FREEDOM FROM MILK ADULTERATION (Doodh ka Doodh aur Pani ka Pani)
Bhandair Jaswant Singh
Our Company provides guranteed result oriented consulting/advisory services in dairy foods (Specially for India))
While celebrating freedom of our motherland on the auspicious republic day, our N.R.I. Mission has decided to launch a campaign ?“Doodh ka Doodh aur Pani ka Pani” against milk adulteration for providing a glass of 100% pure and safe milk strictly conforming to international quality requirements to every fellow citizen in India at globally competitive but reasonable price.
Few decades ago the only adulteration in raw mixed milk (Buffalo milk + cow milk) used to be that of water. Incidentally water coming out from our hand pumps and bore wells was pure, potable and safe for human consumption like mineral water now being sold in plastic bottles by reputed brands at the rates two/three times the rate of cow milk actually reaching the needy milk producers. Probably not many of us know that about 600 litres water is required to produce one litre of milk. We can well imagine the hazardous impact of impure added water now being used for dilution of raw milk being procured through conventional middlemen dominated milk procurement value chain and reconstitution of milk in our dairy plants on the quality of pasteurized milk being marketed in poly packs.
?Sweet meat manufacturers (Halwies) used to purchase raw milk from milk suppliers paying the price based on total milk solids in milk after testing yield of khoa (evaporated milk concentrate) and paneer (cottage cheese) ?out of one Kilogram of milk. Domestic consumers used to pay mutually acceptable/negotiated price for pure or partially diluted fresh milk supplied to them twice a day on their door steps by milk vendors.
Now a days problem of dilution with added water and adulteration in milk?has become so complex?that it is almost impossible not only for an ordinary milk consumer but even for any experienced professional dairy expert to procure 100% pure cow milk, Buffalo milk or mixed milk without M.A.D. ( Manipulation, adulteration or dilution) .
In-depth research and digital hydro analysis of milk purchase transactions( based on actual case studies) carried out by our Mission in India with professional assistance of our associates, we could not find even one commercial /cooperative dairy plant procuring 100% pure raw milk strictly conforming to international quality parameters (without M.A.D.). Hidden loss due to dilution and manipulation (assuming no other adulteration except added water) that remains undetected with conventional milk billing /payment software has been found to be more than 20 % cost of raw milk.
Marketing pasteurized milk meeting international quality specifications for purity of contents, microbiological safety and having shelf life of two/three weeks under refrigeration would remain a distant dream for our dairy plants so long we do not modify and improve our conventional milk procurement and payment system.
Root cause of age old chronic unresolved problem is that no one among prime beneficiaries i.e. milk producers, consumers or dairy business entrepreneurs in India have any instrument , technique or software solution to analyse true worth of mixed milk (buffalo milk% + cow milk%+ added water%) in ?milk sale/ purchase business transactions.?
Scientifically logical root cause analysis of the problem:
We all know that milk when it comes out from the udder of a cow/buffalo it contains Fat, Solids not Fat and water. Specific gravity of water is 1 (weight of 100 litres water is 100 Kg.). Fat is lighter than water having specific gravity around 0.92 whereas S.N.F. is heavier than water with specific gravity around 1.12.?Weight of 100 litres standard buffalo whole milk mentioned above would thus be around 103.45 Kgs.
Buffalo milk in India is being used as bench mark for purchasing raw milk from milk producers using 60:40 two axis formulae. This formula is arithmetically accurate for releasing milk payments to milk suppliers and scientifically logical only if natural S.N.F.: Fat ratio is neither modified nor manipulated during transit milk purchase transactions by dilution with added water and manipulating % of cow milk in mixed milk in relevant billing records starting from first point of purchase i.e. milk producer to dairy plant.
Benchmark price of standard buffalo milk per litre containing 6.50% Fat, 8.84% S.N.F., 15.34% total milk solids, ?water content (100-15.34=84.66%),S.N.F.: Fat ratio (8.84/6.50=1.36) corresponding to 29 C.L.R. is declared by the dairy plants in terms of rupees per Kg. Fat (Say Rs. 600/Kg fat) subject to the condition that S.N.F in ?that?buffalo milk would not be less than 8.84% so exact weight of that 100 litres milk works out as 103.44827 Kg. Net worth of 100 litres of standard buffalo milk of that composition would be Rs.3900 ( Rs360/Kg Fat and 176.47058/Kg. S.N.F.) or Rs 39/Litre
S.N.F. is calculated using specified two axis formulae for releasing milk payments as follows:
?S.N.F=29/4+0.2x6.50+29/100= 8.84% (Cross check verification)
Similarly if we consider standard cow milk (3.50% Fat, 8.50% S.N.F., 12.00 % total milk solids, water content (100-12.00=88%), S.N.F: Fat ratio (8.50/3.50=2.4285714) corresponding to 30 C.L.R. as correlated and derived secondary bench mark. Water content in 100 litres of standard cow milk is relatively 3.34 Kg more than that in 100 litres buffalo milk but specific gravity of cow milk is more because of higher S.N.F.: Fat ratio. However rate of Fat and S.N.F per Kg. would remain the same as in the case of specified bench mark rates i.e. Rs360/Kg Fat and 176.47058/Kg. S.N.F.
