Frequently Used Rest Commands In Splunk

The rest command is one of the most commonly used commands in Splunk to interact with the Splunk REST API and access or manage resources programmatically. Here are some of the most common use cases and examples of using the rest command in Splunk:

Accessing search job information

The rest command can be used to retrieve information about search jobs, such as saved searches, from the Splunk REST API:

| rest /services/search/jobs count=0 splunk_server=local | search isSavedSearch=1        

This will return information on all the saved search jobs configured in Splunk. The count=0 parameter disables any limits on results, and splunk_server=local specifies to retrieve jobs from the local Splunk instance.

Listing all users and roles

To retrieve a list of all configured users and their assigned roles

|rest /services/authentication/users 
| table title, roles        

The /services/authentication/users endpoint provides access to user account information.

Retrieving user login details

More detailed user account information including last login time can be accessed with:

|rest /services/authentication/users
| fields email id last_successful_login 
| eval last_successful_login=strftime(last_successful_login,"%Y-%m-%d:%H-%M-%S")
| rename last_successful_login as Last Login        

The fields command specifies which user account fields to return, and eval converts the timestamp to a readable format.

Listing active logged in users

To see currently logged in users:

| rest splunk_server=local /services/authentication/current-context 
| rename username as active_users
| fields active_users        

The current-context endpoint provides information on active user sessions.

Retrieving license usage information

To retrieve current daily license usage statistics:

| rest /services/licenser/pools        

The /services/licenser/pools endpoint provides access to licensing usage data.

Retrieving Owner and last Updated Time of a Saved Search

| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches|where 'eai:acl.owner' != "nobody" |table updated title eai:acl.owner        

updated gives the last updated time of the report and eai:acl.owner will give the owner of report.

Retrieve roles of each server in a cluster

| rest /services/cluster/master/info
| table label, role, uri

You should have administrative privileges to get the response of the above command



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