Frequently asked questions about our land investments in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus!
Our esteemed investors and friends;
As you know, in our previous articles, we have mentioned how profitable and priority Northern Cyprus is in investment, and even gave detailed technical information. As of those days, all of our determinations have been confirmed at the exact level of accuracy and the interest and demand in investment has increased more than we expected, I thank you in advance for your interest and trust.
We analyzed 210 different plots in two months and matched the ones that fit the criteria to our current investors. As I do not want to bore you by re-listing the advantages we have mentioned before, we recommend that you review them again for information, and we would like to emphasize once again that we make highly profitable investments on the basis of sterling. We personally live and see that this opportunity environment will not last very long, that the value increases are rapid and will continue to happen. We are already having difficulty in finding suitable lands at affordable prices as before, even if there is no explosion in value increases, we see and experience how possible expectations affect the values and the market.
As we said a few months ago, now is the time to invest in land in Cyprus! Investing in Cyprus is one way of making a profit in terms of sterling while protecting your money in sterling.
Now let's come to the frequently asked questions about our land investments in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus;
Is there a minimum and maximum investment amount?
In our preferred criteria, the cost of the plots is between 30000-150000 (GBP)(Great Britain Pounds)(Sterling) per acre, a foreign investor cannot buy more than one acre of Cyprus (1338sqm), it is limited by law, so when we buy a plot of 2-3 acres Again, we need to make deed to the person as much as the decare amount. In this regard, our investors usually make their investments with their friends and family or by making one acre of deed for their spouses and children. In larger investments, establishing a company or other methods come into play, which is also a topic as it has some risks in itself.
Where do you usually invest? Do you have a region?
We make investments in profitable places that meet our criteria, without specifying a specific region throughout Cyprus. In Cyprus, there are almost no places left, which are called chapter 96 with the latest orders and zoning works, and allow up to 2.2 precedents, and the island in general allows villas or townhouses with a 0.20 + 0.15 floor permission on the base, which is called 20 + 15. We are interested in both building permits. An investor, who can pay around 250-300 thousand TL, invests in multi-storey licensed lands and is located around 300-400 sqm, while our investors who has 50-60 thousand pounds demand villas' lands.
How are the title deeds in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus?
When a foreign investor buys real estate, he or she goes through a one-time security investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which takes between 3-8 weeks. With the opportunity and system we have, we follow the deed transactions on your behalf with our team, which you can do 2-3 times when you follow up on the island yourself, and if you wish, we send your deed to your address wherever you are in the world. For this, it is sufficient to give a power of attorney to our lawyer and have it approved by the consulate.
Do we have to make the payment in Sterling? Can we do it in TL?
You can pay in TL or in GBP (sterling) over the instant GBP exchange rate of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus central bank.
What are the land registry taxes and fees?
As of now, the buyer pays 6% and the seller 2.75% over the price shown in the title deed, but since this varies from time to time, we can obtain clear information together with the service and follow-up fees only a short time before we buy the land and inform you.
How soon do we expect a profit?
To state this outright would be both ethically incorrect and a wrong approach, but from the analysis and experience, I can say that a land that I bought 4 years ago for X GBP(sterling) has increased 2.75X the value of 6,5X in TL terms. In this case, the current rate of increase is even higher than this, while no one knows Cyprus, it is not even a subject of recognition, although the global economic crisis also affected Cyprus, although the pandemic paralyzed tourism and life, there was no gas investigations etc. And I won't tell you, you can guess where a region that provides this ratio can reach by adding these pluses.
I would also like to state that if you have an investment opportunity and a budget for turning the land into villas and flats, if you request it, you will multiply this profit with the villa or residence you will make built on your land.
As a well-known and reputable land developer, I personally analyze around 700 plots a year, I go to the ones I deem worthwhile and make on-site inspections, determine the most suitable plots with environment, topography and price analyzes, zoning, municipality, bank situation, etc. I am happy to make the most profitable investments for our investors as a result of our negotiations after the analysis of whether there are any problems. Since we are not concerned with the sale of a particular land, but with the purchase of the most suitable land for our investor, this gives us the opportunity to make a more accurate decision.
As our intensity will increase in the coming period, it will make your work faster if you come together as a group of friends or investors, create a budget and apply accordingly. Attractive plots do not wait long, do not talk too much, otherwise either the land will not be sold or its price will increase, so we do not advertise any land, determine your budget and investment group in order to quickly decide on an attractive land, contact us and we will give you the price and technical information. , do your own research, price, location, etc. create a picture in your mind so that when we offer you an opportunity, be aware of it and act quickly.