A fresh way to easily find more consistency in your business

A fresh way to easily find more consistency in your business

For a long time running a business felt like a roller coaster to me, one minute I was riding high everything seemed to be unfolding and flowing, there was an ease to it.

Then there came a time when it felt hard, nothing seemed to work, like I was driving down lots of cul-de-sacs none of them with turning circles at the end. It didn’t matter how hard I tried I felt like I was getting nowhere until eventually I felt stuck.?

I hated this feeling. I fought hard with it, berated myself, and often then I would get a little scared. What if the business didn’t flow again? What if I couldn’t figure this out? What if I didn’t get to the bottom of this ‘stuckness’ and I just stayed stuck? My head would spiral to places where I had lost the business, I had no clients, no income. I’d react to this and start making hasty decisions - which later I’d regret.?

I see this a lot with clients, in fact I’ve had several conversations this week about just this. Stuck, flat, standstill, nothing going on but the rent (sorry I couldn’t resist!) I really felt for my clients because that feeling is horrible, we become stressed, worried, afraid of it. It’s like a huge space of nothingness and above all we feel like we’re not doing it right.

Over the years I’ve got curious about our obsession about consistency. We like consistency, well a part of our brain does, it knows what’s going to happen when things are consistent. It knows that we are safe. But for a moment consider, what in nature is consistent? The sun, the moon, the stars - yes, all true, but our experience is that they rise, fall, appear, vanish. We are just about the enter into Spring here - a time of awakening, growth, yet what preceded it was a dying away and a natural dormancy.?

In everything in life there is change, fluctuation, a gentle rise and fall, up, down, in, out - nothing is constant. In my mind it is that expectation that it should be constant which trips us up. We compare our lived experience to our imagined expectation and when it doesn’t live up to it we feel failure, frustration and fear.?

Our first realisation towards change is letting go of that expectation - I know for me just that one insight was transformational, like the pressure was off, I could simply accept life as it was rather than constantly judging it.

But something rather lovely happened when I did that, because what I realised was that life was giving me the space I craved. This was the space I needed to work ON my business rather than crazily being IN it. It was like a ‘why didn’t I see this before’ moment, realising that being constantly in that riding high, doing phase would be exhausting, there would be no time to recalibrate, consider my direction, or simply recharge.?

And with that I began to look forward to those less frantic times, I’d cherish them and protect them because I saw the value in having them. But more than that, it felt less like a rollercoaster, there was no stress, no failure no knee jerk decisions that I’d have to back track - but a gentle consistency that I could not have envisaged, and with that my business did become like everything else in nature - dynamic even at rest, there and present, even when it seems to me like it isn’t.?

If you would like to know how you enjoy your business more, enjoy higher levels of confidence, resilience and well-being more enabling you to reach your potential and create a business that is right for you, then book a complementary call with me -?Click Here ?to find a time to suit.

Clare Downham

Soulful Success Mentor & Coach | Guiding High-Achieving Gen X Women on a Unique Journey from Stress, Overwhelm, & Burnout to Authentic Self-Expression, Aligned Action, & Soulful Success.

1 年

Thank you ??Andrea Morrison??. That was beautifully reassuring ?


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