Freelancing vs Corporate America
David Pomales
Creative Expert: Branding Specialists/Brand Ambassadors! Our Professional and Creative Abilities at your service!
As a Freelancer.. It is important for me to constantly improve my skill-sets while honing in on new ones. In an ever changing world, the object of the game is to stay self employed. As a Survivor of the corporate world, I found freedom in 2008. Once I decided I wouldn't be fired/let go over something so trivial as a .10th of a minute or events beyond our view, such as the Crash of 2008, I was able to get my foot hold on my new direction and have never looked back. Especially since I was let go for the Crash of Sept of 2007. Perhaps the very 1st of what would be millions unemployed.
My 1st step was to find a client. Since I had some connections from a previous job, I reached out to 1...unhappy clients and 2..those I had handled directly. Keep in mind, you do what you got to do. And in my state of mind, I needed a client more than I needed to worry about a failing and unprofessional businesses that I had walked away from for those same reasons. My 1st call became my 1st client, as they preferred my professionalism and abilities over their loyalty to a failing business. As it was their (my 1st clients) desire to keep their business moving, I became their Solution to a growing problem. I had created/discovered a need that they responded to happily and eagerly.
I took a chance and I ran with it. 1..Business is anything but personal, so leave emotions out of it and 2... I could live with myself over any code of loyalty or ethics that might have prevailed or come into play, when traversing morale or business ethics/practices. But to me, I was more than happy with myself at acquiring the 1st client. There was no sign of guilt or unease. Why would there be..its business.
If you think a majority of corporate America does good or ethical business you are wrong and probably belong at a 9-5 job where you can simply over-look the obviously over worked-under payed employees sitting along side of you. Many Corporate entities do bad business, take monies or are involved in bad business practices. The comfort of having a job is not worth the price you pay in the over all swing of things. A company will fire you and replace you instantly. Your loyalty is best placed in serving yourself 1st, where you have to feed your family and shelter them. 2nd on the list do not feel any guilt for making your own way or creating a better life for you and/or your family. Do not give your loyalty to corporate America as their 1st inclination is to get you to sign a non compete or drain the best of your years, only to let you go at the drop of a hat! Do not be that fool, regardless of the job. Perhaps its where you start early in your career, but it should never be a place you get stuck in! You are worth more than that! And that's probably the biggest obstacle for you to summit. Believing that you are worthy of more or better.
We have been trained to expect less and do more. That is no longer the case. We must work smarter..not harder! Many of us feel we are only good enough to get a job, because we were taught or trained by school/colleges to go get a good job and be a good patron of society. We'll we must also know that we can do better and that we deserve more out of life than 80hr work weeks or 7 days of vacation a year???... or a week of sick days???
I am so Anti-Corporate America, it's not even funny. We see how well politicians and politics involved in lobbying and law making produce unfair advantages in how things run here in America as well as in your own city/town. The benefits they acquire via Tax laws... or how cigarette companies are still in business selling death sticks.. Don't get me started on BigPharma. I am also an Opioid Survivor of 20yrs, having barely escaped with my life, after enduring a traumatic head injury. The bottom line is legislation benefits the corporation more so than the people it used/abused/killed to get there. So if you are indeed all about a fair life or a better life, one should contemplate starting their own business. Have more faith in your abilities than your employer.
This may not go over well with many, but guilt has a funny way of rearing its head. After all people are only human. You , me (people) are super important to "corporate america" growth, be it years or decades. So that alone should give you the courage to step out on your own. Aim for the stars, lasso the moon philosophy.
Some may call me a hypocrite, in the sense that I do Business with larger corporations, but the trick is.... There are some who are better equipped to work in such an environment, so let them. Once you see the balance of things and where you fit, the sooner you are deflecting unnecessary drama and things that would turn you off . There are others who choose not to work for themselves that enjoy their 9-5 jobs, let them. But in our case, we utilize our clients as a buffer between ourselves and "corporate America" so the interaction is not only limited but 100% the responsibility of our clients. This in turn offers the advantage of 0% of the headache and 100% to focus our efforts on our performance & representation of our clients. The take home negotiated prior to event is the icing on the cake. A cake you baked!
What we provide as Freelancers is unwavering support. The definition of support changes based on the needs of the client. What we offer/produce for them are resolutions, results or solutions to the needs/problems that they encounter, many times on a seasonal basis. Eventually parts of your year become dictated by repetitive business or said clients needing your expertise during peak times or rapid growth. Once you have built a rapport and gained their trust such an angle presents a great opportunity to be seen/acknowledged as an extension of their business. The idea of a brand ambassador, yet another field of providing support, becomes a realistic option. This is how one creates something out of nothing! You must be creative in your efforts to discover new or potential clients as a Freelancer, if you wish to stay busy or in growing a business.
Take risks, fail tremendously and amidst the kaos and grind, find peace in knowing this is you working for yourself and releasing yourself from the binds and false hopes that working in corporate Ameica can bring.