Freedomism: Currency is the key to equality and freedom

Freedomism: Currency is the key to equality and freedom

Government has become too big and as it gets bigger it will only cause society to collapse. Reference: Rome, Greece, Ottoman, French, British empires. The political elite have always run things. They always will. To not have this heirarchy and - nature is a good indicator - is to have anarchy. Note the etymological origins of both those terms. In Ancient Greek: 'Archy' meaning ruler, of which 'An' meant An-archy being of no ruler and Heir or 'Heiros' meaning supernatural or holy. The word heir also having connotations to lineage and historically has meant that those who rule - rule divine, perhaps has some relevance in the behaviour of modern political elites who think of themselves above the law.

It follows as a consequence that Feudalism which was a direct manifestation of a hierarchal society and pre-dated our modern political systems, has in large part been retained in the actual societal structure that we have in the 21st Century. Namely, those few in the political elite with land and assets, and with the power of control and coercion have retained power and continue to acquire more power. The idea of freedom has been subordinated into an all encompassing and patronising notion of government oversight and control - that government knows best for us.

The ideals of freedom and empowerment of the individual exist in an undercurrent of discontent fueled by constant bombardment on social media, mainstream media and popular culture that is mischaracterised as separatist populism bent on destroying the normative political establishment. To be free, we must have freedom. We must have freedom to conduct business without regulation by government. We must be free to go about our ways without interference by a controlling presence. By granting power to control our lives, people lose their sense of independence and motivation. This is an obvious trend as more people reach for education, healthcare, and welfare benefits. Less and less emphasis is on the individual person taking care of their own health, their own finances, their own education. The state can pay for them. It is a very dangerous path we are heading on and it goes to the very nature of the human condition and presents an existential threat to humanity.

Following on from this idea that what we have today is in fact Neo-Feudalism (reference Steve Bannon's use of the word) that proof lies in the fact that Capitalism and Democracy only ever existed in theory and in practice was only very minutely applied. For example, serfs in the early 17th century were divested of their obligations to their lords and allowed to buy homes, but those homes were still subject to land laws that retained the legal characterization of Crown Title. This meant that the land could be resumed or taken back by the Government. This could occur through land tax or other public interest means, this is the same in the US, notwithstanding the absence of Freehold title not being subject to Crown or Government lease.

We as the people give power to the government, we give more and more power to them. Or at very least we are so politically apathetic that we allow government to have more and more power. The more government grows, the more it regulates and the more it taxes, the more powerful it becomes and the more power large companies have as they are protected by regulation because it reduces the competition by making it harder for small businesses to compete with rising taxes and regulation. It is much harder for a small business to get licenses and registration because it eats up their working capital.

The inequity many say is not caused only by neocons but is really just political elite of either political persuasion. Look at the countless number of left-wing labor or democrat politicians around the world who are multi-millionaires and have massive homes. What do they actually produce for the economy? What service do they provide? What justification is there for them to be on $200,000-$500,000 per year? For being custodians of the legalised theft in the form of taxation and inflation taking from not only the wealthy but all people down to the very poor.

The best way to provide equality for people is to limit the power of a very few. Left and Right. The political elite should not be able to control so much of our lives. As long as their is a federal reserve and currency is control by the government or a government auspice, then there will be a diminution of the value of our currency and as a consequence our wealth. It is important to understand irrespective of who controls a federal reserve bank, who ever controls fractional currency creation will require it to pass through a government treasury before it passes on to institutional banks.

If currency were to be decentralised, such as block chain, not owned or controlled by anyone then the price of that currency would stabilise. At very least it will stabilise for long enough, for periods day to day or week to week that people would start using it comfortably for day to day trade. Keeping the control of money supply (currency) in the hands of a political elite will only see further impoverishment of the masses and further wealth retained by the few. This is a fundamental basis for Freedomism.

It is very likely that the political elite would oppose any deregulation of this kind but strangely would be in a powerful position from day one were it to occur. If a reset of this Freedomist nature were to occur, there would still be inordinate resources held by the political and financial elite. Namely gold. For all the moves to purely fiat currencies and denouncement of gold and silver, there are hoards of these in each of the big financial players possessions.

