Freedom is found in knowing I AM

Freedom is found in knowing I AM

Freedom is not a word you really hear of too often unless it’s referring to a human rights issue or a prisoner situation, yet it’s a word that holds so much power, energy and influence in our lives. Freedom somehow sneaks under the mind radar and cloaks itself in lower level thought sub-sets like better health, more leisure time or a new job that ultimately are seeking expression as freedom.

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Freedom is often the reason someone unexpectantly leaves regular employment, an unfulfilling relationship, a family home, career path or even a poor diet and exercise path yet it will rarely be verbally expressed as such.

And in the search for more money, better health, better relationships, promotion, spiritual awareness or to find ways to get more time for ourselves, all has a root in the sense of freedom that we believe they will bring.

Life tends to be cyclical in nature with a constant state of polarity +/- and if we care to knock, seek and ask, we can eventually notice that situation contains its equal and opposite. It’s not easy to accept at times but nothing is all good or all bad.

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Now its not uncommon to enter these life cycles at any age with a sense of being lost, however the older you enter a transition period the greater the sense of time or lack of embellishes what you believe you can or cannot do.

So it is, that it becomes easy in our middle age to shackle ourselves to job, position or career that actually no longer serves us, inspires us or necessarily rewards us other than paying the bills. This debilitating position can lead to thoughts and behaviours that restrict our freedom even further as we become dependant on medicating our emotions with foods, alcohol, unhealthy behaviours and pharmaceutical quick fixes.

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So as we search for a solution, it’s important to start by being lucidly clear about whom we believe we really are. Who are you? Have you ever stopped to contemplate that? You are not your body, you are not your job title, you are not even your family status, mother, father etc. These are just titles you give to a particular function you perform. And if you are experiencing a sense of being lost, stuck or otherwise it can only be because you are not being YOU!

In the Christian Bible God was reported to have replied, I AM when asked by Moses "Who shall I say you are". This can mean that I AM everything, from me are all things or I AM whatever you believe I AM. It's consciousness.

Regardless of any faith or belief, it’s not hard not to see Human Beings as the highest form of creation or evolution. Human Beings are capable of absolutely anything...and that includes all of us regardless of our status and education. And deep in our unconscious mind we have an image of self (I AM) that has exclusive rights to our thoughts, feelings and ultimately our actions, circumstances and results.

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If you are feeling stuck or less than inspired by your current situation/s - perhaps you are over 45 years old with a false sense that time is running out for you? Try this exercise:

Grab a piece of paper and write I AM…..(writing creates thinking so use pen and paper, don't type!).

Then really contemplate who you really are and write down what comes to mind. Remember! You are not a CEO, plumber, secretary, wife or otherwise, they are functions you perform however you are valuable, resilient, inspiring, strong, determined, creative, achieving, capable etc. The words and expression you write after I AM will hold up a mirror as to why you are experiencing the circumstances, events and results you have done and continue to do so in life. Your deepest sense of I AM is the reason you do what you do, see what you see and get what you get.

Your freedom is held in expressing your I AM statement…knowing who you are and letting it play out in life.

And if all you come up with appear to be negative statements because you are currently in a mindset cycle of being lost then use polarity and ask: Who is it that I believe I AM not…this again will illicit who your true I AM is looking to express.


