FridayNightListeners - August 2024
Friday, August 2: Kim Wilde - Kids in America
Friday, August 9: Die Drei Peheiros - Wir wünschen Euch ein sch?nes Wochenende
Friday, August 16: Five Stars - Rain or Shine
Friday, August 23: Alain Delon - Comme au cinéma
Friday, August 30: KIZ - Die Sennerin vom K?nigsee
Dear #FridayNightListeners,
August was a special month for this little music series in that the 250th post appeared on 9 August. 250 pieces of music, 250 artists, 250 topics. Thank you all for your ongoing support.
Here this special song - more a jingle - appears again... together with 4 other songs which have ensured another varied mix. At least I hope so! Have fun!
Friday, August 2:
In modern working life - if the nature of the job allows it - "working from home" or "home office", as it is sometimes not quite correctly colloquially used, has become indispensable. Sometimes more, sometimes less. To put it in a nutshell: The advantages outweigh the disadvantages in a balanced arrangement with which employers and employees feel comfortable. As one issue, in particular, the lack of live communication is cited, the lack of social contact.
And this is also a reason why there is no home schooling in Germany: the lack of classroom community. The lack of qualified education by teachers for sure, but above all the social co-education (community education) at school - are also the reason why there is even compulsory schooling and attendance. The situation is very different in the USA, where ‘homeschooling’ is not only allowed, but increasingly becoming a mass phenomenon. Home schooling is the fastest-growing branch of education, with the pandemic - as with home office - being the catalyst. What do you think: is this an advantage or disadvantage for the Kids in America?
Friday, August 9:
I wrote it in a comment on this post, but I'd like to repeat this document of contemporary history... found on Wikipedia.
‘In its first issue in 1924, the motoring magazine "The Men's driver", which was considered progressive, entitled a travelogue ‘Weekend around Berlin’:
‘Weekend - let's stick with the English word: the Englishman has it, the German has to learn it first - means lively rest. Rest not through inactivity, which has a negative connotation and is tantamount to boredom for those who affirm life, but by doing something other than what the working day demands. Weekday work is bound activity for the attainment of economic benefit, weekend rest is free activity that consciously refrains from any economic benefit and is directed towards the fulfilment of leisure with pure life values. The most marvellous instrument for weekend pleasure is the automobile. It means the gentle, frictionless release from the weekly obligation.’
In the original German
?Die als fortschrittlich geltende Fachzeitschrift für Autofahrer 'Der Herrenfahrer' betitelte in ihrer ersten Ausgabe 1924 einen Reisebericht mit ?Weekend um Berlin“:
?Weekend – bleiben wir bei dem englischen Wort: der Engl?nder hat es, der Deutsche mu? es erst lernen – bedeutet lebendiges Ausruhen. Erholung nicht durch Unt?tigkeit, die ein negatives Vorzeichen hat und für den, der das Leben bejaht, der Langeweile gleichzusetzen ist, sondern durch Ausübung einer anderen T?tigkeit, als die Werktage verlangen. Werktagsarbeit ist gebunde T?tigkeit zur Erzielung wirtschaftlichen Nutzens, Weekendruhe ist freie T?tigkeit, die von jedem wirtschaftlichen Nutzeffekt bewu?t absieht, und auf die Erfüllung der Mu?e mit reinen Lebenswerten gerichtet ist. Wundervollstes Instrument zur Weekendfreude ist das Automobil. Es bedeutet das sanfte, reibungsfreie Sichlosl?sen von der Wochenpflicht.“
There is little left to add, but: Wir wünschen Euch ein sch?nes Wochenende.
Friday, August 16:
Rain or shine - yes, often there is only one or the other. But sometimes the two things combine... and the result is something very beautiful: a rainbow! Because for us to see a rainbow, there have to be drops of water in the air and light shining through them. The reason: sunlight doesn't just have one colour, but is made up of many different colours, which together create the impression of ‘white’ in the brain. In fact, white sunlight is actually made up of red, green and blue light.
The rainbow is created by the refraction and reflection of sunlight in a drop of water. The light hits the droplets and they break it down into coloured light, known as ‘dispersion’. The colours are always the same, as is the sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. You can only see a rainbow when the sun is behind you and the rain is in front of you. To see a rainbow, we would have to replace the ‘or’ with ‘and’... Rain or Shine.
Friday, August 23:
The cinema's predecessors were show booths and panopticons, which were usually found at fairgrounds. From the turn of the century onwards, the medium of film was seen by more and more people as a permanent achievement and cinemas were gradually opened - i.e. establishments that primarily served to show films on a regular basis. In the 1920s in particular, more and more cinemas developed into elegant large theatres. The term ‘film palace’ is reminiscent of the palaces of antiquity and the Baroque era and so they offered entertainment and catering that went far beyond watching a film.
Even today, the cinema has to reinvent itself as a place. Streaming services on the one hand and, at the same time, increasingly better technology in the home with large-screen TVs or projectors and sophisticated sound systems mean that many people can watch films at home - without travelling, without extra costs. But also without the communal experience with others - there is no cultural meeting place at home. How do you see it? Team cinema or team home cinema? I wonder what Alain Delon would say? Comme au cinéma...
Friday, August 30:
Honestly - "Sennerin" (or male Senner) is such a word in the German language - I know it, but as a guy from the middle of Germany, I didn't know exactly what it actually meant. Did you?
Alpine herdsmen and women are shepherds who herd the cattle of other farmers or a co-operative on an alpine pasture during the summer and process the milk into cheese and often also butter. An alpine pasture is also called a ‘Senne’, hence the job title.
Alpine dairymen and women are responsible for ensuring that cows, cattle, sheep or small livestock on an alp get through the summer well. To do this, they maintain the pastures, check the health of the animals and carefully monitor the herd. They milk twice a day and produce cheese, butter and other dairy products, unless the milk is transported down into the valley.
The next time I visit the region, I will definitely look for her again - Die Sennerin vom K?nigsee...
As always: Thank you for listening and engaging during August! The next #FridayNightListeners post is planned for Friday, September 13, 5pm (CEST) - stay tuned!
P.S.1 The #FridayNightListeners archive
6 个月Herzlichen Glückwunsch 250 Mal!!!
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6 个月Happy 250th edition! Assuming no break that almost 5 years of service, this is amazing Oliver! You created such a strong tribe!