However, over time, the productive capacity of individuals would grow and people who work hard and take risks, how grow their wealth could do so without risk of control, regulation, taxation or inflation. If the economy is productive than a deflationary environment is a good thing, it is a constant shifting equilibrium. The smartest economic minds know this. But they also know if the government controls currency then they can continue to suck the productive prosperity out of the economy from people who actually produce products and services that are needed instead of redirecting them to that same economist's university faculty payroll.

Therefore Freedomism, perhaps more so than its ideologically similar cousin Libertarianism suggests that natural forces can resolve these issues. A purely natural market for products and services means that where there is a demand, that demand will be met by a supplier willing to produce whatever it is that is needed. We do not need a government operating on its own will and at most pretending to act on behalf of certain people to suck the productivity and wealth out of our society.

The best case for government would to be not-for-profit organisations, operating in this natural economy, funded by those same left-wing benefactors attempting to resolve the inequalities which they claim to care about. Controlling currency just makes everyone else who is not in control or connected to those in control of the currency poorer.

There is no reason why tomorrow we cannot break away from the current currency system and start using an unowned, uncontrolled, blockchain digital currency in place of our existing dollars. Oh wait. The government would make that illegal. It will get to the point that it will become easier and more beneficial to barter. At that point the political elites will introduce Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) currently only held by the IMF which are essentially the equivalent of a currency backing for all the world's major currencies. This would herald in a currency reset, similar but different to the ones that occurred in 1914, 1944 and 1973 where gold was incrementally removed as a reserve for currency. The SDR would potentially recalibrate the major currencies in its basket and give additional power to rising economic powers and devolve ailing ones. None of which will give more freedom, power or wealth to the vast majority of people on the planet.

To allow the already powerful to get more powerful has only one long term outcome - cataclysmic collapse, and if the 2008 GFC was not a learning curve, let us point out, there were financial problems born from September 11 and the subsequent housing scheme initiated by the Bush government in the early 2000s that led to a bigger and bigger problem that culminated in Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers collapsing. The same happened when the US Federal Reserve manipulated the currency supply in the early 1900s which gave rise to the massive economic growth of the 1920s that sparked the collapse and depression for the following decade. Each time these events occur the political elite blame the free market, but in actual fact it is government's manipulation that causes the collapse. The same may well be said of the current Coronavirus and its subsequent political and economic fallout. This all happens because the populace gives power to the political few. You do not see a politician campaign for less pay for all politicians? You do not see a politician campaign for reducing spending by government. Even so-called conservatives want to spend on health care or spend on military. Spend on something.

The truth of the matter is in every example where government operates, a private-sector or what I call 'free agent' of a 'freedomist' system will operate to perform a better, more efficient service or provide a better product than government. Health Care, private health care might use some of the government trained staff but its a necessary option in every western nation that has an inefficient and often ineffective public health care system. Education: The often better and more flexible, and more practical and useful colleges are private. Only the reputation of established schools and colleges keep them competitive and dominating their respective markets because governments' regulations allow them to. Energy: Power grids are often regulated if not controlled by government, and homes are connected to those grids keeping people from having independence and freedom to choose their power provider and keep their costs down. There are more and more homes being built with independent gas cylinders and self-run solar or diesel generators. The power literally gets put back in the hands of the people. Even in Military: PMCs or Private Military Contractors, may be trained by government, but also trained in mercenary camps. There is nothing and no area that government can do something better than private individuals can do, freed of regulatory and political interference.

Freedomism does not take the view that public goods and services outside of the private sphere of operation not be provided for, resulting in the economic 101 term: Market Failure. Market Failure itself is a flawed concept open to criticism and semantics. Market failure would only ever be for a moment or short period of time at worst. At some point a co-operative of non-profit benefactors would step in to resolve the issue. That would apply to anything from healthcare to environment to minority rights. There would be no political interference, no noise from media, the real issues could be addressed. There is this idea that capitalism is evil, people pursuing wealth only looking out for themselves. Well that would be a case of providing a meaningful business case or social reason to those people with wealth to provide for those market failures. There is nothing wrong with a little market failure. It is transient at least. Empowering at most.

In a natural currency market, the price of goods will be more accurate, perhaps subject to fluctuations, but those fluctuations will be ameliorated by greater use by the populace. By taking the currency control out of the hands of government, and into the hands of private citizens, government can no longer waste resources and manipulate the economy or society.

The answers lie in empowering people through freedom not impoverishing them through control.

Original Article on the Fairbane website:


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