Fresh Faces Spotlight: Evey Roman & John Slavinski
Hanover Fire and Casualty Insurance Company
Protecting America's Homes Since 1843
Each year we run a summer series where we interview agents who are awesome to work with! This year we focused on fresh faces and folks whose names have been popping up more and more around the HFC office. We enjoy giving our agents some love whenever we can, and we're proud to present another great summer of talented, hard-working folks.
How long have you been in the insurance business?
John: I’ve been in the insurance world for about ten years. I started in claims, and then moved to sales, then that all turned into our insurance agency.
Evey: I’ve been in the industry for about 28 years, sales, and now I’m in the agency ownership part of it with John.
John: It’s only been about… we opened in October 2020.
What’s your favorite part of working in insurance?
John: I enjoy that it’s fast-paced, and there’s something different all the time.
Evey: Diverse–
John: Yeah, a very diversified industry.
What’s something about the insurance business that you wish more insiders and/or outsiders understood?
Evey: For me I think it’s the importance of explaining to the customer what insurance really is. Some customers have an impression of insurance that is not even close…
John: I agree about that one.
How did y’all first get connected with Hanover Fire & Casualty?
John: We’ve had a relationship with them since about 2014 with our previous employer. As far as this agency goes…
Evey: 2021.
John: Or late 2020.
What are the top three words that come to mind when you think about working with Hanover Fire & Casualty?
John: I’d say “easy.”
Evey: Relationship.
John: Yeah, relationship. Trust.
Evey: Yeah, exactly, trust.
What are some of your career goals for the next couple of years??
Evey: To grow.
John: We’re looking to probably double our production in the next two years, and probably expand to a couple other states.
Thanks for working with HFC, Evey and John! We look forward to seeing what the future brings for both you and? United Insurance LLC .