens in broad daylight and giving them a gold star for their performance and courage.? Honest people are encouraged to be honest.? Dishonest people are invited to rationalize that their dishonest behavior is reinterpreted as honest through a filter of collectivism and redistribution. Looting for free stuff and the property damage created in the process is now considered acceptable behavior.
Criminal perpetrators feel that they are now entitled to free stuff. Here is a hypothetical example of “thoughts of a sociopath criminal-minded loser:”
“I need these shoes, purses, dresses, underwear, vodka, whisky, wine, beer, cigarettes, etc.? Because of my background, I have been deprived of the good things in life. The government has now allowed me to get them for free. Since I am not engaging in theft or stealing but rather engaging in socially acceptable actions, I feel I am entitled to these things.? ?I am not doing this for profit but for need. Yes, I need these things I have been deprived of for so long. I consider all the wonderful things bestowed upon me for free as a form of reparations to which I am entitled. I am not doing anything wrong because I am entitled.”
The California Attorney General has reportedly told state and local prosecutors to inquire into the needs of the poor looters before they decide to charge them. A series of questions need to be addressed to prove the acceptability of the theft. If the criminal answers the questions correctly, then they go free.
·????? Was the theft motivated by a state of emergency in your family, such as hunger or lack of clothing?
·????? Was the theft committed for personal need or financial gain? Personal needs are acceptable.
·????? Was the business open or closed for business at the time?
What we have done in America when giving free money, housing, food, medical care, childcare, education, and phones is to create a dependency on criminal behavior.? Our government has decriminalized theft and violence as an acceptable form of redistribution. ?Previously illegal acts are now being reclassified as socially acceptable. The result is that the social fabric of our society is falling apart. Retail stores across America are closing shop.? They cannot compete in a society where a government sponsors, encourages and decriminalizes fraudulent behavior.
Squatters are getting in on the action. They identify vacant properties, break-in, and remain rent-free for months or years because laws protect them. Organized gangs will find a parasite loser (or group) a home for a fee—great business in Looterville, where everything is free.
A great book that discusses the degradation of American society is Slouching Toward Gomorrah, written by Judge Robert Bork. He outlines how modern liberalism is responsible for the American decline. He discusses the rapid expansion of modern liberalism after the 1960s related to our society's declining and degenerating social fabric (social contract). ?The decline and degeneration appear to be accelerating. ?
·????? Behavior within the system refers to “cultural behavior norms.” This includes behavior in societal institutions such as entertainment- books, magazines, music and movies, art, education, religion, and political and cultural norms of morality.
·????? Society’s acceptance of acts of moral behavior moves up and down.? Lyrics of risqué rock songs of the 1950s and 1960s would be deemed too socially conservative and historically obsolete today.? Today’s language in song lyrics, television, videos, books, and movies depicting acts of sexuality and violence have defined deviancy down and down into the gutter.
·????? Allusions to romantic encounters between couples or social courtesies have been extinguished and have been replaced with graphic sexuality and violence.
·????? Emile Durkheim was formally credited for establishing the academic discipline of sociology. In sociology, deviance describes an action or behavior that violates social norms, including enacted official rules and regulations.
·????? He stated that there is a limit to the amount of deviant behavior any community can afford to recognize. As behavior worsens, the community leaders will adjust their standards so that conduct once considered illegal, immoral, or objectionable is no longer deemed so. This is a concept referred to as “defining deviancy down.”
·????? Behavior and deviancy standards move up and down together.? If deviancy improves, the boundaries move up correspondingly, and if the acts of deviancy go down, standards of conduct are adjusted downward correspondingly.
·????? All actions, including illegitimate ones such as drug use, theft, shoplifting, rioting, thuggery, and other criminal acts, will be reflected in the need to readjust standards. ?
·????? The community of saints, meaning elite legislators, law enforcement, and criminal elements, work in coordination so that it is always beneficial to themselves and the establishment of a government bureaucracy.
·????? Our society has definitely “defined deviancy down.”? Questions and strategies remain about how to turn this around and “redefine deviancy upward.”
