Freedom from the Intel-lecture...
Zoe Bell ????
Alignment Coach | Wayshower | "Elevating Visionaries to Unleash Their Magick & Lead Boldly – For Leaders of the New Earth" | Author & Artist
What does FREEDOM mean to you? Is it financial, mental, emotional, psychological or freedom based? Maybe, it is a combination of all of them. Where is the bondage of self-sabotage happening in your life? When you are in it, you may not see it. Yet, you have the contrast of more of what you don't want.
We can be intelligent yet the intel- lecture may be blocking the view from your wisest messenger... Many, are stuck in the old paradigm of 3D thinking, that the decisions are made by the mind. This is a paradigm that is keeping many high powered and successful men and women, from taking a LEAP of FAITH, and allow their instinct to lead the way. As they fear failure, maybe stuck in complacency, or not knowing what awaits beyond.
FEAR, and intellect of what is known, can block the view to exploring deeper within. A soul maybe highly intellectual, yet have limited emotional intelligence (EQ), and where there emotions are either suppressed, or running the show in reaction.
Many trapped in a box in their mind, like the jack in the box that gets wound up until it pops..... this may be a way to protect their deepest fears and never wanting to be found it.... to feel challenged to receive, or pushing others away. The inner voice, that never stops, the inner complaining, the opinion to be heard, seen and the thing that blocks you from a deeper wisdom and INNER-NET within. Yes, a world that transcends beyond the level of the mind. The most powerful decisions are not made by the conscious mind.
.It’s scary as duck (f) and damn exhausting to have this constant noise in the mind.
The repetitive inner wiring.... welcome to left brain thinking.... and being reminded of the past, worried about the future or “what if”...... holding onto objects, people, events as it’s the world we have created within...
Imagine being able to tap more into the right brain thinking and strengthen the firing between left and right..... the juicy corpus callosum.... thIS hemispheric synchronization between left and right! This is POTENT, and is a powerful KEY to the success within and without your business and company. This is a game changer!
The right brain is the PRESENCE, in the NOW... the ocean of creativity, imagination and your SOUL MISSION. It is felt by others, a deeper resonance and magnetic attraction, that communicates with every cell of your entire being. It is the doorway to begin to bring the heart and mind into harmony .... and the path to begin the process of transcendence.
The ability to transcend is a path to ascension, and key to raising the collective consciousness. It begins with SELF.
It is not the tip of the iceberg, it is accessing the magnificent iceberg under the surface level of the conscious mind. With daily practice, this will EXPAND the totality of the conscious mind, and begin to become away of another powerful intel of the body, the SUPER-POWERED INTUITION. Business is shifting, where transparency is required, and being in our most super-charged states of existence. Welcome to 4-of the intuitive gifts within.
Clear SEEing, Clear FEEling, Clear KNOWing and Clear HEARing.
You cannot go deeper at a conscious level.... the mind has to BE ENTERTAINED .... to sit it’s ass still,... and shut the DUCK UP (F), as attempting to watch your mind with all the noise can be unbearable and is the SNAIL path, of inner suffering... all growth involves suffering and there is a smoother & more efficient WAY....
.To transcend is to transmute and allow the mind to drop down and rest into the SOURCE of ALL THOUGHT..... a RICH ocean of limitless possibilities and thIS your potent power. Transformation happens deep in this subconscious level, with no business of the conscious mind, as it is resting.
How would it feel to switch off the noise, and rest?
Imagine a 'mind-shower', as you sit at your desk?
Imagine, returning to your work, re-charged, creativity ignited and in a KAPOW of #bossmode, with a deep level of loving kindness, compassionate to your staff, and the ability to influence those around you.
I will only coach souls that have this stable foundation to come back too,.... as I KNOW how effective this IS..... as the inner shifts arise, it’s ugly to look at and this is where some souls choose to stay ..... those I work with ... continue to RISE.... as they USE this KEY with diligence and discipline reap the rewards....on a daily basis.... it becomes a lifestyle... not a fashion accessory!! Meditation is not like how the yoga mat has become, a fashion accessory of spirituality. Hahaha....
The nervous system does not need force, it requires a KEY to unlock the unique CODES OF YOUR SOUL ..... to awaken and be expressed in this divine human mission.
Imagination with wrong thinking, is CHAOS
The EGO does not need to be dissolved, it requires bringing it into submission, so it sits in the back of the car, and shuts the duck(f) up.... and you begin to walk alongside one another and on the path are the LEADER, the powerful I AM...... The painter, and not the painting. You learn how to 'break-free' of what was, the attachments, and begin the path of self-mastery.
Once, the mind is still, then INTUITIVE WISDOM can be felt, heard, seen, or known... and decisions are not made by the mind..... they are made with the intuitive gifts and the guidance of HEART.
Those that think it’s the mind that makes decisions simply don’t yet know..... the TRUTH EXISTS beyond thinking......
To path to heart-mind harmony and a path of SELF-MASTERY...... no matter what happens EXTERNALLY, the power within IS where it’s at...
Even souls that have meditated for years. Have learnt this Vedic method with me..... and the inner lights went’s the KEY..... back to you.
The VEDIC path of awareness and a leap in consciousness......
Transcend to ascend
Into your greatness!
What you seek is not outside you, it is the last place you will ever look. You are complete, yet the veils of the illusion are binding you too the past, and blocking the power of the NOW.
At your service
- A path of inner freedom, is within you! (click this link for more info.)
Zoe Bell