Freshers Vs. Experienced Talent- Who Will Face More Challenges In The Coming Years & Why?
No matter the organization or industry, the goal of every recruitment and selection strategy is to find the right candidate for the job. Let's examine the differences between newcomers and seasoned professionals in light of their difficulties in filling job openings.
Experienced/ Seasoned professionals
Organization POV
The key is balance. An organization gains by employing a mix of new graduates and seasoned employees. Solely selecting experienced applicants leads to a lack of organizational agility and creativity, while only hiring freshmen results in excessive training expenses and inadequate implementation.?
In 2023, with the recession hitting, the challenge will be up for both freshers and experienced professionals. Getting a job and retaining a job are both going to be equally challenging.
Investing in self-development and building skills is the need of the hour and works like a survival act today.?
If you are NOT BETTER than others, you are OUT, irrespective of your experience!
Who do you think has the upper hand this year? Freshers or Experienced Talents?