Freelancing: The Different Types of Clients

Freelancing: The Different Types of Clients

Before we dig into the different types of clients and offer guidance on effective ways to collaborate with them.

We will explore essential insights for freelancers, including identifying warning signs (red flags) when dealing with clients and recognizing positive indicators (green flags) that signal promising opportunities.

I’m also going to be addressing the elephant in the room here.

Bad clients.

And, I’m not going to hold back any punches.

So, with that said, let’s jump in!

Recognizing Red Flags in Clients

10 red flags in clients

Recognizing potential issues or red flags in clients is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive professional relationship.

Here are some key indicators to watch out for as a freelancer:

  1. Inconsistent Communication: Clients who are frequently unavailable, slow to respond, or fail to provide necessary information is a major red flag.
  2. Unclear Goals and Expectations: When clients have vague or unrealistic expectations, it can lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction down the road. It’s really important to understand your role before beginning any gig.
  3. Resistance to Professional Advice: If a client consistently rejects or ignores your professional recommendations without valid reasons, it could indicate that they may not respect your expertise or are unwilling to collaborate effectively.
  4. Unrealistic Timelines: It’s important to communicate a realistic bandwidth.
  5. Financial Issues: Late payments, disputes over fees, or a client’s unwillingness to honor contractual payment is a red flag. Never take on free work!
  6. Lack of Trust: When clients micromanage every aspect of a project or express a lack of trust in your abilities, it’s a red flag.
  7. High Emotional Demands: Clients who exhibit frequent emotional outbursts, hostility, or unreasonable demands can create a toxic working environment and affect your well-being.
  8. Refusal to Sign Contracts: Clients who resist signing a well-defined contract or attempt to modify it in ways that are unfavorable to you may be a red flag for future disputes.
  9. Negative Online Presence: Researching a client’s online presence and finding a history of negative reviews or complaints from other service providers can be a warning sign.
  10. Excessive Pressure: Clients who apply undue pressure to expedite the project or compromise quality may jeopardize the final outcome.

Trust your instincts and gut-feelings. Remember to prioritize your well-being and professional integrity when dealing with challenging clients.

Green Flags

As of 2023, the global freelance community has exceeded a staggering 1.57 billion individual freelancers. Within the United States alone, there are presently 73.3 million freelancers actively contributing to the workforce.

In fact, industry research suggests that the worldwide freelance market boasts an impressive estimated worth of $1.5 trillion and is steadily growing at an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15%.

Here are some lesser talked about green flags to look for in a partnership:

  • Clear Communication
  • Realistic Expectations
  • Respect for Expertise
  • Mutual Respect
  • Transparency
  • Stable Financial Situation
  • Clearly Defined Scope
  • Willingness to Collaborate
  • Positive Referrals
  • Professionalism
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Stress Management
  • Appreciation and Recognition
  • Commitment to Long-Term Partnerships

The Different Types of Clients

Clients come in all shapes and sizes, each with their unique characteristics, needs, and expectations.

Understanding the different types of clients is not only essential for tailoring your approach but also for building successful, long-lasting relationships.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey, this guide will provide valuable insights into navigating the rich tapestry of client diversity.

Here we go:

The Ultra-Professional Client

The best way to work with the ultra-professional client.

My nervous laugh has never felt so awkward.

Ultra-Professional Clients are known for their unwavering commitment to excellence. They excel in clear communication, maintain high expectations, respect expertise, value ethical integrity, and emphasize punctuality.

They also don’t smile. Like ever.

However, they prefer well-defined contracts, seek long-term partnerships, and appreciate constructive feedback. Collaborating with them can be rewarding but they usually demand consistent professionalism and top-tier results.

I’ve worked with these types in the past, while they aren’t the worst, they do hold high-expectations.

Tips for Working with Ultra-Professional Clients:

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Show up well-prepared.
  • Communicate Clearly: Foster trust through transparent and honest communication.
  • Deliver Excellence: Consistently meet high-quality standards and deadlines.
  • Respect Their Expertise: Acknowledge their knowledge and be open to their recommendations.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Keep personal matters separate and uphold ethical standards.
  • Punctuality Matters: Value punctuality for meetings and project milestones.

The “I Need This Done, Like Yesterday” Client

Clients like this need this done, “yesterday”

No problem! I’ll get this 5,000 word article to you by yesterday!

