French Translation: Additional French Resources
Verity Roat
Arabic & French to English Translator | Medical ? NGOs ? Documents | Translation ? Copy-editing ? Copywriting ? Tutoring ? Acting ? Audiovisual | Solving all your language needs!
I’ve talked in a previous post on my blog about my favourite online and paper French dictionaries, but this week I thought I’d add to that with a few more French resources that didn’t make the list last time, but are still useful for French translation.
This is a fantastically useful website. You can type in the infinitive of any French verb (or English if you’re learning English as a foreign language) and it provides you with a comprehensive table of all the possible conjugations of the said verb you could ever need. Think the little verb table book by Harrap’s, but on a larger (and quicker) scale!
This is an official resource from Canada’s government and very useful when you are looking for the official equivalent of specific terms (e.g. healthy and safety equipment terms, medical abbreviations, etc.). Invaluable for a medical translator or French translation of official documents.
This is a great resource for any legal French translators out there, as it provides you with the official translations of some of France’s most important legal documents (e.g. the Code civil).
This particular resource has actually proved most useful for me when reading novels in French. It is an online dictionary, full of slang terms, that is completely monolingual (e.g. in French). Therefore, you need quite a good grasp of the French language to use it.
If you are still at a loss when it comes to French translation, contact me to discuss how I can help.