Freedom Estate Plan Course Launched
Jeffrey G. Marsocci
The Plain English Attorney ? Estate Planner ? Author ? Speaker
A Happy New Year to all!
Today (January 6, 2024) marks both the day I return to work from my annual break as well as the launch of a new course called?Freedom Estate Plans. The information inside is not really new for those of you who have read my book?Estate Planning Basics?or who have followed the?YouTube Channel?over the last few years. However, it is a rebranding of those materials to reach a specific audience who are more concerned about government interference in their private lives, including in their estate.?
So if you would like to check out this new angle, as well as the digital version of a “new” book called The Freedom Estate Plan (it’s actually reworked from Estate Planning Basics and its predecessor The Anti-Probate Revolution), then please check it out at? In the meantime, check out the course’s introduction below…
Welcome to Freedom Estate Plans, where you can learn more about keeping the government, its agents, and attorneys out of your business. Life as a citizen is complicated enough, and taxes and government interference are everywhere. However, there are some who understand that until laws and government change, the best way to minimize government meddling in your life is to set things up legally and the right way to “privatize” your affairs.
For example, did you know?
When someone passes on without an estate plan, the state government decides where your assets go.
When someone passes on using?the probate-lawyer-approved Last Will and Testament, then the estate has to go through probate.
Probate generally eats up 4-10% of an estate, with a large chunk of it going to lawyer fees, to the point you might as well consider it a “lawyer tax.”
Government red tape in the form of inventories, mandatory documentation, and estate regulations can delay the settlement of an estate for months or even years.
All of these government filings with the probate court are open to the public, so marketing people and con artists alike can view the balance on all of your accounts, assets, and possessions that go through the process along with your beneficiary names, ages, and addresses.
But there is a solution to keep at least most of your assets out of probate, and that is a revocable living trust. This is the same legal entity that Patrick Henry used for the first time in the?New World, for his client the lieutenant governor of Virginia. When assets are set up inside a revocable living trust, they avoid probate and all of the bureaucratic red tape that comes along with it. And you keep total control over all of your assets for the rest of your life.
So please press on and see how a Freedom Estate Plan can help you protect yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary government regulations, taxes, and fees. After all, it is your patriotic right to arrange your own affairs to stay in control of your destiny and pass on as much of your life’s work as possible to the people you choose… not Uncle Sam, not the governor, and not the clerk of probate court.