This client is a distinct type of client known for their urgency and impatience.

They exhibit several defining characteristics:

  • Urgency: These clients often require immediate attention to their projects or tasks. They prioritize speed over other considerations.
  • Impatience: They may exhibit impatience in communication, expecting rapid responses and quick turnarounds.
  • Last-Minute Requests: It’s not unusual for them to make last-minute requests, changes, or additions to ongoing projects.
  • Limited Planning: They may not have well-structured project plans or may fail to provide comprehensive briefs, leading to on-the-fly decision-making.
  • Stressful Demands: The pressure to meet their demands can create a stressful work environment, often with little room for error.

Working with this client type requires a unique set of skills, including the ability to handle high-pressure situations, prioritize effectively, and communicate clearly about what can realistically be achieved within tight timeframes.

While it can be challenging, successfully meeting their urgent demands can lead to long-term working relationships and opportunities for growth.

Just be sure you’re the type of Freelancer that can handle that type of working environment.

The “I-Have-Way-Better-Options-Than-You” Client

Clients like this act like they have better options than you.

It’s always good to know you’re their 7th interview of the day and they obviously would much rather be watching the next episode of “The Circle” than asking you about your work history.

The “I-Have-Better-Options” Client is a particular client archetype distinguished by their perception of having superior alternatives to your services.

They are sort of like this:

  • Arrogant
  • Comparison-Oriented
  • Short Leash
  • Frequent Challenges
  • Conditional Loyalty
  • Value/Metrics Driven

Tips for Working with “I-Have-Better-Options” Clients:

  1. Confident Communication: Maintain confidence in your expertise and the value you bring to the table. Clearly communicate your unique strengths and advantages.
  2. Demonstrate Value: Continuously demonstrate the value of your services through exceptional quality and results. Consistency is key.
  3. Address Concerns Proactively: Anticipate potential challenges or objections and address them proactively. Show your commitment to addressing their needs.
  4. Manage Expectations: Clearly define expectations and deliverables, ensuring they understand the value they are receiving.
  5. Open Communication: Foster open and honest communication to build trust. Encourage feedback and actively address concerns.
  6. Focus on Long-Term Relationships: While loyalty may be conditional, aim to build long-term relationships by consistently delivering exceptional value and adapting to their evolving needs.
  7. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of industry trends and advancements to ensure your services remain competitive and relevant.
  8. Professionalism: Maintain professionalism and patience, even in challenging moments. A composed and respectful demeanor can win their respect.

Navigating a relationship with an “I-Have-Better-Options” Client can be demanding, but with the right strategies and a commitment to delivering value, you can earn the different types of clients trust. And, potentially turn conditional loyalty into a lasting partnership, and even influence their perception of better alternatives.

Self-care should always come first though when working with the different types of clients.

The Uncertain “I-Don’t-Understand-Your-Position” Client

“Well, I think you would fit really well in marketing, but I also don’t know…” How comforting!

The Uncertain “I-Don’t-Understand-Your-Position” Client is characterized by a significant lack of clarity regarding their own needs, your role, or the project’s direction.

Here’s what to expect:

  1. Lack of Clarity: They often struggle to articulate their goals, requirements, or expectations clearly. This can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.
  2. Frequent Questions: They may ask numerous questions seeking clarification on fundamental aspects of your role or the project itself.
  3. Indecisiveness: This client type often wavers in decision-making, which can result in delays and changes in project direction.
  4. Dependency on Guidance: They rely heavily on your expertise to navigate the project, potentially seeking you as the sole source of direction.
  5. Anxiety and Uncertainty: This client may display heightened anxiety and uncertainty about the project’s progress, potentially leading to frustration and stress.
  6. Reactive Changes: Due to their uncertainty, they might make reactive changes to the project scope or direction, which can impact timelines and budgets.
  7. Limited Autonomy: They may struggle to make autonomous decisions and often require significant handholding throughout the project.
  8. Appreciation for Patience: Despite the challenges, they often appreciate your patience and willingness to guide them through the process.

Effective communication and proactive support are key to helping them gain confidence and navigate the project successfully.

