Friday Notes - Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk
PJ McCaughn
Customer focused sales and manufacturing professional continuously achieving success thru perpetual curiosity, dogged determination and exceptional execution.
I love being back in the North Woods. Where else do you get a $3,000 semi-custom shed built, delivered and set up before you pay a penny for it? Once it was set up, we asked, "Can we pay for it on our credit card?" ( I want my airline miles - LOL) They said "Sure, just call it in". Then we asked if it would be OK if we just stopped by the store 3 days later, when we would be driving by to pay, and they told us that would be just fine. Where else does all THAT happen?
I grew up in a small town, in a county with no stop lights. We used to leave the keys in the car as the neighbor might need to borrow it. We left the door to the house open as someone might need milk or a cup of flour when we weren't home. Once again, I live in another small town, in a different county with no stop lights. We buy local whenever possible, as it supports our community and our neighbors. People still leave their doors unlocked here and raise buildings together. We take in our neighbors if they have a flood or a fire. Trust and respect for those around us abounds here.
My father was the local County Deputy Sheriff and also the Town Chairman. He taught me that trust and respect are EARNED not demanded. He always said, "Do what you say, and say what you do." I try to live by those words and principles. I also believe that perception is 9/10s of reality. What is other people's perception of you? Your boss, your peers, your customers, your friends & family? Is your word your bond? We all drop the ball sometimes, human beings are not perfect. But when you do drop a ball, how do you handle it? Are you defensive, or do you apologize, fix it and move on?
Cause and effect - you get back what you give to the universe. So go out there and do it right.