Friday fun - ChatGPT once again - framework generation
Recently, I was working on an RFP for a customer. For this RFP, I was working for the data engineering area. As is the case with RFP for many years, customers ask for acceleration of their activities. Over the years, most of us have developed some accelerators and frameworks for the standard data engineering tasks like ingestion, data validation, data cleaning and more. Even for thi RFP, we wanted to share our repository of tools and frameworks that would enable us to help the customer achieve their goal of a high quality deliverable that goes hand in hand with on time delivery.
As has been the case in the recent weeks and months, I decided to ask ChatGPT to generate something for me. I have been experimenting with prompts on ChatGPT. I have found that for programming tasks, we need to give quite precise instructions in order to have ChatGPT generate code for us. More so, if we want ChatGPT to generate an application. Providing a specification that covers all aspects of the application is tough. It is as complex as or even more complex that writing a murder mystery. We need to cover all angles that does not allow the perpetrator to escape - in this case, our instructions have to be such that ChatGPT has no choice but to generate something that meets our requirements. It cannot get away by giving snippets, leaving the job of integration to us.
My prompt
Generate a pyspark application framework for ingestion of data. The application framework should be modular in nature made up of classes. It should be possible to configure behaviour using parameters. Framework should support data ingestion for full load as well as incremental load. Framework should use logging. Framework has to support multiple sources. Ingested data should be written to Delta tables. framework should allow us to create transformations as well as apply data cleaning and cleansing rules
When I executed this prompt, ChaGPT gave a error as below
An error occurred. Either the engine you requested does not exist or there was another issue processing your request. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at
I asked ChatGPT to re-execute. This was its response
Sure! Below is a basic outline of a PySpark application framework for data ingestion that meets your requirements. This framework is modular, configurable, supports full and incremental loads, logging, multiple sources, writes data to Delta tables, and allows for data transformations, cleaning, and cleansing. This framework can be extended further to add support for more data sources, additional data cleaning and transformation rules, and other functionalities as per your specific requirements.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType
class DataIngestionFramework:
def __init__(self, spark, source_type, source_config, destination_path, delta_table_name):
self.spark = spark
self.source_type = source_type
self.source_config = source_config
self.destination_path = destination_path
self.delta_table_name = delta_table_name
def ingest_data(self):
# Implement logic for ingesting data based on source type
if self.source_type == "csv":
df =["path"], header=True, inferSchema=True)
elif self.source_type == "json":
df =["path"])
# Add support for other source types as needed
# Apply data transformations, cleaning, and cleansing rules
df_transformed = self.transform_data(df)
# Write ingested data to Delta table
def transform_data(self, df):
# Implement data transformations, cleaning, and cleansing rules
# Example: df_transformed = df.withColumn(...)
return df
class IncrementalDataIngestionFramework(DataIngestionFramework):
def __init__(self, spark, source_type, source_config, destination_path, delta_table_name, last_ingestion_time):
super().__init__(spark, source_type, source_config, destination_path, delta_table_name)
self.last_ingestion_time = last_ingestion_time
def ingest_data(self):
# Implement logic for incremental data ingestion
if self.source_type == "csv":
df =["path"], header=True, inferSchema=True)
elif self.source_type == "json":
df =["path"])
# Add support for other source types as needed
# Apply data transformations, cleaning, and cleansing rules
df_transformed = self.transform_data(df)
# Filter data based on last ingestion time
df_incremental = df_transformed.filter(F.col("timestamp_column") > self.last_ingestion_time)
# Write incremental data to Delta table
class DataTransformation:
def transform_data(df):
# Implement generic data transformations
# Example: df_transformed = df.withColumn(...)
return df
class DataCleaning:
def clean_data(df):
# Implement data cleaning rules
# Example: df_cleaned = df.filter(...)
return df
# Example usage:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("DataIngestionFramework") \
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \
# Define source configuration
source_type = "csv"
source_config = {"path": "path/to/source/data.csv"}
# Define destination configuration
destination_path = "path/to/destination"
delta_table_name = "delta_table"
# Create instance of DataIngestionFramework
ingestion_framework = DataIngestionFramework(spark, source_type, source_config, destination_path, delta_table_name)
# Ingest data
# Stop Spark session
Does the code generated above meet my requirements? Yes and No. But the No is not that strong a response, neither is it weak.
The positives
What can be improved
For an experienced person, this structure is obvious. I have been building code with such structures for many years. So I relate to what ChatGPT has generated. can also improve the prompt to get code that aligns with my expectations. Experience is critical.
For a beginner, gaining experience is important and experience can be gained only by writing code and trying things. ChatGPT an generate code for us but it cannot make us understand and debug it. Though I am not much of a cricket fan, this being cricket season, a cricket analogy is called for.
Sitting on a couch and asking a player to run for each ball or to score a four or a six for eahc ball is very easy. It takes real strength to be on the field for two to three hours and face the ball hurtling at you. Sitting at home allow us to watch in slow motion but on the field, the ball travels within seconds, taxing our decision making ability. Being on the field and playing in varying circumstances is the only solution.
#codegeneration #fridayfun #chatgpt #framework #pyspark #generativeai