Friday? Funday? Fur, Feathers, Fins
?? Susan Rooks ?? The Grammar Goddess
Editor/Proofreader: I help nonfiction writers and podcasters (& their guests) look and sound as smart as they are.??Cruciverbalist?? BIZCATALYST 360° Columnist????The Oxford Comma????Dog Rescuer??Spunky Old Broad??
So, friends ... do you have your weekend all planned? Going outside to feel the crisp fall air -- at least here in the Northeast U.S.? We're finally feeling the season, even though the leaves haven't turned yet ... something about a very warm September and lots of rain.
But I digress. On with the show!
Talk about a horror show ... thanks to my friend Jim Saelzler for this one!
Oh, dear ...
Thanks to friend Jesse Roberts for this next one, especially as winter is surely in our future!
Got a cat?
Speaking of scents ...
Probably never stops, right?
From another friend, Copywriter Kim Calvi ...
And my favorite for today: Yesterday was maybe a 2 or a 3 ??... hoping for a 9 today! ??
Speak to me, friends -- which one is YOUR favorite today?
??Remember to follow me if you laughed at what you see!??
#jokes #fridayfunday #laughing #humor #humour #rooksrocks
?? Bridge Builder
3 年I seem to get all the jokes in my feed on Monday (where they are probably more needed anyway.) This week I am rooting for the ant and the cod father - not from the joke, although it is great - but because in my head is Tom Hanks in "You've got Mail" imitating Mr. Woltz (John Marley). And who doesn't smile when Tom Hanks is playing in their head?
Nursing Supervisor at Roman Eagle Rehabilitation and Health Care Center
3 年??
I am a 5!
Principal at Pitsel & Associates Ltd.
3 年Great collection today, but how do they know an ant can live to 29? Are there little ant birthday parties where ages are posted?