Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The wonderful world of recruiting can be a confusing place. From different companies reaching out to discuss opportunities with you to different people at the same companies giving you calls. Sometimes you must take a step back and ask, “Wait, who is this?” Don’t worry, if you need clarification on this - we won’t be insulted. We realize that lots of people get in touch with you monthly (maybe even weekly or daily because of your stellar skillset.) We want to be sure you know who you are talking to and we want to answer any questions you may have.

Let’s see if I can answer some of those questions up front for you to help make the recruiting world a little less puzzling.

How did you find me? Whenever you upload your resume onto a job board or create a job profile on a website such as LinkedIn, you share your information and post it on the Internet. If positions are available that match your requirements and background, we will be in touch. If you’re actively on the market, great! If not, let us know and we can reach out in the future with opportunities. 

How does Provato make money? Because you don’t pay for our service, a lot of people ask us how we make our money. Provato is not fee based. We partner with our clients which enables them to see more candidates. We don’t just work one position. We work hundreds of them. We will discuss all our clients who may have opportunities for you and let you decide the right positions/companies to pursue based off what you are looking for.

What’s the salary range for the position? What is it going to take for you to make a move? We aren’t concerned with what you are currently making. We want to learn from you what you are hoping to make in a new role. Our conversation won’t necessarily be tailored to a specific opportunity, so if we don’t know what you want to make, how can we find the right opportunities to share with you? The more information you can give us the better. Tell us what you want! Is there an ideal number? A deal breaker number? If you’re honest and open it will give us the ability to stay in touch with you and send you relevant information that you’ll want to respond to.

What’s the location of the position? We work positions throughout the United States and around the world. What areas are you interested in commuting to? Are you open to relocation? Let us know what cities you’re open to and which ones are outside of your scope. Our goal is to find a position in a location that you’re willing and able to commute to! The clients we primarily support have positions in the Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia area. Those of us from there understand the pain of sitting through traffic. If you're looking to stay within 15 miles from your home because it takes an hour to get anywhere in the mornings, we will work with you.

Is this position for a proposal? Government contracts are either awarded or in the pre-award phase and yes, clients recruit for both which means we do as well. In order to win contracts, clients need to show that they have people willing to jump onto the project when the contract is awarded to them. Clients compete for contracts, so there is always some hesitancy with this. We understand people don’t always want to commit to a proposal position because there’s always a chance that the client won’t win the work. When Provato works proposal positions for our clients, we are made aware of this and will let you know right away. We don't want to waste your time or ours if you're not interested.

What agency does this support? What is the name of the contract? Classified. Classified. ANNNDDDDD classified. I’m joking. If we have that information, we will let you know right off the bat. If there ever is a time where we don't have that information, chances are it's because of the clearance level for that role. We understand that the more information we give you, the better. Sometimes our clients like to give those details to candidates themselves to ensure that they are giving you the most up to date information.

Provato Talent Strategy Consultants will provide you with as much information as we have access to. We get you in touch with the company directly because the positions are with them and you would be a direct hire on their end. Once we get you in touch with them, they can divulge more information and fill in any of the blanks if it’s not disclosed to us in its entirety.

We understand that you have questions and we wish we had all the answers. We will provide you with all the information we have at our disposal. We promise to be transparent with you and we hope in return that you are transparent with us. 

