Khanh Pham
Janitor @ Brotherhood of Justice Philosopher, author, military leader, electronic/engineering tech, anecdote to bully
Everyone thinks they have a friend, but then reality comes and knocks them down.
They look up to find their friend -- I thought we were friends.
When the doctors were captured by Israelis, and the friends stood out in public to demand the release of their friend. I thought that was touching. How friends took up arms to defend their friends.
I was in the US Air Force. Where they tell us to recite the values of the Air Force and to memorize them as if it is a core values.
Never leave an airman behind!
I can tell you it is not true. You can find that it is not true.
There were 1,000+ colleagues who worked together with me at the United States Air Force Technical Application Center. Do you see one of those 1,000 colleagues defending me?
The error of the day was believing the US is a friend. The US is a complex country. It does not have friends in the traditional sense. In the leaks by Edward Snowden, many nations were surprised that they were being spied on by the Americans. Having all their private conversations listened in on. Having all their elections controlled by the Americans. It is a strange feeling when you wake up to how the US friend is treating you.
I was fortunate to get a retirement out of all the sacrifices I made and lost while protecting the US government and the American people. But most will not be so fortunate. There is a lack of humanity where I came from. and now the world is arriving at a similar conclusion about the US in light of all the push for Russia disarming, and Palestine disarming. The push for China to stop developing, the push for Iran to not defend itself. What is behind all these forces?
Friend and foe must be evaluated critically.
How has this friend treated other friends?
How has this friend shown gratitude to people who were their friends?
What we know about people:
Cold people will act with coldness.
Callous indifference will act with callous indifference.
Traitors will be traitors.
Ungrateful people will be ungrateful.
Backstabber will stab you in the back.
Greedy will be greedy.
When you review my 11 years working a the United States Air Force Technical Application Center you will learn everything you need to survive in the geopolitical world against or with the United States of America. It is a complex relationship to have a friend in America.
In life, and in national prosperity: one seeks a simple relationship. Complex relationships are the type that we want to reduce. So the world is reducing its complex relationship with the US, while the US is accusing the world of lacking respect for its leadership. Russia must be punished, Biden had stated. If you're in Russia, would you like to have a friend who wants to punish you for keeping yourself safe?
The five members of the Security Council could be seen as the five big brothers. The leaders of the five gangs that control the world. They have the entire world under their thumb and boots. Why are they fighting?
It's a complex relationship.
and remember that one should seek simple relationships. because complex relationships always lead to great suffering. Always. The United Nations lasted a long time, and it was their complex relationship that fostered that longevity. It was the propaganda of the rule of law that was advertised. Like many buyers of used cars, they thought they were buying something useful but it turned out everything was a lie. So much time and resources have been wasted.
Now the world has to start over again. Multi-polar or uni-polar and whatnot. It doesn't matter if it will resort to the same backdoor deals.
It will be easy to recognize a true one-world government. Once you understand how a friend treats a friend. In the absence of that, you're looking at those complex relationships that you want to exit ASAP, because your life may be the cost of that relationship
I had lost my life to that relationship.
I hope everyone will be among good friends. at the individual level, and at the larger collective. It makes life worth living, and less killing. And all these seem to be cyclical. After a lot of killings, we would say let us be friends as these killings are making us suffer. then someone would think they are the wiser and try to get more of the pie for themselves, and begin the plots and scheme all over again. Never is it enough for these few. No amount of wealth and power is enough. These insatiable hunger for more.
Well, we deserve the friends we have. by the deeds we do. Speaking the truth often hurts at first, but if it is true it will always be true. A friend in truth is worth a million friends in false. A friend will look at what is good for you, and the false friend will always be too busy looking for what is good for them even at your expense.
The root cause of the failure of the friendship between the 5 security members of the UN is basically the reason above. What is good for one but is not good for the other? and the truth came out. They are not a friend. Friends do not seek to spy on friends. Friend do not seek to impose their will on the other.
Looking at Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso declaring their alliance and friendship. I was thinking how natural and how touching it is to see true friendship. They are all poor countries, relatively small and poor. They did not seek an alliance with the stronger power blocks, but rather their neighbor. Something Ukraine and Finland seem to not understand. I am very hopeful that these small insignificant nations will rise up and demonstrate a true league of nation. as in how a united nation should be.
Other nations like Korea, and Taiwan depend on the United States, to go up against China. I empathize with them. Especially as I am American, but from an objective view on how to survive better; it looks like they will not survive into the next century.
After WW2, the world re-draws the maps. After ww3, I guess that the map will be redrawn again. Not always a bad thing for everyone. The Jewish cabal was able to get a country out of that. After WW3, I want to get my own country as well. The Zionists made some good friends, who kept their end of the bargain. I need some good friends, who can keep their end of the deal. If I were to have a new country created, which corner of the world would I claim? And should the local population be wiped out before my settlement? I am seeing the issue with the Zionist movement having to clear out the humans after the settlement. In highlight, this would have been smoother if they had gassed the local population as part of the Nazi campaign against Semites. they underestimated the local population and are now forced into protracted struggles and the world has to see all the ugliness of colonialism.
But it has one good friend. The United States of America. This good friend gave it all the bombs it needed to wipe out not just the Palestinians, but the entire Middle East. What better friends can one ask for? I wish I had a friend who gave me nuclear bombs to conquer an entire continent. I would die happy. If Israel does die in this war, I think they at least die happy. They had a good friend.
friends, what to do without friends.