Frequencies 101

Frequencies 101

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for being here. I hope I can do justice to the time you will be investing on this page. Let us get started with the topic at hand.


I have an old friend with whom I discuss (read: spiritedly argue) random stuff like leadership, philosophy, relationships, etc (engineering is not exciting enough for us :D). I had been thinking about the law of attraction, with both of us being first principle-focused engineers, I needed to figure out a simple analogy to convince him (and myself) about this. It struck me one day that our mental faculties operate just like radios, lets see if I can convince you as well.


The concept of "Resonance" is quite common in electrical engineering. It is actually known in almost all fields of engineering but being an Electrical Engineer, it is easier for me to use the electrical engineering analogy for the purpose of the post. Without trying to get too technical, the series circuit impedance is very low at the frequency of resonance which means that any signal operating at the resonant frequency will experience the least possible resistance when passing through the series circuit.

Essentially, if a signal needs to pass through the circuit, adjusting the frequency of the signal to match the resonant frequency of the circuit will ensure effortless transfer of information. Also, any frequency, higher or lower than the resonant frequency will face a much higher resistance so proper tuning is the key for information transfer.


Now, if you are old enough (like yours truly) to have used knobs on the radio to tune in and out of channels, you can visualize what I am saying easily. Even if you have only ever used a digital radio, I hope you can still follow along.

When we change channels on a radio, we are essentially trying to match the resonant frequency of the circuit in the radio with the frequency of the channel that we are trying to listen to. If we successfully manage to "tune" properly, suddenly, we are able to download all the information flowing on that frequency. We suddenly hear a melody, we hear words, we hear the news. However, if we change the frequency even by a little bit, we start to hear noise and static.

I am convinced that our mind works very similar to this. At the point of resonance, suddenly, random noise changes into useful information. All the information is now effortlessly downloaded into our minds and then the subconscious gets to work in the background. This is where sudden bursts of inspiration come from, this is where creativity comes from, this is also the origin of eureka moments. All these "aha" moments are essentially our subconscious mind making complex connections and serving up optimal (based on the available inputs) solutions to the conscious brain. I have another very dear friend (who incidentally is quite successful as well), he talks about "resonance" every time we talk and I am convinced he has managed to tap into the process very well :)

Sensing vs Perceiving

In almost all projects that we develop, we are working with sensors and controllers. The sensory inputs are captured, converted, processed, and used as inputs to the control algorithm to get the desired output (s).

The human body also has a set of highly specialized sensors, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin. The sensors are always active and are continuously sending out high-resolution data to our brains. It is almost like a high-definition movie flashing in front of our brain. Normally, the brain allows the movie to directly flow through us, there is no retention. This is highly efficient because attempting to store everything would have been extremely expensive. In fact, during sleep, our brain replays the inputs captured during the day and retains anything it deems to be useful to our long-term memory, everything else is discarded automatically.

Normally, the snapshots of the sensory information pass through us seamlessly throughout the day. However, if the information resonates with some past experience or thought, there is a pause. Suddenly, the movie is paused to allow our awareness to pay close attention to the situation and process it deliberately. Let's take an example.

I like watching automobile reviews even though I "know" I'll never buy the vehicle. I was watching the reviews of a particular Skoda sedan on youtube last week and was thinking about the sedan in white in particular. The rest of the week, I was traveling and over 3 days or so, for some reason, I kept "noticing" the exact same white sedan from Skoda. Now, the road was full of cars, that particular model was outnumbered 1:500 (or more) very easily and even then, my awareness kept latching onto the particular car, that too in white. Every time, it went past me, I was automatically (without any conscious effort) latching onto it, I would actually watch it go past very consciously. That is the power of the subconscious mind. I am no expert, I am no scientist but I realized that by watching the reviews, I programmed my subconscious to believe that the white sedan from Skoda was something important to me and then, it got to work.

There is a difference between "Hearing" and "Listening"

"Hearing" is just the ears doing their job, "Listening" requires emotional engagement, conscious attention, and deliberate action.

