Friday Thoughts & Learnings
This week I found out how to reframe difficult conversations into learning conversations with the guidance of Sheila Heen, Dave Talas gave me an advanced lesson on conversational design to get the most out of Chat GPT and Amy Edmondson helped me become less scared of failure when by looking at it from three different perspectives.
1. What I’m reading
I’ve been brought up as a people pleaser.? So having difficult conversations has been an ongoing challenge I’ve been working on to get better at.?
My search for understanding and solutions brought me to this book.?? It helpfully breaks down what makes some conversations difficult, why people tend avoid them and how to better manage them.
We find conversations difficult when we fear the consequences of what might happen if we start them.? So, for the most part, we do our best avoid them because they make us feel vulnerable.?
The authors show that underlying difficult conversations there are three deeper conversations.
To reduce our reluctance to have difficult conversations it helps to reframe them into learning conversationsand avoid the common mistakes we make when having them.
So how to do this??
It’s not a battle over who’s right and who’s wrong, its quest to seek greater understanding that makes it less scary to have difficult conversations and more productive when you do.
2. What I’m listening to
Chat GPT is a general-purpose technology like the introduction of electric lightbulbs in the late 19th century and the internet in the late 20th century.? It’s a bit scary at first as it challenges what we know and has a big element of the unknown about how it will help reshape our lives.?
But, it’s here to stay, so my view is don’t ignore it, get on board and learn about it and how you can use it.?
This week I dropped into a fantastic online learning workshop led by Dave Talas from Promptmaster about how to use a conversational approach with Chat GPT to get better results from your prompts.?
Dave started by saying if you’re a knowledge worker, research by Wharton University has shown you can be 30% - 40% more efficient using Chat GPT.? Whoa!
So naturally I wanted to know how I could get some of this.?
What I learned is, if you’re using Chat GPT, its your job to guide it to the best outcomes it can provide.? It won’t just serve you up the most appropriate output unless you help it.? It remembers what you have asked and its responses, so this is where having a conversational approach, where you build or narrow what you ask of it, is better than just using one-off questions.
You can also use personas to help provide context for Chat GPT to give answers.? For example: “You are an expert digital marketing professional…” then ask your question.? The persona continues until you tell it to change.
An advanced form of questioning I found super helpful was called ‘exploration driven enquiry’.? It’s where you ask Chat GPT to help analyse information and provide a recommendation or conclusion.
The way you do this is ask Chat GPT to provide information from multiple perspectives on a topic.? Such as the future, environment, legal, economic, political etc.?
Then you can ask it to provide pros and cons of this information as it relates to your topic.? And following this, ask for a recommendation.? ?Always check the responses.? What it can do in a short amount of time is staggering.
3. What I’m learning
How looking at failures from three perspectives makes them less scary and more useful.
Amy Edmondson has written a new book called Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well.?
I joined a Q&A facilitated by the Growth Academy this week and heard Amy explain how common thinking about failures as either: avoid failure at all costs or fail fast, fail often doesn’t help us learn how to fail well.? And this holds back our personal and organisational development.
In her view there are three types of failure:
By looking at failures from these perspectives it provides a greater opportunity to tackle problems that otherwise would be avoided at all costs.?