Freelancer Statistics
Originally published at Renaissance
Freelancing in America is the most comprehensive measurement of the independent labor force in the U.S. The study was conducted by an independent research firm and commissioned in partnership by Upwork and the Freelancers Union.
They surveyed over 7,000 freelancers to answer common questions and more. Results showed that almost 54 million people did freelance work in the past year, 34% of the workforce, driven first and foremost by the lure of a more flexible lifestyle.
60% of freelancers said they began freelancing as a choice, as opposed to by necessity. An increase from 53% last year. 60% of freelancers report that they now earn more as freelancers than they did as paid employees, with 78% earning more after 1 year of freelancing.
More than half of freelancers found jobs online, up from 42% the year before. 50% of freelancers enjoy it so much more than a salaried position they said they would not quit freelancing to take a full-time job regardless of the salary offered.
83% of freelancers said that they believe the best days are ahead for freelancing up from 77% last year.
78% of freelancers would recommend freelancing to friends & family, with millennials recommending it at 84%.
Breaking down how the freelancers are classified there are five main segments of different types of freelancers. 36% of freelancers could be labeled as traditional freelancers. They completely work for themselves and do freelance work on a project to project basis. 26% of freelancers represent the diversified workforce.
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