Friday afternoon marketing (AKA Groundhog Day)

Friday afternoon marketing (AKA Groundhog Day)

It’s Friday. Almost the end of another week, and the day many small business owners plan to work on, rather than in, their business. Taking time out to work on their strategy, explore new opportunities and their marketing. 

You know. The bigger picture things that will help drive their business forward. 

But. Do you?

A lot of the small business owners I know get to Friday and still have a ‘to do’ list as long (if not longer) than they did on Monday. Or they’re simply so exhausted from the week, that try as they might to focus on the ‘bigger picture’ they only really have the capacity to get to the end of the day and enjoy relax with a G&T. 

That Friday, full of promise at the start of the week, becomes Groundhog Day. 

Week after week, the plan to focus on strategy, replan your marketing, explore that new opportunity, simply doesn’t get done as you struggle to find the time or energy for it. 

And, while not spending the time in these areas tends not to have an immediate impact on your business, over time you have that creeping sense of lost opportunity. 

For most small business owners, it’s tough. Your focus is pulled in multiple directions as you try to take care of all the elements that need to come together to make you business work. 

And, when confronted with something like marketing which is outside your comfort zone, it’s really difficult to give it the time, focus and motivation needed to really nail it.  

Which is why I’ve set up a marketing coaching service for small business owners. 

Designed to give you the focus, accountability and expertise you need to up your game and use marketing to deliver real results for your business.

No more procrastination, no more marketing Groundhog Days. 

Find out more here

#marketing #digitalmarketing #strategy #smallbusiness #smallbusinessmarketing
