A fresh way to network (the wisdom of Ernest Edwards)
Yes my Grandad was a smooth operator!

A fresh way to network (the wisdom of Ernest Edwards)

I’ve always had an ear for the wisdom of my older relatives. My grandad, the late Captain Ernest Edwards was raised in poverty. Growing up close to Birkenhead Dockland on the Wirral in the early 1900’s was tough. Sharing clothes, bath water and bed space with his siblings. Grandad learned at an early age the importance of ‘First up Best Dressed.’ 

The war years saw Ernest join the navy to serve his country and learn the trade of a Master Mariner. Following his service with the RN Granddad continued his maritime connections graduating to Captain the legendary Ferry Across the Mersey, a career he followed for 30 years.

Ernest plotting a course

Working hard to rise above the poverty he knew as a child, Ernie was determined to ensure his kin would never want or struggle with the hardships he had endured. Grandad was never short on home spun philosophy; “Always spend money on your shoes and your bed” he would say “If you are not in one, you will be in the other’! 

As kids we were always properly suited and booted with Clark's ‘Super’ shoes. Similarly, we slept on deep sprung quality beds. I often think back to Ernie and his ‘Wisdom Words’ when I was just a boy and have much to be grateful and thankful for. 

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I tell this story not because I want you to rush out and buy handmade designer shoes from Italy or a top of the range memory foam bed (It’s not a bad shout on either front though!) but to add some of my own ideas and persona to the Wisdom Words of Grandad Ernie and perhaps to stick a few pictures of the man up on this post (yes I'm the cherub on the left with big brother James and the man himself). 

The technological era knows no end as humanity continues to race into a brave new world of systems, time management and ever-increasing targets. Striving to do things faster and with more expedience than ever before comes with a cost. I’ve read that the average attention span of many people is now less than a goldfish! This certainly rings true in the business world.  

Gone are those days where time was spent socialising, sharing some humanity and properly getting to know your clients, peers and colleagues. Enter the world of rationing time and relying on ‘Speed Networking’, online forums and the perennial chase for instant results. Yes, work means work, but another anecdotal fact I came across adds credence to my argument; 18% of folk will die before retirement. Wow, this fact stopped me in my tracks.

We are so often batting and striving for success but often losing ourselves in the process. My father Colin says ‘The very things we look for to secure our freedom are very things that enslave us’! If I sound a bit crazy and you are struggling to connect with my thought pattern, get online and look up the parable of the Mexican fisherman!

With the Wisdom Words of Grandad Ernie and the thoughts of my dad in mind, I had an idea to support business success without sacrificing the fun. I feel it only right now to share a few thoughts of my own; ‘Enjoy what you do and if you don’t change it’. If you have a bad day, I’m not advocating jumping ship but, if your bad days consistently outweigh your good ones, then something must give. 

Life is a finite condition and the quest for happiness should always take a high spot on the agenda. If you like someone, spend more time with them, if you don’t, don’t. This has long been an issue with me when it comes to business networking. I’ve been attending networking events for 8 years now and so many follow a generic path that isn’t conducive to enjoyment.

Hi I’m Chris from Smithkin Baker the regions only truly converged sales, marketing and design company”. Not what you want to hear when you first meet someone. But I want to do business with you and hope you want to do business with me so how do we go about doing it?!

Notworking Networking in action

Notworking Networking was launched in the Stand Off Bar on Nov 22nd, 2018. No pitching, no business cards, just a few drinks and a good time. We are all likely to do more business with people we like - indeed you are 5 to 7 times more likely to work with someone recommended to you than with a stranger. So, let us enjoy some proper Devon hospitality amid like-minded professionals making friends in the knowledge that the business will come from the association!

Its easier to get along when there is no expectation

From a standing start and minimal promotion, over 100 Exeter business-people with a similar mindset joined the inaugural and we’ve had 80+ at each of the next 5 events. The feedback has been nothing but positive and I do hope, if this piece has resonated, you may like to join us at one of our events – check our www.smithkinbaker.com/notworking for details of live event, you may even become the next Queen or King of Notworking!

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