Fridays with Mac: Curiosity is Cool
Mark McIntosh
Passionate about encouraging others to persevere, Chair of 2026 Denver Transplant Games Host Committee, Drive for Five Managing Editor, Sports Illustrated columnist, advocate for low-income students and displaced men.
One of my favorite stories of all time, especially when putting together book four, "Life is a Roller Coaster," more than a decade ago? A big shout out to, now, 27-year-old daughter and the life lesson she planted in her old man’s soul never to be forgotten.
At the time, this simple dude from Missouri was a single dad for the second time. A bit wounded, but trying like heck to remember the wonderful mentors who would implore, “Fight through the despair.”
My darling daughter Rachel was about ten at the time. We were having a daddy/daughter weekend and, as it was shortly after Christmas, she announced, “Dad, let’s go to the mall today and cash in all these gift certificates I received for Christmas.”
It was a Sunday. A Broncos Sunday. I protested, “Sweetie, the Broncos have a big game today, can we do it sometime later?” At the time I was still very active in the Denver sports world. My job necessitated keeping close tabs on the beloved Broncos. However, the holes she burned through my flesh with those beautiful blue eyes affirmed the answer was unequivocally, “No.”
So off to the Cherry Creek Shopping Center we went. I’ve run three marathons in my years, but an hour of shopping leaves me grumpy. Don’t ask me why, it’s just the way it is.We hit every shop in that darn place. Finally, after about 90 minutes, I think we’re done. Silly me.
“Dad, one more stop. Limited Too.” The young girl, who would grow into a prep volleyball standout, seemingly looked at every piece of clothing in the place. I slumped miserably in a comfy chair the store provided for wimps like me, wondering, “When will it end?”
My daughter’s voice jarred me back to reality. “I’ve got what I want. Let’s check out.” A dejected man escorted precious princess to the sales counter. Your now 66-year-old scribe then?saw something that forever changed his life. The clerk was folding a tee shirt Rachel had purchased. Across the front, in big bold letters was this: DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL.
Talk about changing my attitude. I have never forgotten that. It reminds me to keep a curious, not callous attitude about life. If I would have got gotten my way, my butt would have been on the couch watching the Broncos. Rachel took me on a different path. Thanks, sweetie.
Over the years? What a blessing to enjoy writing stories born from random encounters with folks like you. I’m blessed to love people and their stories. Somehow, someway, my brain takes stuff like this and weaves a story meant to encourage you to achieve goals and overcome challenges. To embrace, “Messages in moments.” Stay curious about life despite the unexpected and unwanted challenges that may come your way.
It might mean finding patience with afflictions like end-stage renal failure and the need for a kidney transplant or some other adversity pertaining to health of mind, body or spirt. The point is this, stay curious. Cool moments lie ahead!