Freedom of the Press - An Opinion
These two clips were brought to my attention by a good friend, David Emel, with the included text.
Jeff Porterfield, I knew we could agree on a measure of preservation for free speech. In closing, repetition of speech does not make it truth.
Sinclair is going to decide... Make laws accordingly.
I could not help but notice in the first video that all, I say again, ALL news outlets complain about the exact same thing. There is something really goofy about that ... I'll explain later.
In the second video, the cry is that all TV stations owned by Sinclair group are being compelled to mouthpiece a conservative agenda. OK, this presents a very serious threat to the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution, i.e. Freedom of the Press. What the video does not say is that for decades, Liberal organizations have been doing the same thing, through the Public Broadcasting System, the sponsor of many local non-profit stations.
Now as to that goofiness I mentioned earlier. All networks are represented ... ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, It has been widely recognized that these major news systems, such as CNN and MSNBC have had a a long history of having \an extremely Liberal bias.
What Sinclair is attempting to do is to offset what the Liberals have been doing. And not as has been tried before with systems like the FOX network which is clearly Conservative biased, but he is taking over stations that were previously under the control of the Liberals.
However, all this having been said, Both Liberals and Conservatives have been guilty of violating our Constitution. Personally, I don't trust any of them. Separation of the Press from Party Politics is as vital to the health of our Democracy as the Separation of Church and State.
Black Pigeon Speaks;
Excellent attention-getting opinion article. I think it's a phenomenon similar to warehouse stores trying to make brick-n-mortar stores economically viable. Not much complaining can change it. Hidden inside all of these consolidations is an oligarchy preserving the growth paridigm for a narrowing elite.