Friday Five - May 13
Modern Learners
Designing the future of learning by building community, content, and events.
I'm not superstitious, but I do recognize that today is Friday the 13th. Before I jinx anything with my ability to get this published, I need to get writing!
Here are this week's articles of note:
2. #Iffoundpleaseread This project showed up in my Tik Tok feed, and I feel in love. This woman, Madison, created this amazing project where she left her journals all over the country for perfect strangers to read. Watch her Tik Toks below, and order a journal at the link above!
3. Critical Skills of Unlearning by Steven Forth
This article actually breaks down how to unlearn something in order to learn more skills. I've always understood the concept of unlearning, but I've never before seen a break down of how to unlearn something! This is golden!
Matthew Gjertsen shared this post with an infographic of ways to intervene with learning at work. It's a great chart, and I think I'll have a lot of ways to use it in the future.
Truth be told, I'm NOT an intensive parent. In fact, I'm very lax, and some would definitely say too lax. This article helped me feel like I'm doing okay and actually not screwing up my kids as much as I thought I might be. It also confirmed my own recognition that my kids are going to be fine...and if they aren't we'll deal with it as it comes. I'll be there for them, but I'm not going to intensive parent just because everyone else is doing it.
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If you're enjoying the Friday 5, would you be willing to leave a comment or express some emotion with a reaction? You see, when you do that it helps the newsletter be seen by more people, and let's be real, I want everyone to have access to my take on things...because you know I always find the good stuff!
Also, if you want to?work with Modern Learners, this is what we do: