For a number of years now I have been in an intense study on the subject of Freemasonry. As many of you know, I spent 20 years in the Mormon Church where the temple rituals have been directly "lifted" from the Blue Lodge degrees. Other portions of the Scottish rites, such as the ordination of the "Holy Melchizedek" priesthood are also common. In my book, THE GOD MAKERS, Dave Hunt and I detailed the parallels and the occult origins of each group. What I didn't share was that prior to my conversion to Mormonism, I was a member of the Masonic youth group, the DeMolay and have a family history of Masonry that goes back over 175 years.

The more I studied Masonry, the more I realized the depth of its satanic hold over those within its "strong Grip". Within the pages of the hundreds of Masonic books and secret ritual manuals I have gathered and read in my research is a tragic story of Godly men who have succumbed to the snare of the enemy and have been snatched from the very arms of Christ.

They have brought the darkest side of Baal worship into their homes and congregations, opening the door to every demon in that Masonic corner of Hell. 

When the average American thinks of the Masonic Lodge, the thoughts are of Children's Burn Centers and Hospitals, the Shrine Circus, where handicapped children are often carried to the front row seats in the strong arms of weeping men who are wearing the Red Fezzes of their fraternity.

Rarely do we see a parade without these same Shriners driving up and down the parade route in their little cars and motorcycles, wearing clothes out of the Arabian nights, bringing laughter to the little children lined up along the sidewalks.

On more serious occasions, such as the laying of public building cornerstones or at the funeral service of a Lodge member, these same men, dressed in somber attire, wearing their ornate sashes and brass- medallioned chains of office, ceremonial aprons, will perform with solemn dignity pagan rites supposedly handed down through centuries of ritual secrecy.

Yet, once you get past the good-old-boy fraternal act, the funny hats and slippers of the Shriners and the sheltered reputation of the local, Blue Lodge Masonic groups, there is something beyond the colorful mask, an aura of mystery, power and intrigue, complete with undertones of conspiracy and backroom politics. 

As ever present as Masonry hangs on the edge of the public eye, we see it as even more subtly present in the Christian Community.

Except for the ritual funeral service for the Masonic dead, and an occasional march from the Lodge to a selected Church for services, the Lodge leaves it to the individual member to select and attend the church of his choice.

On the other end of that, however, is the church on whose Board sits a majority from the Lodge, or whose Deacons or Elders share Lodge secrets that are in keeping with their higher allegiance to the Lodge, an aloofness from the rest of the Church body. These are "good" men who attend regularly and are often the financial backbone of many small congregations.

One Pastor wrote of his frustration in a rural church. He put it this way, "As faithful as these men are, I always feel at board meetings that there is a second agenda which is not open to me. It's like they get their marching orders from the Lodge on how to conduct the business of the church. They are good men, but they seem to operate with some higher' knowledge than the rest of us. There is no submission to the authority of the church and its members.

The simple Christian NO list should be enough for most truly Bible based Churches to take a stand regarding Masons holding membership in their Church.

The Christian NO! List

First, if the Mason is a Christian, Christ's admonition to swear no oaths at all should be all one would need to stay clear. The secrets of Masonry are protected by the vilest of blood oaths, every one of which is an offense to Jesus. Jesus said that these oaths come from the ‘evil one devil.  Matthew 5: 33-48. James warns that these oaths will bring condemnation. James 5:12.

Second, the name and nature of the Masonic deity is an offense to the one true God. It is taught in the Royal Arch degree that Masonry draws its teachings and powers from three great teachers and gods. The combined deity is represented as a three headed snake, whose name is Joa:Bul:On, which stands for Jehovah, Baal and Osiris, Now the Mason who pronounces that name in the Masonic prayer of worship has just simply defiled the Holy Name of God.

Third, in the Shrine, the initiate swears a terrible, binding oath in the name of "Allah, the God of our Fathers!" Friends, Mohammed was a false prophet and Allah is an evil god, a demon god destroying nation after nation of his followers. I detail this in my recent book, Crescent Moon Rising.

Fourth, At the Apron lecture, the foolish mason is usually told that the lambskin apron will be his covering at the great white throne judgment of God. The prayer and dedicatory sounds great, but there is only one great white throne judgment and it is the judgment of the damned. (Rev.20:11) A true Christian’s covering is the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Fifth, the promise of godhood through the Lodge, the usurping of Christ's Melchizedek Priesthood, the Holy communion of the dead, drinking wine from the carved out top of a human skull......and on and on. The depraved acts of the ungodly.

The scriptures tell us to "not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you." (2 Cor. 6:14,15,17).

As I read back through this short essay on the Masonic Craft, I checked in on a few of their websites and found that a central theme is the continuing loss of memberships. 

It seems that the new generation is not too interested in a secret organization that leads its new members around with a hood over the head  and a noose around the neck. With the Internet around, there are NO Masonic secret rituals.

About ten years ago, I commented that across the board of the craft and its many specialty lodges, there were now more funerals than initiations.

Freemasonry had its surge during the I World War, when the troops came home to an expanding economy and the blue color majority of men found that at the Lodge, they could sit side by side with their former officers and the local factory owners.

In 1924, there were over 3,000,000 American lodge members and that grew throughout the Second World War. By 1955 it had grown to over 4,000,000 members, where it stayed until 1965 when it dropped below the 4,000,000 mark. In 1984, it dropped again by a million and again in 1998.

The last report, in 2017 showed membership at 1, 076, 626 and was the lowest number in almost 100 years.

Today, three years later in 2020, they have lost no less than another 120,000 members. Probably a membership of about 800,000.

Now, instead of rising temples of the craft, we see crumbling Blue Lodge buildings in small towns, USA, with twice the numbers of members under the ground then on top of it.

Going back a few years, I read on a Masonic website, an article by a high-ranking leader about the problem with attendance. While a lodge may list 100 dues paying members, the article lamented, there would only be 10- 15 at any given meeting. Older Masons would religiously pay dues, but many had just stopped attending.

In the same referenced report [above], it listed the memberships of each State’s Grand Lodge. It confirmed my 40,000 per year membership loss [2017 -2018] and showed that only four States out of 50 had any increase. Three of them had only a combined 52 new members.

End of the study tells me that of the 800,000 +/- dues paying members of the Lodge in the United States, on a good day, there are only about 160,000 still coming to meetings.

That is still too many lost men, heading for a Christ-less eternity

Freemasonry and Christianity are as far from each other as the North and South poles. His ignorance of the Luciferian roots and dark secrets of Freemasonry will be no excuse on that day of judgment for the man who calls himself a Christian Mason. 

Woe unto him.

Well, ministries like ours still speak the fire of truth and godly pastors are still speaking out in spite of the threats from the Masons and their the odious acts of ignominy in defying the very Word of God.

for much more information on Freemasonry and all its branches see:

Steven Davis

NASM Certified Personal Trainer; Nutrition Coach/ Weight Loss Specialist

1 年

Hi Ed, my maternal grandfather was a FM as was the maternal grandfather of my children. Any chance you’d be willing to provide me with your exhaustive history and description of this hideous group via email, please sir? [email protected]. 865) 356- 6581

Spencer. Clark

Retired College Instructor at Los Medanos College

4 年

Thank You for all you have done shining a light on the dark confusing religions where people get lost for eternity.


Not sure why people cant see this. Bill Schneoblen and a few others have spoken on this. I have seen this in my own life. I would like to see your old tape put and you tube with some images as a montage on these subjects. There is both a need and appetite for it there.


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