Freedom From National Debt
Scott Smith
Author of "A Tale of Two Economies" and Director of the Foundation for a Better Economy.
Our nation is currently racking up national debt at the rate of 1/2 trillion dollars per year. Total debt stands at about $20 trillion today, and the amount is roughly doubling every ten years.
The problem stems from the ratio of personal income to federal spending. Each year we earn $16 trillion, while our federal budget is $4 trillion. We'd need to all pay 25% of our total income in order to balance the budget. Because of progressive income tax rates, though, most people pay less that 25% while the wealthy pay 40% or more. Coupled with tax breaks, we fall short of a balanced budget, and the shortfall is added to our national debt each year.
The solution is to change our tax base to something more substantial than personal income. While we collectively earn $16 trillion each year, there are over $5,000 trillion in payments made each year within the total economy. A tax rate of just 1/10th of 1% on every payment would yield a surplus of a trillion dollars per year. For a single person earning $100,000, taxes would drop from $31,000 to just $100. And our deficit would be replace by a trillion dollar surplus. At that rate we could pay off our national debt in twenty years.
There's an even better plan than using the surplus from a payments tax to pay off the national debt, however. If we were to replace income taxes with a payments tax, we could use a technique called Coupon Stripping to pay off the national debt in just six years. Click the button under "Freedom From National Debt" on my website ( to see just how powerful a solution Coupon Stripping is.