Freshwater Competence Centre LinkedIn page and newsletter is being renamed to Digital Waters Flagship!
Digital Waters Flagship
DIWA is a flagship project of the Research Council of Finland, a leading research and innovation ecosystem.
The Freshwater Competence Centre was launched in 2022. It was founded by a consortium of several Finnish research organizations that wanted to make Finnish water expertise, research and cooperation more visible.??At the beginning of this year, we gained more momentum in our water research when the Digital Waters flagship started. We want to celebrate the expansion of our consortium and the significance of the flagship by renaming the competence centre Digital Waters Flagship.? ?
Digital Waters Flagship continues to work on freshwater topics similar to those of the Freshwater Competence Centre. It's definitely worth continuing to follow our news because while the Digital Waters Flagship builds on the foundations of the Freshwater Competence Centre, it takes the work even further: for example building the digital twins of Finnish water resources, business collaborations, and the Finnish Meteorological Institute's climate scenario expertise bring new dimensions to the work of the Competence Centre - we look forward to being able to tell to you about the results of our work.?
You can come and listen to our webinar on 5 December 2024 at 12.00-13.30 about the achievements of the Freshwater Competence Center in the last three years, as well as future plans of Digital Waters Flagship. Please register here to get the participation link!
In Finnish:
Freshwater Compentence Centre aloitti toimintansa vuonna 2022. Sen perusti usean suomalaisen tutkimusorganisaation konsortio, joka halusi tehd? suomalaisesta vesiosaamisesta, tutkimuksesta ja yhteisty?st? n?kyv?mp??.T?m?n vuoden alussa saimme lis?? vauhtia vesitutkimukseemme, kun Digital Waters lippulaiva alkoi. Haluamme juhlistaa konsortiomme laajentumista ja lippulaivan merkitt?vyytt? nime?m?ll? osaamiskeskuksen uudelleen Digital Waters Flagshipiksi.?
Digital Waters Flagship jatkaa ty?t? samoje vesiaihepiirien parissa, kuin osaamiskeskus Freshwater Competence Centre. Kannattaa ehdottomasti jatkaa uutistemme seuraamista, koska Digital Waters Flagship rakentuu Freshwater Competence Centren perustusten varaan, mutta vie ty?n viel? pidemm?lle - esimerkiksi vesist?jen digitaaliset kaksoset ja niiden rakentaminen, tiivis yritysyhteisty? sek? Ilmatieteen laitoksen ilmastoskenaario-osaaminen tuovat uusia ulottuvuuksia osaamiskeskuksen ty?h?n - odotamme innolla ett? p??semme kertomaan teille ty?mme tuloksista.
Freshwater Competence Centren saavutuksista viimeisen kolmen vuoden aikana, sek? tulevista suunnitelmista voi tulla kuuntelemaan webinaariimme 5.12.2024. klo 12-13.30