Frequencies: The Genie Within
Arnab Mitra
CleanTech | Tinkerer | Explorer | Learner | (Perpetually) Under Construction
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for being here. I hope I can do justice to the time you will be investing on this page. Before you get on with the article, I would encourage you to read my previous articles on this topic for better congruency.
Now, let's get started with the topic of the post.
Having gone through a significant amount of material on the topic, I am convinced that "Thinking" is possibly the highest value activity for any human being. God has given this unique ability to humans that we can think and visualize anything we want. Anything that a man visualizes with a strong sense of desire and purpose can and will manifest itself in his physical environment. As a corollary, nothing will manifest itself in our physical environment without us building a vivid mental image of the same first.
Non Sensory Faculties
The ability to think consciously and the power of imagination are the things that separate human beings from animals. Every other creature is able to survive with sensory organs, instincts, and a fraction of the brainpower as compared to what human beings possess.
It would be sacrilegious to accept that a supercomputer as powerful as the human brain has evolved merely for the task of survival. Mother nature deemed it fit to bless us all with amazing non-sensory faculties with unmeasurable powers. Let us explore a few of the non-sensory faculties that we all have.
Everything that Man Creates is a Copy, the Original Masterpiece lives and breathes in his Imagination...
Developing the non-sensory faculties is possible with practice and mastering these abilities can help us change the frequency of our thinking to different levels at will. Not only is this essential to gather information but the very manifestation of our dreams depends on our ability to employ our non-sensory faculties deliberately.
Synthetic vs Creative Intelligence
Intelligence is another dimension of human ability. However, intelligence should not be confused with schooling. Schooling and formal education are merely one aspect of intelligence.
I have experienced the same thing over and over again in my life. Every time, I pay attention to something, I feed my mind with as much information on the topic as possible, and then whenever, my surrounding has any sensation relevant to the topic, a resonance happens, awareness automatically latches onto the object/thought, and relevant/related information gets downloaded effortlessly. And in sleep, all the information gets re-organized and harmonized into usable patterns, and served up to the conscious brain the next day. Sleep is such a magical symphony of mother nature that it'll require exclusive posts itself.
We are All Special
"We tend to minimize the things we can do, the goals we can accomplish. For some equally strange reasons, we believe that other people can accomplish things we cannot." | Napoleon Hill
It really struck a chord because I am sure that a deer doesn't look at another deer and think maybe this is the "special" deer that flies Santa on Christmas nights, it was born "special". I think it is only in humans that we consider ourselves to be vastly (superior or) inferior to another specimen of our own species.
We are all born in different circumstances, we grow up in different environments, arguing against the physical realities of our individual present situations is a futile exercise. The need is not to be delusional. The opportunities and struggles can objectively be vastly different for everybody. However, just because the (present) circumstances differ, doesn't mean our inherent abilities differ by that much. If we look at most so-called "successful" people, it is rarely true that their "synthetic intelligence" levels are greater by too much. Elon Musk's net worth might be 10,00,000 times more than mine but that doesn't mean that his physiological capabilities are 10,00,000 more developed than mine. He is not an alien with superhuman intellect. Biologically speaking, he isn't God's "special" child, the difference in "potential" isn't that much, and yet, he is able to do things that I should consider impossible. So, if he is able to achieve such phenomenal results, it is obvious that he is able to operate at a frequency that might not be available to me. He is able to sync information from a much higher frequency band than me and he is also able to solicit the cooperation of similarly experienced individuals to execute his vision.
Having a defeatist or pessimistic mindset is the real handicap. I think having a defeatist attitude can be comfortable for most because it absolves them of the burden of even making a sincere effort.
The danger of Comfort Zone is that it doesn't hurt and it may even feel Good...
I truly believe that the information is out in the universe. The hard part is learning how to tune in to the right frequencies at will. These abilities are grossly inadequate because nobody teaches us how to develop these mental faculties. It is a skill that schools do not teach. Society by and large doesn't teach this. In fact, most people learn about things like success mindset from the wrong sources.
A really lucky person might have parents who understood these concepts and trained him/her from early childhood. The children of successful parents many times (not always) have an advantage if they grew up with the right training about mindset.
Positive programming is really the only way to achieve anything in life. Most of us discover such methods by accident. Some lucky ones manage to discover the power of positive thinking early by chance, others might never learn about these things and spend an entire lifetime struggling and playing the victim.
In essence, everything starts with an idea, engaging with the idea emotionally increases the amplitude of the vibrations to the point that our mind is engaged with the idea all the time. Anybody can learn to think and do mental jugglery with an idea, it is completely free but very very powerful because what we think about all the time will definitely manifest itself in our physical world as well. It is also important to remember, that this works both ways. If you are constantly worried about debt, you'll be in debt. If you have a scarcity mindset (trying to cheat people, steal from others, being jealous), you'll never enjoy an abundant life.
In fact, negative emotions get absorbed surreptitiously. The idle subconscious gets hooked to negative thoughts and emotions easily so, we really have no choice but to keep engaging positive thoughts and ideas intentionally. It can only come with practice. Having an abundance mindset will allow us to think creatively, to be able to win the trust and goodwill of quality people. Riches (if that is what you want) will be a mere consequence of being productive.
Working on our non-sensory faculties is critical to leading a purposeful life.
Success is the Progressive Realization of a Worthy Goal | Earl Nightingale
I don't think I will be able to do justice to this topic even with 10 posts but I'll conclude this series here and maybe pick it up again as my own understanding improves. As always, do share your comments and feedback. If you have some suggestions that you can share with fellow readers, that would be much appreciated so please don't hold back.
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I hope I could do justice to the time you have just invested. If you wish to explore more, I have linked the next article below for easy reference:
Engineer. Poet. Energy Enthusiast. TEDx Speaker. Social Media Observer.
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