Selective Perception

If you have managed to get to this section of the post (hopefully, without thinking of me as somebody in urgent need of psychiatric intervention), let us explore the possibility that

  • 2 individuals might be taking in the exact same sensory information but their interpretations can be vastly different.
  • 2 individuals might look at the same object and react very differently.
  • 2 individuals might read the same book and the learnings can be vastly different.

If you are still not convinced, watch this video

Since we are talking about 2 human beings, it is reasonable to assume that the sensory information will be (almost) identical, and yet, the information gathered by both might be vastly different. The question is not that it happens. The question is why?

I think it is because the frequency of emotional vibration of both persons might be vastly separated simply based on their present state of attention/thoughts and also due to their past conditioning.

Conditioning can be a result of what the person is thinking about currently. It is also influenced by the past experiences of the person. This is why the environment influences a person so much, the influence of parents is so strong. When we look at 2 individuals, both might look similar (physically) but the inside world of both might be lightyears away.


It amazes me how intelligently efficient the human brain is. Not only do we have deep, ancestral conditioning (most of us will jump at the sight of a snake even if we have no first-hand experience of getting bitten by a snake) but we also are the product of the conditioning we have received from our Environment.

Another thought that blows my mind is that we are all handicapped by the limits of our physical senses. This means that we cannot see/hear frequencies which our eyes/ears are not developed to sense. We cannot see what an eagle can see easily, we cannot "taste" the air with our tongues like a snake, we cannot sense electrical pulses/vibrations like a shark, we are almost helpless at night, unlike a bat. Just imagine how much of the physical world is completely invisible to us. I don't think there is much we can do about that except maybe develop technologies. However, it is possible to expand the abilities of our mental faculties indefinitely.

If there is something that we want, something that we don't have (at present), we are essentially not vibrating at the right frequencies. If we understand that there is no way we can access the information we need unless we can adjust the frequency of vibration, the problem statement changes from impossible to something that requires work/training. Also, there is no doubt that the necessary information does exist in the universe:

  • somebody is able to run a marathon
  • somebody is able to live a life of abundance
  • somebody is happy/fulfilled

If some other human being is able to do something we desire, it is most definitely not breaking any laws of physics, it is not IMPOSSIBLE. So, the key is figuring out how can we access the right channels of information. How do we improve our skills to operate at different frequencies? How do we attract mentors and partners who can help elevate our understanding to higher frequencies?

You are not Undeserving, You are just Inexperienced.

I have no idea how this works. I honestly don't understand the complexity of the human brain. I am not a scientist. However, I am an engineer, the only thing that I am (somewhat) good at, is figuring out how to use tools and I am convinced that the human brain is possibly the most sophisticated tool in the universe. Mental visualization has taken us to the depth of the ocean, it has also taken us to the moon and visualization can help us go beyond the limitations of our physical senses.

The purpose of this post (and the following posts) is to recognize the power of the concept of Resonance and how to (hopefully) handle it better. As always, do share your comments and feedback. If you have some suggestions that you can share with the readers, that would be much appreciated so please don't hold back.

Read Next >>

I hope I could do justice to the time you have just invested. If you wish to explore more, I have linked the next article below for easy reference:


Ashwini Vashishth

An accomplished professional with 21 years of experience in Youth Skilling and Livelihood space.

5 个月

Wonderful article ??

Rupam Das

Student for Life, Creator of Lyfas

5 个月

Great read Arnab Mitra bhai. Super read.

Vaishnavi Rai

Corporate Sales Manager| Electric Mobillity| EV Charging| DG sets

3 年

It does make sense that what technologies, what laws we humans have created, is similar to the way our mind works(afterall its the result of our mind) law of attraction, law of resonance and all that you mentioned. Often have observed things like yours white sedan from skoda??..."We only see things that we want to see, whether consciously or subconsciously" Never thought all this like now, anytime before. Keep going Arnab Mitra sir, your posts are intriguing and really insightful ??


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