The “I’ll-Get-Back-To-You” Client

I’m still waiting…

The “I’ll-Get-Back-To-You” Client is a client archetype characterized by their frequent deferral of decisions, actions, or responses during the course of a project or collaboration. Several key traits define this client type:

  1. Procrastination: They often delay making critical decisions or providing necessary information, which can lead to project bottlenecks.
  2. Indecisiveness: The client may struggle with indecision, causing uncertainty about project direction and scope.
  3. Unpredictability: Their responses and actions can be inconsistent, making it challenging to gauge their preferences or priorities.
  4. Overwhelmed: They may be overwhelmed by multiple tasks or responsibilities, causing delays in their responses.
  5. Lack of Urgency: Urgent matters may not always receive prompt attention, potentially impacting project timelines.
  6. Communication Gaps: They might leave communication gaps, requiring follow-ups and reminders to elicit necessary input or feedback.
  7. Inefficient Workflow: These delays can disrupt project workflow and hinder progress.
  8. Acknowledgment of Delays: On occasion, they may acknowledge their delays and express appreciation for your patience.


  1. Set Clear Expectations: Establish expectations for communication and decision-making timelines at the project’s outset.
  2. Regular Follow-Ups: Implement a systematic follow-up process to gently remind them of pending decisions or actions.
  3. Document Everything: Document discussions, decisions, and agreed-upon timelines in writing to provide a reference point and maintain clarity.
  4. Provide Options: Offer alternative solutions or approaches that allow for flexibility if decisions are delayed.
  5. Regular Updates: Keep them informed about project progress and any changes that may impact their decisions or actions.
  6. Flexibility: Be adaptable to their schedule and preferences while also maintaining a sense of urgency when necessary.
  7. Patience and Professionalism: Maintain patience and professionalism when addressing delays or uncertainties.
  8. Streamline Communication: Ensure that communication channels are efficient, and information is readily accessible.

Working effectively with the “I’ll-Get-Back-To-You” Client requires a balance between understanding their communication style and maintaining project momentum.

By setting clear expectations, providing alternatives, and employing systematic follow-up strategies, you can mitigate the challenges associated with their tendency to defer decisions or actions.

The Clients With Super Unrealistic Expectations

The Clients With Super Unrealistic Expectations

Clients with super unrealistic expectations are characterized by their outsized, often impractical, and sometimes unattainable project requirements and demands.

Several distinct traits define the different types of clients:

  • Idealistic Vision
  • Lack of Understanding
  • Overestimation of Resources
  • Unattainable Timelines
  • Changing Requirements
  • Impatience
  • Overemphasis on Perfection
  • Difficulty in Accepting Constraint

The “I’m-On-a-Budget” Client

This is why freelance work is important.

“We could really use your help on this project. But, we’re on a budget…”

Of course you are.

Usually sounds something like this:

  • Budget Constraints: They have a limited budget and prioritize cost-effectiveness in all aspects of the project.
  • Value Seekers: “Bang for the buck” is their mantra. They seek maximum value within their budgetary constraints.
  • Frugality: They are frugal by nature and may question expenditures that they perceive as unnecessary.
  • Resourceful: These clients often look for creative solutions and alternatives to achieve their goals without exceeding their budget.
  • Clear Budgetary Boundaries: They typically establish clear financial boundaries and may be unwilling to stretch the budget.
  • Preference for Transparency: They appreciate transparent pricing and detailed breakdowns of costs.
  • Negotiation: Expect them to engage in negotiations to secure the best possible deal.
  • Appreciation for Cost Savings: Clients on a budget often value service providers who can help them find cost-saving solutions.

The Clients Who Watch You Work

I see you Anonymous Hippo.

Clients who watch you work are characterized by their active and often continuous involvement in overseeing your progress and processes throughout a project.

Several distinctive traits define the different types of clients:

  • Continuous Monitoring: They have a strong desire to closely observe and monitor your work, often requesting frequent updates.
  • Hands-On Approach: These clients tend to take a hands-on approach, involving themselves in various project aspects.
  • Intrusive Inquiries: They may ask detailed questions about your methods, decision-making, and progress.
  • Desire for Control: A desire for control and involvement in all project phases is a common trait, driven by a need for transparency.
  • Quality Obsession: They often have a high focus on the quality of work and expect meticulous attention to detail.
  • High Expectations: Their involvement can lead to heightened expectations and a need for immediate responses.
  • Lack of Delegation: They may struggle to delegate responsibilities and instead prefer to be personally involved in all project aspects.
  • Appreciation for Transparency: While their involvement can be intense, they appreciate transparency and value providers who keep them informed.


