A Friend Indeed
A friend is your family that was handpicked by you
They’re people chosen by you to be in your inner circle
Someone who’ll be kind, considerate and loyal
Who you can trust to be a confidant,
Who’ll not speak ill of you behind your back
Who’ll defend you in the room when you’re not there to defend the attack,
Someone who’ll love you as themselves,
They simply share and they care and think of you as family
Who’ll clap and support you continually,
They’ll always encourage and motivate you.
A true friend will have no time for petty grudges and insecurities,
They’ll not create drama or harbour secret jealousies.
They’ll truly want to see you succeed,
Not compete with or try to erode your self-esteem.
A true friend will tell you the truth when you need to hear it,
They’ll be honest with you they can’t pretend or fake it
They’ll root for you and be your biggest fan.
They’ll support you in the good times and in the bad
They’ll be there because they care and call you friend,
They’ll find the time to call, text or send a DM
And they’ll not goad you into doing things that are wrong,
They want good things for you, they want to see you happy and strong.
You’re blessed if you have a few true friends in life,
God bless my true friends, you know who you are
Sparkle, sparkle, you shining stars
Written by: Carla L. Ibanzo
That’s all folks. Thanks for reading. I welcome your feedback and comments. Cheers!
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