Freelance Work vs. Full Time Employee
More and more people are choosing to work as freelancers. Freedom of action, independence, selection of only interesting tasks, implementation on your own time, choice of clients, self-organization of working days - these and more are the advantages of working "for yourself". But apart from that, less than half of Poles decide on such a mode of work.
Often people are such workaholics that they work without weekends, do not take any vacation for several years, are interested only in earning a lot of money, and what follows? – Professional burnout.
Deciding on a freelance job is difficult because you never know if there will be clients, how many there will be, generally speaking - financial instability. And due to the fact that people often take some orders, competition on the market increases, which also makes it difficult to fill stability. That is why more and more people combine full-time and freelance work. In this case, self-employment is an additional income that can be controlled to some extent. By working full-time, a person fills in health insurance, financial stability, vacation, L4 and more.
As many as 48.6% of useme respondents (the website operates on the basis of contracts for specific work, which it concludes with a freelancer on behalf of the client) declare combining full-time employment and freelance work. A freelancer usually has a wider range of skills: he can talk to clients, he understands marketing, he can reach agreements with people, he understands several professions, he can manage his money (he knows that there are bad times, so he keeps a financial cushion). He may also be more critical of his work.
On the other hand, full-time employees are more likely to fear a slight panic and look for work as soon as possible if they are laid off. Why? Because many full-time employees are used to a constant flow of cash, they do not have the financial security for hard times, tend to focus on one thing, so they have fewer options to choose from, and often do not know how to earn extra time.
Working as a full-time freelancer is hard, but becoming a full-time freelancer is easy - so it's important to understand how freelancers work.
Everything has its pros and cons, but if you decide to combine full-time work with freelancing, make sure your contract with your employer allows you to do so. Also agree if he can use office equipment or electronic tools to do extra work for another client. Finally, remember that "after-hours" tasks should not affect the quality of your work. Pay attention to adequate time and breaks to avoid fatigue, especially if you want to do a full-time job as a freelancer.