Fresh Inspiration. How to talk about colour analysis in a new way?... & Mind-Blowing Offer

Fresh Inspiration. How to talk about colour analysis in a new way?... & Mind-Blowing Offer

Colour Analysis. Bringing the fun back into your business

I've been hearing that you lovely stylists have been trying to ease back into marketing and promoting your business after a quiet summer.

I racked my brain for some inspiration and I realised colour analysis is the answer.

It's fun, its colourful and I bet most of us can talk about it till the cows come home.?

Watch the replay here??

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The 6 Figure Stylist Retreat - 9th -14th October 2022

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These 5 days of mentorship & training in a small group with me make it easy to absorb information quickly and get mentorship on the spot as you complete the work and create your passive income stream.

In just 5 days you'll create an income stream that will reward you handsomely for years to come.

I have 3 passive income streams that have brought me in 10's of thousands of euro's while I do other things!

Don't worry that its gonna be all work and no play, there will be some lovely treats included which I've been busy organizing last week. It's time to create your financial future but why not do it in luxury and style with all the South of France has to offer.

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