Different types of clients need different types of communication strategies:

  • Initial Communication: Establish clear boundaries and expectations regarding communication and updates from the outset.
  • Frequent Updates: Provide regular updates on project progress, keeping them in the loop about significant milestones and decisions.
  • Transparency: Be transparent about your processes, methodologies, and decision-making to build trust.
  • Patiently Address Inquiries: Address their inquiries and concerns patiently and professionally, explaining your rationale when necessary.
  • Establish Boundaries: Gently set boundaries to maintain a balance between their involvement and your ability to work effectively.
  • Define Roles: Clarify roles and responsibilities to ensure a clear understanding of who does what during the project.
  • Educate on Trust: Help them understand that trust is a crucial component of the client-provider relationship, and excessive monitoring can hinder efficiency.
  • Highlight Benefits: Emphasize how their active involvement can contribute to the project’s success while respecting your expertise.

Working with clients who closely watch your work can be a unique challenge, but it also offers an opportunity to build trust through transparency and open communication.

Establishing clear boundaries and striking a balance between their involvement and your autonomy can lead to a productive and mutually satisfying working relationship.

The Clients Who Always Request Changes

Sure, I really don’t mind rewriting this call-to-action for the 5th time!

Clients who consistently request changes are characterized by their frequent and often extensive revisions to project deliverables.

Several defining traits typify this different type of client:

  • Perfectionist Tendencies: They have a strong desire for perfection and may continually seek improvements or refinements.
  • Evolving Vision: Their vision for the project may evolve over time, leading to ongoing adjustments.
  • Uncertainty: They may be uncertain about their exact requirements, leading to frequent changes as their ideas clarify.
  • High Standards: They often have exceptionally high standards and expectations for the project’s outcome.
  • Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail means they notice even minor aspects that warrant modifications.
  • Feedback-Oriented: They are highly feedback-oriented and may actively seek input from multiple sources.
  • Engaged in the Process: These clients are deeply engaged in the project process and may view changes as part of collaborative refinement.
  • Appreciation for Flexibility: They appreciate service providers who are flexible and responsive to their evolving needs.

Open communication, documentation, and a structured approach to managing change requests can help keep the project on track while satisfying their quest for perfection.

The “Way-Too-Friendly” Clients

I wonder how many past potential clients know I blocked them right after the interview because of their creepy behavior.

The cringe is real.

If this happens to you when dealing with the different types of clients, do this:

  • Stay Calm and Professional: Maintain your composure and professionalism in all interactions, even when faced with inappropriate behavior by the different types of clients.
  • Establish Clear Boundaries: From the beginning, set clear boundaries about communication, expectations, and appropriate conduct.
  • Document Everything: Keep a record of all communication and interactions with the client, especially if they exhibit inappropriate behavior.
  • Address the Issue Diplomatically: Politely but assertively communicate your discomfort with their behavior or comments and ask for a change in their approach.
  • Use Neutral Language: Avoid engaging in confrontations or using emotional language. Stick to the facts and maintain a neutral tone.
  • Redirect Focus to the Work: Whenever possible, steer the conversation or interaction back to the project or task at hand.
  • Seek Support if Necessary: If the inappropriate behavior continues, consider reaching out to a trusted person.
  • Terminate the Relationship: If the client’s behavior remains unacceptable despite addressing the issue, consider terminating the working relationship.

The Absolute Best Clients

The clients who accept your quirks, sees your value, and hires you based off of your experiences and skills with no biases. The clients that allow you to work in your best environment without ultra-criticism or toxic attitudes.

The the different types of clients that are the best exhibit several positive qualities and behaviors that contribute to successful and mutually beneficial working relationships.

Some of the key characteristics of the best clients include:

  • Clear Communication
  • Respectful and Professional
  • Reasonable Expectations
  • Timely Payment
  • Effective Feedback
  • Flexibility
  • Appreciation
  • Loyalty
  • Transparency
  • Effective Project Management
  • Trust
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Appropriate Compensation

The best clients understand the importance of a positive working relationship, mutual respect, and effective communication.

These qualities create an environment where freelancers can thrive and deliver their best work, ultimately leading to successful projects and long-lasting partnerships.

Those clients are what makes being a freelancer so special!


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