Net worth of 100 litres of standard cow milk would be Rs.2760 (Rs360/Kg Fat and 176.47058/Kg. S.N.F.) or Rs 27.60/Litre
?S.N.F=30/4+0.2x3.50+30/100= 8.50% (Cross check verification)
Now if we purchase raw mixed milk say 50% buffalo milk mixed with 50% cow milk than composition of 100 litres mixed milk would be as follows:
Fat%= (6.50+3.50)/2 =5.00 %. S.N.F. % = (8.84+8.50)/2=8.67% T.S. = (15.34+12)/2=13.67% water content (84.66+88)/2=86.33% and C.L.R. = (29+30)/2=29.50
S.N.F%=29.50/4+0.2x5.00+29.50/100= 8.67% (Cross check verification)
Net worth of 100 litres of mixed milk (50:50) would be Rs.3330 (Rs360/Kg Fat and 176.47058/Kg. S.N.F.) or Rs. {(39.00+27.60)/2= Rs.33.30/Litre)}
·???????True net worth in Rs./Kg. of diluted/manipulated raw mixed milk actually reaching on?dairy dock of dairy plants can only be worked out knowing exact % of cow milk, buffalo milk and added water in that milk using digital hydro analysis technique. ( D.A.T.)
(A)?????????Buffalo milk: While purchasing pure buffalo milk we must ensure that fat content is not less than specified standard i.e. 6.50% and C.L.R. is not less than 29 for each and every milk purchase transaction even if fat % is more than 6.50%
(B)?????????Cow milk: While purchasing pure cow milk we must ensure that for each and every milk purchase transaction, fat content is not less than specified standard i.e. 3.50 % and C.L.R. is not less than 30 even if fat content is more than 3.50 %
(C)?????????Mixed Milk: While purchasing pure mixed milk (B.M. + C.M.) we must ensure that for each and every milk purchase transaction fat content of mixed milk remains between 3.50% and 6.50% and C.L.R between 29 and 30 corresponding to calculations based on exact % of cow milk and % of buffalo milk in mixed milk as indicated in milk purchase records like 29.50 C.L.R. for 50% cow milk mixed with 50% buffalo milk. 29.25 C.L.R. for 25% Cow milk mixed with 75% buffalo milk or 29.75 C.L.R. for 75% cow milk mixed with 25% buffalo milk and so on.
(D) Easiest way to procure 100% undiluted pure milk is to follow ”Apnidairy system” of milk procurement, ?prepare milk billing records and release milk payments to raw milk?suppliers using the software based on digital hydro analysis technique ( D.A.T.) designed by our Mission associate in Canada and available as free download facility on our website: ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?Benefits of procuring 100% pure raw milk without manipulation .adulteration or dilution:
1.??Now for each and every milk purchase transaction ( from milk producer to dairy plant), if we accurately test fat % in raw mixed milk, calculate S.N.F. % as per specified formulae, accept?only undiluted milk without manipulation of natural S.N.F. :Fat ratio (1.36 for buffalo milk, 2.4285714 for cow milk and 1.734 for 50:50 mixed milk ), reject every lot of milk failing in any of the prescribed adulteration tests and then workout its net worth based on exact% of cow milk in that milk, we can easily procure 100% pure milk conforming to international quality requirements.
2.?????Ethical dairy plants can totally eliminate hidden loss of about 20% cost of raw milk now being suffered by them due to manipulation, adulteration or dilution. Consequently on account of these savings they can increase basic milk procurement price by Rs.150 -200 per Kg Fat (for genuine milk producers supplying 100% pure raw milk meeting international quality parameters). All unethical milk traders/middlemen in their milk shed area now competing with them would automatically go out of business because they would not be able to match that price.
3.?????Total milk handling and energy costs of milk processing would be significantly reduced and capacity utilisation of dairy plants would increase by nearly 20 % by handling milk solids without added water in raw milk.
4.?????Producing pasteurized milk/sterilized milk /value added dairy foods strictly conforming to international quality requirements relating to purity of contents, microbiological safety and shelf life out of pure milk and direct digital marketing would result in significantly improving productivity and profitability of ethical dairy ?business entrepreneurs.
5.?????With our collective efforts and available professional wisdom pool of premier dairy institutions of India, we can easily upgrade the status of our motherland from No.1 milk producing country to No.1 milk exporting nation and subsequently win gold in dairy Olympics.
Our Mission would like to avail this opportunity to humbly request premier dairy institutions of our country i.e. N.D.R.I.,N.D.D.B.,I.D.A, A.M.U.L., stakeholders and professional managers of reputed dairy companies/commercial /cooperative dairy plants to join our campaign against milk adulteration and extend all possible professional support to ethical milk producers and dairy business entrepreneurs in India so that we procure only 100% pure raw milk, scientifically pasteurize and market that milk so that every fellow citizen gets glass of 100% pure milk strictly conforming to international quality specifications at globally competitive but reasonable price. We would also request Iconic business houses of India like Reliance and Tata to renter dairy business once again and join us in our Mission to weed out menace of ever increasing milk adulteration in our country from its roots.
As a part of our campaign and good will gesture professional dairy experts associated with our Mission would be willing to provide one month free online advisory/ consulting services to ethical dairy business entrepreneurs in India interested in upgrading quality of their raw milk and value added dairy products to meet international quality requirements relating to purity of contents, microbiological safety and shelf life. They may communicate with our Mission on our email address [email protected]
(Jaswant Singh Bhandair)
Mission Director
International Improvement Mission
Regd. Office #53-A, sector 18-A, Chandigarh-160018
·???????Feedback comments or suggestions on our Mission presentation received from professional friends/associates on our email address [email protected] would be highly appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.
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