The effective date of the beginning of the expansion of modern liberalism was when Saul Alinsky, an American community activist and political theorist, wrote Rules for Radicals in 1971. This was a practical primer for young radicals to break down societal functions and rebuild them into a Marxist/socialist community. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, both German philosophers, political theorists, historians, journalists, and revolutionary socialists, aspired to abolish private property, private ownership, and the family unit. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”
Today, Marxism has won over significant sectors of the economy, including government, agencies, education, institutions, and the mainstream media's most elite complex. Transforming culture away from individualism and family into intersectionality, gender fluidity, identity politics, reverse racism, and dependency are the motivations. The transformation allows a culture of corruption and corny capitalism (bribes, pay-for-play, favoritism, manipulating rules and laws, connection-based, and access) to remain at the top levels of government and businesses.
The will of the people and taxpayers has been summarily eliminated.
The government apparatus works systematically to eliminate products, goods, and services that allow for independence and flexibility of free living.? That includes beef, pork, chicken, fresh foods, petroleum, natural gas, private property ownership, and the ability to travel outside our small spheres (15-minute cities). At the same time, we are told that it is in our best interests to submit to 24/7 surveillance with a weaponized police force to ensure compliance. George Orwell envisioned “Big Brother is Watching You.” In his book 1984. We have far surpassed Mr. Orwell's vision, creating surveillance as the unofficial fourth branch of government.
The Surveillance State is a merger of powers between government, corporations, and public-private partnerships between law enforcement, the intelligence community, and the private sector, creating what is now known as the “Security Industrial Complex.” Public-private partnerships mean that the controlling party, the government, hires a for-profit private corporation to provide goods and services to carry out its agenda. Collectively, the results are a new driving force to eliminate privacy rights enshrined in the Fourth Amendment. The results have also created an additional tool of tyranny: all-knowing, all-watching, all-canceling, all-persecuting, all-prosecuting in the name of the state, and all-powerful with a police state to ensure conformance.
An example of the overreach is when the FBI raided 700 safe deposit boxes in Beverly Hills, California, looking to confiscate anything worth more than $5,000 through a civil asset forfeiture proceeding. There was no probable cause. This was open warfare against citizens, claiming that private parties may not possess more than $5,000 worth of anything the government cannot control and tax.
There are more than one billion surveillance cameras worldwide, and they are expanding rapidly, including utility pools, traffic lights, businesses, homes, doorbells, GPS devices, dash cameras, drones, facial recognition technologies, body cameras, and automated license plate readers.
So goes the dysfunctional love affair between capitalism, progressivism, and fascism. ??We now have a hybrid of capitalism, with a competitive free market and government-supported cartels and oligopolies in significant industries. Free market capitalism is constantly under pressure to be eliminated, thereby extinguishing the entire first subset of “morally structured and honest folks,” as mentioned above. ?Of course, this subset refers to most of the American public.
Part of the requirement to participate in this country is to abide by the regulatory compliance system. ?Part of that compliance system is to pay one’s fair share of taxation.
All the teaching of values and foundational knowledge that we have received over a lifetime has now been turned upside down.? Successful accomplishments by individuals and institutions are now a target for the parasitic class of elite leaders to take them away from us. Looting (taking) from responsible, hard-working individuals is now the norm.
It is difficult to understand why voters are led like sheep into voting for bigger government, more taxation, more regulations, and voting to make criminal activities such as looting and shoplifting a lawful enterprise.?
What used to be life and the pursuit of happiness is now about the compulsion of the productive class of individuals to provide a free lunch for the non-productive class. ?Now, everything is media-driven and regulatorily driven by the administrative state of government employees, otherwise known as the elite governing class.
What should be more understood by many of our voters is that it takes government employees paid for by tax redistribution dollars to pass out all the free benefits to the parasitic class, who are happy recipients. If we rob Peter to pay Paul, parasites will always vote for Paul. ?This is how the government grows and retains power.
All conversations between the media and the elite administrative class are about pursuing redistributive actions and demanding entitlements to provide the non-productive class with the same standard of living as everyone who worked hard, took risks, attained a college education, and pursued a professional career. This is also referred to as egalitarianism. People should receive the same and be treated the same as others, no matter how much effort they put into the system.
We grew up understanding that this was redistributive socialism.? The new claim from the progressive establishment is that “I am entitled to some of yours.”? The new claim from the parasitic class is that “I have a right to take from you anything that I want because I deserve it.” ???Theft, looting, arson, robbery, extortion, physical property damage, and bodily damage, including premeditated murder, are now rationalized as an acceptable endeavor.
