Friday Love Roundup For Your Relationship
Gemma Nice ??
I help you to have intimate, healthy relationships through communication, trust and intimacy. Multi Award-winning sex and relationship coach for high-achieving women.
Join Me, Gemma every Friday for a roundup for the relationship you have with yourself, Plus FREEBIES!!
Life events and external pressures can have an impact on your relationship.
Some people cope by pulling together, but it’s just as common to find that events pull you apart.
Try not to clam up and battle on alone.
Let your partner know how you feel. Ask for the touch of a hand, or a cuddle when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry.
For example, they may not realise that you’re awake at night worrying about things and that’s why you’re grumpy in the morning.
Ask for that touch.
Be open, raw and honest. Tell them every little detail even if its them who?? were the ones who hurt you.
The more open you are, the more vulnerable you are but the more you will start to feel free and keep going to push this negative energy out of your body.
Ask a friend, ask a therapist or a coach for support.
You can always shout and scream at me, that’s what I am there for if you need it.
Back in 2006 by body was breaking, I mean seriously breaking.
I had a very stressful job heading up a team of 5 as a head veterinary nurse. I did this for years, then one day my body broke. It told me to sit down otherwise I will break you even more.
You are thinking what!
So yes, it ended up that I had severe hip dysplasia and that I needed a break. This was chronic stress showing up in my body and I didn’t even know.
If you know me, I’m not one to go arrrrrgggghhhhh when things hit the pan. I calmly and collectively break it down and work it out.
But and this is a big but, I didn’t for some reason that day. I went home crying and said to Darren we needed some time off. Our relationship had hit rock bottom and if we didn’t do anything about it, that was it, caput. The end.
So we booked a back packing trip around the world.
I found Yoga while in Thailand. You are now thinking why has this got to do with stress.
Well the more I thought about my high achieving career, the more stressed I was getting. I needed to fix myself and that’s where yoga, breath work and meditation came in.
From then on, our relationship was getting back on track.
I wasn’t neglecting myself anymore.
It was all on me and yes some parts Darren to help fix each other. Be there to support one another and also to be the communication between each other.
Communication is the key to any relationships and we’re still together nearly 24 years later.
So, I’m not saying go on a long holiday (although that would be amazing, can I come?) But to just think about how you communicate with each together and what is your body telling you right now?
Do you want to be where I am now, stress free, no pain anywhere in my body (yes, I’ve healed my severe hip dysplasia despite docs saying I never will)? I’m sure you do. Send me a DM and we’ll hop on a coffee chat.
What We Do Inside Mage Spirit Aside from creating a safe space to talk out everything you are feeling there and then, we also have casual conversations to connect, feel heard and seen.
We go really deep into reframing your subconscious mind and aligning your actions.
You feel fully supported through testing and trying times and really pull you out of a dark place. What does this mean? Just this week as I am writing this here for you, I've had 2 amazing transformational conversations with two existing goddesses from the previous intake of 1:1's.
On changing their beliefs with regards to loving themselves fully and letting go of the how, to be able to transform into a completely different goddess than they previously we're.
They had the safe space to do this from. All conversations are genuine and so heart felt it makes me want to cry after they achieve the results they were after and some didn't even know until they had their desired result: They felt 100% focused and ready to align with the newer version of themselves, letting go of the past.
They knew exactly what was needed in order to shift past any doubt to move forward They immediately attracted the desired results from their intentions to make the progress.
One was able to feel beyond worthy of love and seeing it all around in her life?
The other was able to be fully herself and say the things she'd wanted to for a while and really threw herself into the newer version of herself as she had worked on healing her past traumas.
What tool and techniques did we use? Aside from the connection to me 24/7 minus sleep time, I love to use in the Mage Spirit and give you full access to... EFT Taping, Meditations, Visualisations, Breath Work, Yoga, Nutrition, Self Care, Affirmations, Communication techniques, Tracking your cycle, and sooooo much more. As you can see, its all normal stuff, nothing weird going on here. And that's what makes the Mage Spirit so special. It works.
If you already know that deep down this is the container for you and where you want to spend the next 10 weeks then now is the time to DECIDE. I have two wonderful seats available for the Mage Spirit in the next week.
So say YES to this amazing opportunity and be the best version of yourself. You Will Feel Fully Loved By Yourself, Your number 1, YOU.!!
DM me 'Mage Spirit' for the link to sign up and be the Goddess you were born to be.
I promise you will feel absolutely incredible, loved and so connected to yourself that you will want your friends to join in the fun to.
How To Talk Dirty
You aren’t in the mood for sex.
Your partner keeps trying but you just keeping pushing them away.
You are tired. You are drained from work or from the kids.
You just want to be left alone. But then your partner starts to talk dirty and you get embarrassed and aren’t sure how to respond.
Sometimes these feelings come up or not being good enough, not being able to perform. Sometimes we feel self-conscious about how to talk dirty.
This comes from within. Find what the trigger points are for you journal them out. Find the courage to just go with it.
Ask your partner what it is they want to do to you. Have the confidence to tell your partner what it is that you want them to do to you.
Remember they can’t read your mind. Honesty is the best policy. Communication is key.
If you don’t like it, tell your partner. You can work through these together.
DM me if you are curious about working with me. We can hop on a FREE call if you like to see if this is right for you.
Oh my gosh, I have something so exciting for you that will make your day feel so good especially on a Friday. Its the end of the week, you are feeling tired, sluggish and drained from your hectic last few days at work.
Oh my gosh, I have something so exciting for you that will make your day feel so good especially on a Friday.
Its the end of the week, you are feeling tired, sluggish and drained from your hectic last few days at work. Here is a freebie for you as an employee to bring breath work into the workplace, especially if you are feeling stressed and tired. The full moon was last night so the energy is high.
Keeping employees healthy means they don’t miss work as often. And second, healthy employees result in lower healthcare costs which equals lower insurance premiums.
Employees can discover how they can reclaim their body, their energy, and their thirst for life in just 30 minutes time as well as get their mojo back for producing their best work to date. Click the link to download your Friday freebie.
Remember I am always available for a coffee chat to see how we can work together.
Articles I've been featured in this week in the press
This week I was featured in an article in the @metro newspaper talking about travelling with your partner. Read here from Faima Bakar
Another article I wrote and featured in was called I am becoming wealthy by doing what I love by Keris Fox It talks about money affirmations and my story with money.
New EasYoga Podcast Episode 175 - Join Gemma in this episode where she talks to special guest Lisa Shield.
Lisa is a love, dating, and relationship coach with over two decades of experience. She has a master’s degree in spiritual psychology, is certified through the Coaches Training Institute, and has been featured in Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, LA Times & Cosmopolitan. Lisa has been with the Guardian of Her Soul for over twenty years, and through her revolutionary approach has taught powerful, successful women all over the world how to take what she calls “The Feminine Lead” to get Emotionally Naked and find the soulmate of their wildest dreams.
Listen Here
Until next week, happy humping and see you soon.
Lots of Love Gemma xxx