The Friday wind-down with IRC
So I'm pleased to announce that Michael and I will be presenting a new show live on youtube this week and every week going forward.
The show will be a great way to finish the week and catch up with some useful stuff.
The format will be
- A round up of some key tech news articles that we have read that week
- "Book club" - we'll be reading a business book per month and hope that you can join us along the way as we read it in bite sized chunks together. We'll take calls live for discussion from anyone who wants to join in and read the book with us.
- Road warrior reviews - As real life road warriors we'll review a piece of tech, product , vehicle, watch , handbag - anything that's meant to make us road warriors more productive
- FIFA challenge - we'll take anyone on LIVE on xbox live - come and have a go if you think you are hard enough
- Special guests
Should be fun.
Remember - from small acorns grow big trees.