“If I Were The Devil” by Paul Harvey prophesized the future spiritual condition of the U.S. 60 years ago. ?He was a radio host, news commentator, and WWII veteran.
The country is replacing private wealth accumulation and self-sufficiency with bigger government, more progressive programs, and government waste.
Fighting back takes a massive army of warriors called the regular folks and voters to push back at the expansion of government, government programs, redistribution, and institutionalized accepted theft. Voting is only a tiny element of the current war against the people (tyranny)
“Power does not corrupt.? Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”
American writer John Steinbeck is famous for his novel The Grapes of Wrath, 1939.
“The truth is not for all men, but only those seeking it. Every man builds his world in his image. He has the power to choose but no power to escape the necessity of choice.”
American writer and philosopher Ayn Rand.
Here is a list of observations and actions to be taken by the regular folks and voters. We are winning:
·????? A civil war exists between the governing apparatus and the people, between blue and red states, and at the same time, between urban vs. rural America for control of everything that keeps America alive.
·????? The battlefield is in the homes (families), institutions, and the streets of America.
·????? The issues are ever-present between individual freedoms and submitting to collectivism, globalist rule, and tyranny.
·????? Universal control and global governance is the prize; the winner takes all.
·????? The enemy has no limits or barriers. They have unlimited use of our tax dollars to fight against those who paid the taxes.
·????? Take a stand to maintain our value systems that promote language, borders (invasion of foreigners), culture, rule of law, family, limited government, and private property ownership.
·????? Do not get bogged down with the outside national and world events.
·????? Maintain individualism, non-conformity, and uniqueness.
·????? Maintain positive life habits and pursue professional goals, family, and happiness.
·????? Talk to friends and share concerns.? Work to get others to understand what is happening in America and worldwide.
·????? Create synergy to work against our enemies.
·????? Avoid any acts of violence. ?
·????? Be aware that ordinary value-based people who communicate with each other may be placed on a Government Extremist List (possibly considered a domestic terrorist).
·????? Commit to working toward taking America back.
·????? Identify companies who subscribe to your values and shop there. Boycott those who don’t.
·????? The entire Mainstream Media apparatus is collapsing under the weight of its false information, propaganda, and collusion with the government complex. Not to mention subjecting the viewer public to continuous advertising (24/7 around the clock) of unwanted stuff.
·????? Certain news sources are full of fakery, deception, fiction, and lies. “Official explanations and revisionist histories become twisted, contorted, and reshaped to fit their fictional narrative.” It is a wonder why the responsible public would subject themselves to such abuse. The narrative is part of the tools to reshape the past, gain control of the people, and dominate the minds of the masses.
·????? Practice circumventing legacy media (mainstream newspapers, online news sources, radio, and television), meaning those that dominated my mass media institutions before the information age. There are plenty of factual and truthful alternatives today.
·????? City crime and organized theft will cease when the people take control of their streets and neighborhoods and toss out the leadership.? Organize empowerment networks that unite the people, police, local leaders, church leaders, non-profits, neighborhood associations, and business leaders. ?Schools should adopt “violence-free zones” and create mentorships to teach young people how to function in a civil society.
·????? Schools should also modify their curriculum away from ideological indoctrination (dumbing down), collectivism, entitlement, and babysitting students to include courses that teach students how to function and advance in society.
·????? Individual accountability, self-reliance, education, and culture should be the focus. Soft-on-crime must be eliminated in favor of tough-love-on-crime and prosecute perpetrators. Gang members and affiliations should be prosecuted under the Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Act (RICO) statutes passed in 1970. Strong community leaders and a court system that follows written laws with a vision can accomplish all of the above.
·????? Recognize that Go Woke and Go Broke are terminally ill. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is dead on arrival. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are dead on arrival. Global Warming fiasco is a hoax. Forced vaccinations are a hoax. The elimination of petroleum as a climate change issue is an impossible hoax.
·????? All endeavors to manipulate and control the people into small living confinement areas are a hoax.
·????? Understand that the not-so-quiet revolution of taking back America is a process, and the pendulum has swung in our favor. ?Rational minds and critical thinkers are prevailing.
·????? Vote your values.
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Thank You
Dan Harkey